Ep 2590b – Strategic, Pre-Planned, Think National Security Strategy, Counterinsurgency
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The patriots have strategically pre-planned everything we are seeing. This is about taking back the country and exposing the [DS] system, and the only to expose it to the people is for the people to see it. As we the people see the [DS] plan the people are waking up, they are engaged, this is part of Trump National Security Strategy, the counterinsurgency which will be used to destroy the [DS]. Buckle up we told it was going to be rough, but the best is yet to come.
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- ← Ep 2590a – People Are Waking Up To The Financial Crisis & The Banking System, It Has Begun
- AZ AG INVESTIGATION BEGINS, Maricopa Co. On Notice →
kek… you know “some” of the people you were talking about are dead…
So what, so we see clearly now what anyone with a brain should have seen 50 years ago. THAT does not matter when all the democrats and RINOs have to do is turn on their fraud machine and cheat the elections. The democrat voter fraud is all that should matter now. Unless we get rid of it, NOTHING will change. You can point out the millions of democrat inconsistencies and hypocrisies, it is all for nothing if the democrat voter fraud is not stopped.
Hi friends
I can’t find the link for the food supply. Could you provide it for me?
Best regards,
Yves Chambaz
Dave at X22 and fellow Patriots-Cirsten W’s TG page shows her interviewing Haitian illegals in a TX airport at the departure gate. She also interviewed the employee of Val Verde Border Humanitarian Coalition in Runge, TX (Del Rio Border Crossing) Their tel# 830-239-8956 Give them a call and ask them how much the Biden Regime is paying them to traffic illegal women and children from Haiti into all 50 States without vetting?
Border Patrol is now mandated to receive the jab or he fired.
1. No one is forcing you to vaccinate. If you want to interact with other people in public spaces, then you will need to prove you are vaccinated or have a legit reason not to.
2. Despite all the conspiracy theories… You guys still trying to deny that Trump talked to Ukraine? He did. We got transcripts. We got witnesses. We got god damn transcripts of that bitch trying to leverage his power onto another nation for personal gain. We can’t deny that fact. You can’t sensor that shit.
Until you recognize these facts, you’re not gonna reach moderate or rational voters.
How does this country get rid off the scourge that is the entire Federal Government “System?” To rid us of the “System “ may require military action to expunge all the players who are stealing the lifeblood of this nation from the citizens. Unfortunately there are still too many who do not see what is going on and they will continue to keep these deep state charlatans in power. And there is no way the “System” will prosecute these criminals because everyone in government are corrupt.
Why do you keep talking when this country is turning into shit. Enough is Enough there is enough evidence to put all these asshole away.
Talk is cheap all you say is the same shit over and over.
Trump is my president either he comes back know or there will be no way to fix all this bullshit.
If you don’t have any good news just zip up your lip
But it looks like trump might not be innocent ..he proclaimed a pandemic with only five people dead…it did t make sense ..I believed in him..totally, but then there was his bankrumpsies that got paid off by…a rothchield…hey I’m not sure what I read was real…but why is all this nonsense with the fake pandemic if he wasn’t apart of it at the first…the whole thing doesn’t make sense..and he never put Clinton in jail as he said he would on the debate stage..and Barr who never did anything..so many of his people never did one thing to put the crooks in jail..just old times..nothing changed. Is he worthy of treason?
God! I hope you are right.
So in the process of trying to end our 2nd they would also try to end all weapons🤔🧐
As you sit on your ass and talk shit. Why don’t you get out there and revolt?
Hi Dave. I try to listen to your daily podcasts but I am troubled by some of the things you say. I appreciate your updates and opinion of current events. But you frequently state that Trump knows this or that or knew/knows of everything as far as the plans of the Deep State. I mean, it’s no conspiracy anymore, it’s an outright agenda, and all one need do is research and read the writings and words of the evil doers. But, how do you know what Trump knows or knew? Do you have an inside connection to him? Are you a mind reader? I realize you do offer a lot of factual information.
