Ep 2533b – Rand Paul Is On The Hunt, [DS] Being Hit From All Sides, Next Phase Coming
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The [DS] is now losing the narrative on the economy, border, virus and the elections. The patriots continue to push more and more at the [DS] and as the [DS] tries to spin it all they are losing the narrative, plus each faction wants to push their agenda and the narratives are crossing each other and now people are asking questions. Rand Paul is now going after Fauci, why did Trump let Fauci handle it all, he set him up. The next phase is coming and it will bring justice, the [DS] will try to retaliate but it will fail, they don’t control the flow information.
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- ← Ep 2533a – [CB] Supply Chain Narrative Begins, The People Are Going To See It All
How do you sign up for your emails? I’m not seeing that!
You mentioned other vaccines used for other illnesses but those were vaccines. What they are giving now are not vaccines. The non-vaccine vaccine they are giving and will shut your immune system down so if you get an infection on you arm or a cold or other bug you will die. All will die that got jabbed unless we find a fix. Also because it makes your blood clot, pilots that got jabbed shouldn’t fly. Flying make the clots worse. Take the shot that you don’t need and get clots, loose your immune system and even if you don’t fly the clots can give you strokes or a heart attract and will if you don’t die first. More than half that got ones now with covid-19 got jabbed and are still getting Covid-19 and are spreaders of covid-19 and this winter before they die will become super spreaders. Besides that you didn’t get heard immunity because you got the jab that killed your immune system. The biggest Doctors are saying this and if you haven’t heard it then why not? What are you doing to protect yourself and your family, maybe nothing, right so you die. Your can’t fix stupid.
Aloha Dave,
Check the facts about the polio vaccination in Africa and the non-wild cases in their people and the atrocity that mr. Bill and his cronies perpetrated on them; not to forget what has been forced on the Indians!?
Aloha oi,
Bob Maui
I love watching your videos, Sean, but i gotta tell u i’m getting VERY DISCOURAGED by all i am hearing, I really think the DJT TRAIN is way too slow…and these monsters are closing in on us patriots. i appreciate your efforts, really i do- but the censorships, the jabs, the totalitarian march towards NWO, our Fk’d up whorestream media has really discouraged me. THEY WILL NEVER RECALL THESE POISONOUS SHOTS!!!
Even the HOPIUM isn’t helping me anymore!!! This false hope is not healthy, Sean! We’re waiting for a cavalry that ain’t gonna come!!!!😢😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞☹️
Hi Dave…You’re the BEST! What about ET’s? What’s the deal? So much about the subject now. Maybe you’re afraid to lose some eye-rolling listeners…but you might have to disclose soon. It’s weird, but there’s a lot there involving the government and the child abductions.
Thanks for all you do. 👽❤
Does anyone know if Monkey Werx is okay. I haven’t been able to find any of his regular podcasts for the last 6 or so days. With the DS censoring, I’m concerned for him. Thank you.
The DS trying to rerun the mask and confinement edict once again, reminds me of the Wizard of Oz being revealed when Toto pulls back the curtain. The weak old man is seen pulling levers and pushing buttons, even after the illusion is over.
The DS trying to replay the mask and confinement edict, reminds me of the Wizard of Oz being revealed when Toto pulls back the curtain. The week old man is seen pulling levers and pushing buttons, desperately trying to keep up the deception, after everyone knows the truth. Thanks Toto!
Please , a “must see”,
Dr. David Martin, scientist and research expert re: “patents”, et. al.
“A Manufactured Illusion”
Yes, Fauci is a liar. Yes, there was fraud in the elections. Yes, 1-6 was a set-up. Yes, antifa and blm are anti-american rioters. Yes, law breakers can loot many stores with no fear of law. THERE IS NO LAW LEFT so who??? is going to arrest anyone(except Americans)?
Paul can’t give Fauci an out. People died…a LOT of people.
I do hope you are right and that justice is coming. Let us hope also, that it is not too late.
Hi Dave,
Perhaps we should finally question whether the vaccine is not only not working but also make the people even more fragile for other diseases.
Thank you.
Kind regards
Rahim Laaba, Zurich
Karry Mullis never said it doesn’t work for covid !!!! He died in August before covid !!! WHAT HE SAID WAS it should not be used for viruses because it is to easy to get the results your looking for !
Hi Dave,
Do you ever watch the Stew Peters show? I have attached an interview he did with a Dr. McGreevy, a D.C. insider. This guy was dropping truth bombs left and right. He said Trump asked the head of the National Guard to send troops as security on 1/6. This man denied Trump. This man was then appointed, by Pelosi, to be the Sargent of arms in the Congress.
One last thing, Stew on Rumble has all his interviews. He does a lot on the jab. The interview with Dr. Ruby on the blood of the vaxxed was fascinating. She shows a blood smear of the unvaccinated. They looked healthy. Next to this she showed a blood smear of the vaccinated. It was horrifying.
Love your show.
I am a fan, and thank you for what you do.
So exciting at every turn! Love it! During the first lock down, like so many others I delved deep too. I found that George S owned the wuhan lab. I found that they also manufacturer a certain horrific drug that certain “people” love, that DJT hinted at with his misspelling of children – chidlern – in a 2012 tweet.
Remember those who first got the rona? The vatican, celebrities, politicians… tainted drug perhaps?
Justice is coming. All will be known. For the children, it’s all about the children. Unity and blessings to ALL. I am enjoying this show immensly.
Latest CDC Data Show Reports of Adverse Events After COVID Vaccines Surpass 200,000, Including 943 Among 12- to 17-Year-Olds
What’s not being said about Phizer Coronavirus Vaccine
Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death
TED Interview with Bill Gates, March 2020 (difficult to contain his glee; promoting Teams)
TED Talk by Bill Gates, March 2015 (predictive programming)
I thank you for the information
This country going down..We want Trump back..fight these DEMONRATS
Can you look into the report from Dr. David Martin, he shows all the patents for the coronavirus. The interview is on Rumble.
Love watching your podcasts.
Thank you Dave for giving us information that we cannot get elsewhere. Thank you for the hope. God bless. Stay safe, stay blessed and always stay prepared