Ep 2526b – Running Red, Red Lines Are About To Be Crossed, Zero Bubble
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The [DS] is panicking, [JB] flies off to PA to convince people that there is no such thing as election fraud. The people know better, people are awake. The [DS] is now putting everything in place for [FF1], they are now moving authorities into FL and CA. The [DS] is going to cross red lines, everything is about to run red. The truth is about to come out and the elite need to control the narrative, they will try everything and anything, but this will fail, the patriots know the playbook, countermeasures in place.
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- ← Ep 2526a – The [CB] Economic Disaster Is Spreading, Watch What The Do Next, People Are Waking Up
Come on with it Joe!
I am encouraged about the upcoming California recall of newsome.
The Conservative syndicated radio talk show host Larry Elder is running for Governor in California. Larry lives in Los Angeles and is an attorney. I am excited about Larry running for Governor. He will get my vote.
With regard to the proposed vaccine. Are you familiar with “AGENDA 21”? Was brought to my attention via a post on Locals platform. Found it to be in line with what is going on at present.
When is President Trump getting back in the White House and getting Biden and Harris and the rest of the Dem out of the White House and put in prison??? This country is going down the shit tube!! Please do something to stop this madness to our country!
When is President Trump getting back in the White House and getting Biden and Harris and the rest of the Dem out of the White House and put in prison??? This country is going down the shit tube!! Please do something to stop this madness to our country!
Let’s stop talking about this and let’s do something about this problem Now!!
I’m from Michigan, the land with the 3 Democratic ladies in charge, and we are now being subjected to Employer Mandated Vaccinations! The Henry Ford Medical System has told their 33,000+ employees to be vaccinated or terminated by September 10, 2021. This will also apply to outside businesses contracted to work in any of their facilities. Several other hospitals in the area have already jumped on the bandwagon and are now mandating their employees be vaccinated, too. As you know, President Biden just visited here to speak in person with our governor and legislative leadership. I feel it’s just a matter of time before these mandates are implemented locally, as he desires. Henry Ford employees are aware this is a violation of their 14th Amendment and the Nuremberg Code; they and other interested parties are planning to protest on Saturday, July 17. All we can hope for is the people taking a stand will have an impact! Unfortunately, our Attorney General Nessel threatens anyone who questions the Deep State’s agenda. Any suggestions?
Convenient communications excuse coming . . .
Sounds like the criminals in the White House have found a way to spy on Americans without having to get a FISA warrant. How far are we going to let them go? Every time we fail to respond to their tyranny, they come up with even more ways to take our freedoms.
Ever time the ds crises a red line the countermeasures are the American people get fucked
I tell everyone I speak with to check out “x22report.com”. It’s a small part but hopefully more people will be informed about something other than the dummying of msm.
I think we need to take another look at the Parkland shooting, in light of the FBI involvement in the Whitmer kidnapping plot. I believe they put someone on that kid to coach him to shoot, and the reason I believe that is because several people called FBI about his Facebook posts, and they “couldn’t find him”, even though all the kids in that school knew right away, they said, who the shooter was due to his history at that school. I saw the first vip interview and it was obvious that shooting was about gun control and politics.
Hi Dave. Thanks everything you’re doing. I think CPSD in Red 4 post is the Capital Police State Department. Marines are with Trump. Hope that helps.
I think, when they come to ask me who influenced me, I’ll say Biden, Harris, CNN, CNBC, etc…
Hey Dave,
What do you know about nesara gesara?
When can anyone arrest Wray for treason ?
Note: We already have ‘voter I.D.’ here in Texas – been challenged and fought at every turn, but established for some time now… dates back to the Obonzo years. On deck now, is the tightening up of ‘early’ voting (admittedly runs too long) and mail in’s (which shouldn’t exist at all).
Barr was a Bush AG first time around – there’s your first clue, Sherlock.
Hey Dave, OUTSTANDING Episode!! Thank You! Thinking about “RED 4…” I looked up meanings for CPSD, here: https://www.acronymfinder.com/Military-and-Government/CPSD.html Top one was Contingency Planning and Support Division (FEMA). Check out some of the others. I was thinking that you were suggesting Capital Police… Security Division or some such thing. But, now I lean toward the first definition concerning a FEMA connection. What are your thoughts
Too bad Durahm was appointed by Barr. I bet it goes nowhere unfortunately.
so, is bill barr a black hat? i do not understand anymore.
please help me calm my nerves.
So tired of these tyrannical usurpers!!!
So tired of these tyrannical usurpers!!!
So tired of these tyrannical tyrants!!! May they roast in hell!!!
Why can’t I see others comments?
One of the big problems is these people in the government believe they are ” lawmakers” that’s not why we put them in office. They are there to push our will.
Even God only gave us humans 10 rules to live by. Because even God knew we were stupid, so he just gave us the important ones. In summary his rules state don’t do anything that would make someone want to kill you because thou shalt not kill. And making someone want to kill you is even worse.