I have listened recently to Maria Zack with Nations in Action on several of Doug Billings latest podcasts. Today’s show featured her and Gen. McInerney. Both of them and Doug Billings agreed that the military is not going to have a part in returning this country to Trump or back to a Constitutional Republic. Maria Zack actually said the America we knew is gone because of the coup perpetrated upon us. Yet you keep claiming the white hat military is going to step in. My understanding is the military has now been infiltrated by the Deep State and is compromised. In fact 90% of Congress and most of the government agencies and the judiciary are compromised and probably being blackmailed. Both Dems and GOP are working against we the people.
I want to believe that what you claim is going to happen will happen, that America will come back. But frankly, I don’t know what is actually accurate as pertains to what Trump knows and whether our military is going to step in. I also have a problem with all the Q posts that seem to be akin to reading a horoscope, trying to connect future events from the writings of someone’s prophetic musings. A lot speculation can be read into those posts as one tries to connect dots. So I have to wonder if that is also a hoax along with all the hoaxes being pulled by our now Communist government.
I believe our holy righteous God of the Bible has lifted His hand of protection from this country because of our corporate sins and corruption. Our once Christian-minded government and once self-governing, conscientious, God-fearing citizens have turned our backs on Him to pursue their own way and go after other gods. What we are experiencing is a spiritual war, good versus evil. Trump is not our Savior, the military is not going to step in and save us. There is no playbook other than God’s. I want to believe that if enough people start waking up and get on their knees, God in His mercy will hear our prayers and rescue America. But there must be repentance, a turning from our wicked ways and complete reliance on Him alone. Otherwise, what will you be saving America to? The same condition of spiritual bankruptcy we are currently in? I would love to believe that all you’re saying is true, but I don’t have that kind of hope for this nation. My hope is in Christ alone, that our salvation is determined only on an individual basis, not as a collective entity. Please respond to this and help me understand how you claim to know all you know about Trump and the military. I do agree that there has been a satanic evil plan since the beginning of time and much of what you discuss is right on the money when you discuss corruption and current events. You are trying to get us to think for ourselves, and that’s good, but I have to filter what you say in comparison to what I hear other patriots saying. It is confusing to those of us who love this country and what she stands for to hear opposing opinions from people who are supposed to be on the same side. I hope you can offer more clarity. My heart breaks, though, thinking that we are witnessing the purposeful destruction of this nation. We have poked our filthy fingers of corruption and perversion in God’s eye for too long and He has finally given us up to our wicked ways. The only hope is to come to Him individually, ask for forgiveness and repent. Then maybe, one by one, we can bring this country back to what she used to be, a nation under God. If we don’t do that, if America does not change, one heart at a time, then there no longer will be a nation.
I’d be interested in your response.
Ellen Picket
Please READ the Second Amendment. It’s not long. The sentence ends, “shall not be infringed.” PERIOD.
So? Although we now normally say ‘X infringes on/upon Y,’ THAT IS NOT what 2A says. And the Founders’ grammar IS NOT incorrect here. Please don’t ‘infringe upon’ the wording in the Constitution.
And thank you for your hard work, clear explanations & daily encouragements.
You’re doing great work Dave. Thanks.
Effective this morning (Oct 1) Your vids no longer play on older Macs. FYI. The blackout has begun. Not everyone has an iphone (I don’t) or a new computer. FYI. Updates are eliminating access.
Love your show. Thanks for all the info and insights. Been watching for almost 2 years. God Bless.
Rebecca Stewart
PS: The term “conspiracy theory” is not the same as a REAL conspiracy and yes there is one. It’s not just a “theory”. Your incorrect use of these words drives me nuts.! Please stop conflating them.
Himm. They lost their lives to be free?
Is that what we gotta do?
You need to include the info in this video in your next report!
Thank you for being on top of everything and giving us what is real and what is not.
