Ep 2581b – “We Must Fight”, Running Red, Sonic Boom, Operation Mockingbird
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The patriots are on the offensive, they are the hunt. The [DS] has no place to hide, no place to run and there will be no deals. The truth is about to be unleashed on the world and the [DS] is preparing to stop it. Get ready for the sonic boom. The month of Oct will be running red, the hunt is on. It is time for the patriots to fight with truth and facts. Operation mockingbird will fail. The clock is ticking down.
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- Trump’s Plan – Patriots Are STILL In Control →
Thank you Dave! I love listening to your news. 💕🎶🎶🤺🎯💕
Warmest regards from New Zealand Annie
Thanks for all you do Sir.
When Donald Trump is reinstalled will Mike Pence be reinstalled too or will kamala harris remain vice president ?
Did Mike Pence deliberately stand down on election day so that people would have this time to see the out come ? Is Mike Pence one of the good people ?
The GA case was pushed out another 60 days, inviting ( likely soon to be concocted) findings from GBI and another untrustworthy agency. As you know, PA is also moving slowly, if at all. It’s clear the legal system is collaborating with the steal and the audits are being neutered. If the legitimate parts of the military really have knowledge of foreign interference, and somebody has déclassé info to communicate, it better happen soon. While some may be waking up, others are running out of gas and being beaten into submission. 3 more months and our country will be lost.
How can there be so many morons?
I believe these are the people who cheat in
Their sex lives.
Democrats are appearing to be the citizens of hell.
We must pity them. They are about to lose their souls and their families and their everything.
Thank you Dave for your insights
Thanks Dave for all your time and effort and dedication in the past several years. We look forward to taking back our Country.
I’m 72 & have followed you religiously for over a year. I have a theory as the push to vax kids. I have taken all measures to protect myself from covid but will NOT get the vax. On 9/5 I spent several hours with my twin granddaughters not knowing my daughter had had them vaxed. On 9/13 I developed a sore throat & by the middle of the next day developed a bad cough & difficulty breathing. In short, I now have covid. All this to say, I believe the reason they want our children vaxed is to create an army of “spreaders” that will infect the vax refusers. And for clarification, I went nowhere, took NO deliveries, & saw no one between 9/5 & 9/13, nor in the preceding 2 weeks. Thanks for listening.
These people can be nothing more than a memory when the people offer them the same deal they offer us. In a matter of hours their time on earth could end should the wrath of the people be visited upon them with extreme predjudice. How about printing up some decks of cards with lowlife targets, because there isnt anything about these people that is High Value. They are nothing more than cockroaches.
Well Dave, what is “running red”?
D5. Nothing can stop what’s coming. Nothing.
Will Sussman be sentenced like Kevin Kleinsmith? Slap on the wrist for lying? Same as making material changes to evidence? The judges ate so corrupt. Expose them all. Maybe it’s these are the ones who won’t be able to walk down the street….?
Thank you Dave
These reports are getting harder and harder to listen to. Trump is basically waging an information war that has done a number on those of us who are already awake. I have childhood ptsd and generalized anxiety. I was in a car wreck that totalled my car and broke my femur this year. I lost friends on facebook because of my political views, and I have seen my favorite pastimes get destroyed. Because of the abuse I endured escapism via media is one of the few ways i can cope with things. It has actually saved me from my abusive biological father and stepmother. A lot of generation x and the millenials, the latter of which I am, have the same story and, like myself, have actually found their identity in it. Regardless of how nefarious all these vampiric plans are to herd culture to their desires, a lot of people rely not only on escapism but also have been shaped by it. We have become co-dependent on all of it. Hell, I even need to have a Youtube video or at least some music on when I fall asleep. Due to this war, I’m scared of going crazy and possibly committing suicide because these power mongers will not let go of grooming us. Why did Trump have to allow a great undoing of our country just to save it? Despite being a Trump supporter, I’m infuriated at him for this. If not him, then I’m mad those he is fighting for causing this psychological fallout to satiate themselves.
The world is run by crime families.
These politicians are all bought and payed for. They belong to the swamp.