Ep 2511a – The People Know The Main Problem, The People Are Being Prepped
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[JB] is trying to explain why private businesses can’t find workers, he doesn’t want to admit that by paying people to stay home will stop people from working. Private business does not have a printing press like the government so they cannot just pay them more. People are seeing the problem, it is the [CB] fiat system. 83% of the people are nervous about inflation. El Salvador takes the next step.
- ← Ep 2510b – [FF] Alert, See Something, Say Something, Red Line Will Be Crossed
- Ep 2511b – Fraud Vitiates Everything, Panic, Wait For The Signal, The Heat Is Building →
I’m wondering if the number of illegals needs to match up with the locations and number of extra ballots being exposed with the election audits. If they can push their “ID is racist” agenda, it would support my theory… Just thinking