@18:45 Regarding the CDC … This Government (?) agency is listed on Dun and Bread Street as a company???
Why does the CDC own patents??? Do they get royalties? Is there a Conflict of interest? Do the royalties go back to the citizens or into the pockets of the Directors of the “Agency”???
Regarding Milley … He was told to start a war… cause unrest … the CCP is paranoid and you have a USA general calling you to tell you that “I’ll call you if we launch a missle” ???
Thank you Dave, this was one of your best. I am so encouraged and feel so much better after listening to these reports. Such a great news and also a good kick in the butt when we need it. Thank you very much for your dedication to all of us every day.
The sound on your platform has been off all day as well as bitchute.
This waiting game is fucken bullshit. Trump needs to come back as our President and stop the fucken vaccine mandate bullshit. Trump needs to come back as our true President to stop the American people from losing their jobs. Trump needs to come back to stop the health problems Americans are suffering because of the stress and anxieties we are being forced to go through. My own health is suffering because of the stress and anxieties I am suffering with. My blood pressure has been high. I can’t sleep at night. My friends are walking away from me when I try to inform them about the truth about the Alluminati, the plans of the deep state, the pedophiles, the satanists who want to destroy America, kill off 2/3 of the population of the world and all the rest of the fucken Satanist’s fucken plans for America and the world. I say the plan of sitting back and allowing Patriots to suffer and die waiting for the fucken brain dead Americans to wake the fuck up is a piss poor plan. They were talking about the government shutting down. When I heard that I thought if I don’t receive my Social Security, I will become homeless as a Senior Citizen who worked for 50 years. And you say to the people who are complaining to quit complaining. Get off their asses, quit complaining and fight for America. I am a handicap senior citizen who was run-over and drug for a block by a drunk driver when I was 21. I spent 3 months in the hospital, endured 2 major surgeries. Then I worked for 43 years after that accident. I never drew a fucken dime of disability. Right now I am 67 years old. My only income is my Social Security. I don’t even own a car. I have been trying to educate the fucken stupid brain dead Americans for 5 years now. When I try to educate them they don’t believe me, they think I am fucken crazy and they turn and walk away from me. Well Dave if you think I am sitting on my ass complaining and doing nothing then fuck you Dave. My daughter and granddaughters never call me or come to visit me. My younger brother doesn’t talk to me because he thinks I am crazy. I hate my life right now and wish I would just die to end my depression and suffering. So fuck you Dave.
They wouldn’t do that! No, you wouldn’t do that.
Milley got the orders/the plan from Obama about that phone call to China.
Wait until $ 4 A gallon for Gas next spring starts hurting the economy.
Dave I’ve been listening to you now for almost 2 years and I like the hurray hurray hurray but if Trump had all the information and the Patriots have it all why are we having to go ahead and get vaccines you know you keep saying the people need to see it well damn how much pain do you people have to endure Trump don’t have nothing and the military ain’t stepping in so why don’t you start Aaron something that’s real why don’t you start preparing the people for the economic collapse maybe you really need to sell collagen and everything and your coins by telling the truth Trump’s not going to be able to come back there’s voter for all it’s not going to go anywhere perfect example now American airlines is forcing us to get the job there’s 35,000 of us that are getting ready to go to the streets cuz we don’t want to get the jab. They’re going ahead and they’re pushing all of these infrastructure bills through it’s destroying us middle class people so where’s Trump at where’s the great savior you keep bragging out that’s going to save us I don’t think it’s going to happen and you know something if you ain’t careful you’re going to be one of those people that can’t walk down the street without everybody harassing you I was trying to mix the show up a little bit better yet why ain’t you calling out Trump it’s time for the movement Red October is not going to happen
Does anyone else asks themselves, why does the DS have to hurry to ‘catch up’ after 4 years of President Trump??? Anyone wonder what is coming that would force the DS to accelerate their timeline? WWG1WGA…..MAGA Y’all.