Ep 2524a – Trump Releases The Bait, Will [JB] & [CB] Go Take It
Protect Your Retirement W/ A Gold. IRA
Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^^
Banks are now scrambling they know something is coming, WF decides to end credit for customers. Trump releases the bait, will the [CB]/[JB] take it. The people must see it and experience everything the [DS]/[CB] want to demand change. China [CB] are now pushing their agenda, push everyone away from crypto.
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- Ep 2524b – Facts Are Coming Out At A Level Which Can Be Called“Fast & Furious”,Let’s See What Happens →
I have been following you for a long time and apriciate all that you do. It must be very time consuming to put these videos out each day to give the people truth and hope. Australia is going through the same rubbish too and I think the rotten politicians are following instructions from that German fool shwabb. God help us all. Once again thank you.
After listening to you for 9 months…..I determined you advocated Bitcoin….now you haven’t mentioned it in awhile. Please advise……where do we get more information?