Ep 2578a – Corrupt Federal Agents Involved In Bitcoin Seizure, Red October
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Evergrande is real trouble and it could rock the entire economy of China. Gold has been pushed down hard. The Rep say the debt ceiling will need to be raised by the D’s will we be running red in October. The Bitcoin seizure just took a turn, it seems federal agents are involved in the heist.
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Page 3 of 248
- ← Another Day, Another STOLEN Election (Gavin Newson Recall)
- Ep 2578b – Out They Go,Clean House Is Very Important,[DS] Panicking Over Durham & AZ Forensic Audit →
Love x22 great info I sread everwhere
Wouldn’t it be easier and smarter to cancel the protest, and blame infiltration of Antifa/BLM?
Make that the news story, and the people who are asleep might wake up. Even if there’s not a lot of information it gives people an idea that the other side dresses up and acts like the patriots. It’s a good way to switch up the deep state news cycle.
I wonder how many new jobs can be created to handle the task of auditing (2020 General Election) — and departmentally each year 2020 forward — every single county in every single state AND auditing the Fed — and every STATE Treasury department! The task screams for better staffing — AND the policing of those employees!!
(Yes, there are those who will say this just opens the door for MORE corruption. BUT IF WE QUIT BEFORE WE EVEN START, before we even TRY….., (read Napoleon Hill!! Listen to Donald Trump’s speeches at his rallies!!) IF we try, then America WINS !! and God ALWAYS WINS!! NEVER, NEVER, NEVER quit!!)
Yeah, only in the mind of McTurtle where 50 is less than 48! (46 if ya’ subtract the two stolen seats for Geo.) Must be that good old Kentucky math.