Ep 2591b – Scavino’s Message Sent & Received, The Fight To Take Back The Country Has Begun, Trust
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The [DS] is panicking, comms everywhere, messages are being sent and received by the patriots. The patriot are ready and October is going to be chaotic. The AZ audit is moving forward, Durham is moving forward, the [DS] is in trouble and they are prepared to fight back. We have reached a cross roads and the people must decide, freedom or tyranny. Trump is ready to fight, are the people ready to fight, think devolution, counterinsurgency.
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My great concern as an extremely healthy person is those who have been jabbed she’d and can make the healthy very sick! Darla described sars covid as a bioweapon in 2008! It has 75 patents are was created 20 years ago not from an illness, but on a computer. The two who just left the fda were paid huge sums by Pfizer to get the shot thru in 2019! There is no way to test for this plandemic! The fda requires the drug company to list the specific ingredients of the drug as well as the contraindications associated with its use! Without this info included with each and every component of this jab, these criminal drug companies and everyone associated with the lies being told are are subject to prosecution for fraud and other serious crimes!
Darpa not darla
a must watch
Great, substantiated info. Thank you.
Is there any data on how many people who got vaccinated and are considered break through cases for each type of vaccine. I suspect that Pfizer vaccinated cases are most if not all the break through cases.
Trump back on twitter to talk to the people? They will just shadow ban him, yo.
Thank you Dave!!
Much Happiness!!
I ask the question…why is the corrupt government panicking trying to get everyone to take jabs? We know they can’t be trusted and we know their game plan is to reduce population…what’s in these vaccines? Same for “booster”, what’s in it? How can we trust what the pharmaceutical companies put into their new version of ivermectin? Pfizermectin? Really? I think the contents of these drugs should be checked and double checked! How do we get this done!
This is taking longer than we expected.
If Trump doesn’t step in before they come for the guns then A lot of us will realize he’s involved . Period!
It’s disgusting that Trump would have to rely on the fact that Clarence Thomas would be the one to oversee the appeal to overturn his Twitter ban. If we have a Supreme Court that is HONEST, why wouldn’t he get the same judgement from ANY of them? We want our Supreme Court judges to be good and honest people, right? Then why do we have to get just the right person in charge before we can expect honesty in judgment? This is totally disgusting!! I say we scrap all the government agencies right down to the Supreme Court, leaving only the honest ones in office.
Question for you. At 36:00 minutes you say that the gov would get control over social media, regulating it like a public utility. Isn’t that what we DON’T want? Doesn’t matter if it’s Trump who was banned or the deep state….it should not be controlled by anyone. Let it be and start new platforms. I am confused but what this means I think. Can you possibly elaborate on this? TY!
If the Demon Rats are removed from the Orifice of Pretendisment at the White Wash House I hope someone other than Trump is returned as President of the New Republic, I’d hate to see the snake back in office taking orders from the Big Banks, big pharma, Big Gates, Big Clinton Big Mike and Barry. Trump won my trust then betrayed it. Every silver dollar, every dime has two sides. People it seems the plan is just a distraction while the One World Tyranny is installed with Trump’s blessing.
Stop saying biden is just a puppet, he has been a deep state operative for over 50 years, against America, He must be held completely responsible, his is faking his senility and even if he is not, he must be punished to the maximum for his TREASONOUR ACTIVITIS AGAINST AMERICA AND TEH WORLD. yOU ARE making the people to feel sorry for Poor joe who is a criminal and must held responsible for all his actions over his 50 years in government.
The Anti-Christ will change TIME:TIMES and TIMES & half.
They will try to change the seasons, the meaning & definition, identification of things, trying to destroy the IMAGE of God in man kind.
Do you now have me banned ?????? This is a test.
Facebook – Twitter – Google YOUTUBE broken up like AT&T Bell Company monopoly = Designated ” UTILITIES “
Look at WW2 , if you want to know how POTUS stays 4 and 5 moves ahead… why do some and by that I mean ‘” Deep State”’ have tried taken history from us…study the moves of the axis…play by play ..1 , 2, 3…A , B, C …. DS is predictable
Thank you
Mr. President
Did you notice during yesterday afternoon’s Sunday football games (NFL) the series of commercials prompting people to get cancer screenings? I’ve NEVER seen commercials for cancer screenings in our area before (and we watch a lot of sports). Commercials for cancer clinics, yes. For screenings? No. The fact that these vaccines CAUSE cancer (per the VAERS database), isn’t it interesting that they’re now prompting screenings?
This is scary!
Thanks for being there for those of us who need to keep holding onto hope or at least a boat that can get through the swamp without sinking. God bless you and all patriots.
Seems as if Trump/Q are repeating the democratic/progressive agenda of pushing the goal post further and further…Is there no end to this?? I see it has been going on for 5 years now. Why? 5 YEARS and nothing huge/consequential has happened . Yes, a little here a little there, then you see/hear, net month, net year, net election.
Seriously….if you want to share and give hope of taking down this evilness and ugliness…going to have to do better than crumbs and itty bitty grains in 5 YEARS!! We are awake!!! Many have awakened!!
Enough with the donkey and carrot show. Do something already and give us a little hope! Instead of all this Pablum you keep spewing and moving the goalposts..
I would rather be an anti-vaxxer than to be a vaccine addict slave
If you are being forced to take the jab .. as they are poking you, start SCREAMING “RAPE!!!!! RAPE!!!!! RAPE!!!!” because that is what they are doing to you
Dave, you have said the same thing for a year , at least. Trump has had several times to start fighting for us.BUT he keeps pushing the vax. People are dying. He is waiting too long. Is he for real? Or is he holding us in a holding pattern until the deep state has total control. We are awake.
If you think the people are not supporting President Trump, You are sadly wrong! Let me ask you this….Why doesn’t Trump do a rally in NY or California? Its always the mid west or Fla, or Texas. