Ep 2507b – Just Because Something Isn’t Public Doesn’t Mean…, Shock And Awe
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Trump and the patriots are making the [DS] feel the pressure. Everyday more and more information is dripped out and puts pressure on the [DS]. The hunters have now become the hunted. The patriots are using a tactic based on the use of overwhelming power and spectacular displays of force to paralyze the enemy’s perception of the battlefield and destroy their will to fight. The push to remove [JB] has begun. Trump mentioned that the 25th Amendment would come back to haunt him.
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- ← Ep 2507a – The World Is Watching, World Bank, IMF Panic
- Ep 2508b – While Congress Is Away, The Month Of August Is Traditionally A Really Hot Month →
They’re trying to erase God consciousness with critical race/gender theory which causes division and increases suicidal ideation amongst our precious children. States definitely need to take control of their children’s’ curriculum in schools. This is a world wide program for our kids and grandkids.
The Election audits are making these leftist officials verry nervous and tweeting like birds. People are noticing. IF “THEY” HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE they WOULD WELCOME INVESTIGATION TO ‘PROVE INNOCENCE’. RIGHT? YES! Of course! I should not, but I do enjoy watching “cheats” squirm under the heat of the magnifying glass. I suspect Indelible/indisputable proof of their guilt will become available for ALL to see in due course.
Thank God for your daily podcast Dave. You keep so many of us informed and CALM.
Love your voice and new York accent, remember that all the crooks are detained at gitmo, many arrests has been made and some have been executed I have been told
So sick of the bs… they’ve infected the military,our last hope & bc of these posts,they know the patriots’ plan…
The Plandemic is FAUx Pas FUAci’s FAUlt.
Hidden in plain sight.
Same fbi that pushed the fake dossier all trying to take Trump out..now it was antifa & blm dressed as fakepatriots who crashed thru the gates on jan6 dcpolice dressed as antifa shot Ashli babbit,all started it & waved in patriots,only 1was shot & it was a trumper.. the d’s set this all up to assassinate Trump voters…
Feds were in front with antifa smashing windows on Jan6 attacks in Trump gear, they waved the rest in.. they were peaceful..Pelosi told guard to not show up along with congress who claimed was in fear of their lives,yet weren’t even there.. they are just actors that run congress,none qualified..all setup by Nancy & her squad to make it look like trumpers.. these ppl are evil liars & turned a ff into domestic terrorist which Trump wanted antifa & blm to be call a week b4that,but they refused even tho our cities were being looted,burned & shot cops & trumpsters… it’s all lies, they are all corrupt & now wokeness in our military..our country is an embarrassment & every communist country know it, they want us all dead, they wanted civid here & worked with chyna to bring it here to take out our economy,our 45th prep & to steel the election by phoney flu & fake mailing ballots…no way Biden got 80 mil..he can’t even get 500 ppl at his rallys.. they stole it & it’s so obvious! We want our country back
The choice is clear & simple: Juneteenth or July 4th.
i.e. ignorance, imprecision, race division, momentary black superiority & One World government; OR knowledge, precision, Citizenship, Constitutional equality & Rule of Law.
What’s YOUR National “Independence Day”?
Life, liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Love ❤️ you Dave!
Destroy Phizer, Astrazenika and Moderna. Obliterate them. They’re all murderers and are guilty of genocide …… and they’re all owned by Jews. Oh, but that’s just a coincidence.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
Dave is so optimistic.
My friends that work at Haiku market were celebrating that Fauci was fired. I tried to find info on this to no avail. Did you hear anything?
Thanks Dave for all the good work. Pray we get those innocent Trumpers out of prison. They’re political prisoners!!
I believe it is Mel K, not Mel Q. I know who you are referring to.
In God we trust.
not really sure how to find what you post anymore .. there seems no option to subscribe .. you’re not on rumble (unless someone else posts your stuff .. so what can you suggest? you’re obviously not ‘unlisted’ for a fair number of folks seem to be listening to you.. just not me?!
I cant share on Facebook so just left this reply. Because you are not a publisher. You have NO right to tell me what to do. But DONT look at the calendar. Look at your Watch for the time you are switched OFF. Have a nice LAST moment.
We are hearing now that we won’t see the results of the Arizona Audit here in Phoenix until August. The evil left has to be loving how slow this is all taking. We do not see any General Patton’s here. EVerything is super slow as we continue to watch this nightmare of Joe Biden.
Ya know Dave,
Your work is great, and like I’ve said before I think a lot like you do. With this episode though, the graphics are a bit disturbing. The smoke clouds shrouding the burning city don’t have any red in them comparable to the red on Trump’s face, which happens very much to look like blood. It very much looks like blood coming from his forehead, his left eye, and the left side of his mouth.
Was this a mistake, or were you trying to send another message?
Please subscribe me to the X-22 Reports.
Send to [email protected]
Thank you:
Maurice M. Monett
Why are you calling lies – fake news?
Hunter is known for playing with himself in his naked videos, and with various other sex partners. With his drug addled brain it is doubtful to many of us that he could even attempt to play around with paint and canvas.
AFLDrs have been voicing concerns for over one year since March 2020. They have been stifled and punished with job threats over the same period. The only difference is their numbers are growing. Even now, with all the inarguable facts, I have friends, as stupid as they seem to be, who deny the truths of Trump being wrongly accused, Wuhan Covid being deliberately used as a weapon, voting fraud involving foreign nations, blm and antifa actually domestic terrorist groups, etc…. Actually, my allegiance to my “dumb” friends is waning. I have plenty of smart friends. There you have it! The left doesn’t only divide races; IQs are being divided.
Biden is not our President. Trump won and he did not concede. He is still flying on AF1 while the new white house is built. Pedo Joe should be going to GITMO for treason for rigging the election. Pedo Joe has never been in the white house or the pentagon. All of his oval office scenes were done in a Hollywood studio made for a movie. I think pedo Joe will be gone by the end of June and no, Kamala won’t take his place. Both of her parents were not born in the USA. They are both anchor babies, making her not eligible for President. In fact I don’t think she is not eligible for vice President, so like Joe is the fake President, Kamala is the fake Vice President.
Junteenth a Federal Holiday????!!!! That is well and good but HOW DARE THIS FEDERAL GOVERMENT, OUR UNITED STATES FEDERAL GOVERNMENT NOT MAK “9/11 MEMORIAL DAY” A Federal Day of MOURNING, THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES. When President Trump is IN, we will write and write until this is done for the 3,000 citizens who lost their lives, Firemen Police Officers, EMS WORKERS. Innocent workers who sat at their desks, having their breakfast, as they did each day, rushing to work to make it on time (I was one of them). Getting in elevators in the WTC, that they sadly never exited. HOW DARE OUR GOVERNMENT IGNORE THIS DAY OF MOURNING THAT CHANGED AMERICA FOREVER!! It is an outrage!!!
“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action” – Ian Fleming.
X22- Everything you report is real. Only or the majority of the listeners are patriots; many like you, preach to the choir. It tortures the patriots, and doesn’t really awaken many, but a few. Our voice is faint to the masses, and keep losing our platforms. If Trump received 80% of the votes… i guarantee you that less than 20% of the population are awake. The United States population won’t awake. The leaders or the white hats are baffled. Even showing them fails. It s taking way too long. To continue the loosh and the karma buildup, will only result in something very ominous.
You might have a hard time to come to the realization that the only way to get (or save) humanity, is called JUSTICE. Without justice, there is no hope for humanity. THE REAL PROBLEM is spiritual. People have more love for their EGO and LIES, than for the truth and others. Doesn’t matter how you slice it and dice it; you would be one of the rarest if you are not an egomaniac. When justice will not be served down to the nurse that gives the JABS, with the police who brutalize and detains unlawfully someone refusing to wear a mask, to those who considered to genocide as political figure – scientist – authorities – head of institutions and companies, to all black budgets and their secrets to off-worlder activities; with all the usual injustice experienced in “normal” times as police brutality and their immunity, politician lies and their unaccountability. etc…
It is a myth, that not to give the death sentence to those from paperclip file, that humanity needed their contribution of knowledge because of dire straight… when benevolent ET”s offered much more technology and science, not in exchange of nuclear bombs, but in exchange of dealing exclusively with benevolent ET’s and ripping every deals with the malevolent ones. Truman and Eisenhower and the Pope preferred the dark side. It is a lie that benevolent ET’s asked in exchange to relinquish the nuclear bomb… Their rebuttal was answered by the benevolent ET’s (Pleiaidans) that it was the last attempt with governments as representative of humanity and that governments had until 2012 to make a REAL FULL DISCLOSURE else after 2012 “they” will start to increase their visibility and have direct contact bypassing (and yes bypassing) every authorities and evil representative of humankind , with the normal “joe and jane”.
TWO choices will become obvious: either earth will be served justice on every level as described above where EGO’s will be brought to its knees and dealt harshly with until “do me no harm, anymore”, and civilization will start to transform and thrive within the galactic community; or those who deserve better under the hardship we all know today, that remnant will be evacuated so the extermination of what is left of mankind will be initiated. There will be no more compartmentalization, secrecy, people saying that they committed no crime because they were under orders. A human does not submit another human. A human does not harm or injure another human on purpose, A human does not kill another human. That is the Creator laws for humans. Where does that leave the POLICE, SOLDIERS, POLITICIANS etc. Does lying create harm and injustice?
What we are witnessing, is the death of the EGO-maniacs. ARE YOU one them? i’m sure you answered: no. Good Luck!
If we say Beetlejuice 3 times maybe Lightfoot will disappear:-)
About the land purchase by a TX AF Base. You know I found an article that there was an 88 acre plot purchased next to Travis AFB…..and what is not far away….a huge wind turbine farm. The article I read claims the buyer was not disclosed but someone from DC. Another coincidence is there is a huge Amazon “additional” warehouse being built in Vacaville nearby. It all kind of makes me go hmmmm. Oh and Obama did declare Lake Berryessa (also nearby) a federal reserve. This just burnt up last August. What did they have a 30 plan? Just saying.
I think my x22report site has been tampered with. Not responding as it should. Unable to review / see all episodes. And what’s really unusual is there seems to be an elongated encryption with numbers and letters on the home page . I am finding the site / episodes, but something feels off. Are we starting to see some shenanigans possibly ??
Why does the military not step in and arrest all the politicians for treason. Why have they not already moved to charge Biden and Harris for treason and crimes against man. We all know this pandemic was nothing more than the Dems weaponizing the common cold. But as long as they want to push that story why not call their hand and charge Biden and Harris with attempted genocide by reinfecting the nation with thousands of undocumented illegal imagrants. Play as dirty as they do get some real results.
Let the military shut down the government. Hold a tribunal and charge all guilty parties with treason. Reinstate the real president and use the evidence of a fraudulent election come out get all the players. You guys are giving them too much room to run. Stop this madman and gather the puppet masters. Fix this before the rest of the world starts lobbing missiles at America. Because Biden hasn’t enough backbone to defend the US.
Stop this madness. Go ahead and charge Biden/Harris with attempted genocide. By reinfecting the nation with their deadly pandemic. By releasing thousands of undocumented illegal emigrants into the nation. This will cause them to say either the pandemic is fake or concede to a fraudulent election. Let the military go in and arrest every single politician in the government. Release the innocent ones and hold the guilty responsible for treason. A military tribunal will uncover all the deep state an drain the swamp. Reinstate our duly elected president and repair our federal government. Before one of the other countries start lobbing missiles at the US.
So many of our agencies are corrupt now. It seems FDA exists to prop up Big Pharma. It wants to ban NAC, probably because people are having success with it to help respiratory illness, which received a lot of attention during Covid. It’s really amazing how deep this doo doo goes.