Ep 2574b – “I Do Believe They Are Going To Decertify The Election”,Counter Punch, 15th Round
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The [DS] is now preparing their event, we are in a full blown information war. The [DS]/fake news will now push as many distractions as possible to keep the focus of the main event. The main event is the election fraud, the [DS] cheated to put the resident in place. As we get closer and closer to the forensic audit being released we will see more draconian measures to keep the news cycle clogged and the people talking about other things. When this begins to fail, they will then push riots and a communication blackout. We are now in the 15th round, the counter punch is coming and the election will most likely be decertified.
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Decertify the (2020 Presidential) election? I certainly hope so…As Trump said, “a thief is not allowed to keep his ill-gotten gains.”
Thanks Dave. Patel Patriot says devolution has already begun. Are there any signs that point to this?
Awesome honest news, no bullshit. I wish we could get you guys on mainstream fake media and let the people know the truth.
kek… the dumb-o-crats/ds fight back?
they can try. this is all a fake admin., treason.
“we” can end the game NOW, nothing they can do…NOTHING.
“we” have it all…
I hear the Queen of England (Elizabeth II) has been dead for quite some time. But the DS has been keeping her passing under wraps. When the audit rpt comes out, they’ll release it so it will clog the news cycle 24/7. That’s their next play!
It’s about time the patriots started playing our game instead of always reacting to their game. List the traitors and the militia will take care of it if trump is to chickenshit to wipe them out.
Everything is moving too slowly. Too much irreversible damage has already been done.
As we get closer to the audit being released,….??? It didn’t happen in AUGUST, and we are halfway through September,…and still nothing but the same old BULLSHIT,….” SOON”,…that never comes to reality.
I believe sending treasonous people to jail is unacceptable the Constitution is clear the penalty for treason is death!
I do so enjoy listening to your reports.
I listen to everything Dave says, he has everything spot on, brilliant. My concern is the percentage of Americans that are awake, there are a tremendous amount of people in the USA who still believe that Covid comes from a bat in soup and Biden is the true president, clueless……not only that, they couldn’t be bothered. It’s a concern!!!
Hey Dave:
Re: 11:00
NO IT IS NO DIFFERENT,,what we are seeing is the exact same thing we saw happen to the Jewish and minority people of the Second World War in Europe,,This IS the same just on a much larger scale,,does the word GLOBAL mean anything to you??? These so called “people” and by that I mean the globalists need to be stopped and the sooner the better! I for one can`t wait for the Nuremberg style trials to begin and then finally see them all swing!!!
THANK YOU, DAVE, for your devotion, persistence, energy, optimism & support to us, often isolated “patriots” & freedom lovers, who are denied an equal voice, publicly & privately. Once seen, the TRUTH is so blatantly obvious, but so SHOCKING, that it takes time – often years – to adjust. From the beginning of ‘COVID-19’, I ask(ed): 1. “SINCE WHEN does an elected politician get to dictate MY PERSONAL MEDICAL CHOICES?” 2. Since when to pharmacists dictate to doctors? 3. I asked a doctor-friend: “WHEN did they change the definition of a “vaccine”? (Most people know what a real vaccine is & what they expect it to do.) NOW, two years later, Big Pharma seeks to CHANGE the definition of a “vaccine”. NOBODY gets to twist words & meanings with me. They LIE, THEY LIE. THEY LIE. They kill & they will die. MAGA!
Yo Dave,,,how goes??? Good I hope!!!
Re: 27:00
Where`s Waldo??? LMAO !!
This IS what happens when a KNOWN WAR CRIMINAL!!!,,,,anyway this IS what`s happening,,,they doen`t give a F#$k about you OR humanity! Let that sink in eh!! LOL!!
Thanks for keeping me sane !!Keep at `er ,,doing a great job Dave,,,thanks for all you do!
I was at my doctor’s office last week as I told you in my last comment I live in N.C. also live in Cleveland County she was telling me that the virus is very bad here which reminded me that the last time they said it was very bad in Gaston County and ask her about it which made her mad. She continued to tell me in Burke County which she said was only 22 vaccinated that it was so bad they had make shift morgues there because of the deaths she got mad at me a number of times during my visit because I was not scared as she wanted me to be. I have also heard instead of firing the people at work places here they are suspending them until they get the shots which means no help what so ever alot of people within a very short time will be living on the streets.
Novant in NC was pushing the jab big time. I told my Dr after they had scheduled my vaccine that I wasn’t going to get it. When I left his office that day the print out you get about office visit had mood disorder added to it. I was hot! About six months later I went on line and sent and explanation why I didn’t agree with that diagnosis. As a CCW holder I saw the implications and problems that diagnosis could cause. I’m 69 years old and carried a gun my entire adult life and have never had any cause to draw on anyone. I explained to Novant Dr the main stream Dr’s that disagree with the false narrative about Covid and the Alternative meds that stop and or cure Covid. I reminded him that I had the flu ( Covid) in March 2021, didn’t go to Dr or hospital and was over it in 5-6 days taking vitamins and supplements. I stopped taking all vaccines and I mean all vaccines about 7 years ago. Stand your ground, stand by your convictions don’t be bullied into doing something you don’t agree with. Once done it can’t be undone. God help those that took vaccines but God help us that resisted against all the bullying and threats of medical professionals and government agencies.
But your missing a very important point….what’s in the vaccine that they’re pushing soooo hard??? Let’s look at the cell companies putting out all 5G phone practically for free??? What about the rumor floating around about 6G!!!! OK we have to look futher!!!!!!
If Biteme were in control, why would we be conducting military exercises in the South China Sea?
Did you listen to Stu Peters this weekend when he had General Flynn on and he implied there was no plan and the military will not be doing anything?https://stewpeters.podbean.com/e/general-michaelflynn-live-trumpvaccine-rhetoric-afghanistanhowto-winsource-trumpendorsements-being-sold-without-president-s-knowledgecdcchanges-de/
We’re in an information war but those who allegedly “have it all” aren’t sharing their information with the public, who PAID FOR IT WITH THEIR MONEY AND THEIR LIVES. No, the public is too stupid, or needs to learn a lesson, or hasn’t suffered enough yet, or basically just doesn’t deserve to know about the super secret sting operation that would just be too much for their little minds to handle.
The picture of Trumps head on Rockys body is from Rocky III – Rocky had lost to Clubber Lang at the beginning of the movie but he trained hard and in the rematch Clubber Lang (played by Mr T) basically punched himself out and Rockys conditioning was good enough to absorb it- when Clubber was all spent – Rocky knocked him out
Drago was in Rocky 4 – Rocky had to surrender his title to fight Drago is Moscow so there wouldn’t have been any picture like what’s shown with Trumps head on it
I’m going to clarify something for you at this point. The sad case scenario is there is only 1 penalty if found guilty of High Treason, by a Military Tribunal. Death is the only penalty for it. But there are 2 ways that you can go out if found guilty. One is death by hanging, Number 2 is death by Firing squad. So try not to confuse people with the saying military trial. There is a big difference between a trial and a Tribunal. One has a Jury of your peers, Number 2 has a panel of 6 Military Justices, Usually made up of higher ranking Officers
These aren’t vaccines. They are specifically designed to destroy the auto immune system. This will eventually cause people who get sick to die.
David we NEED TO demand the NEW COVID tests NOW ! … Not in December ….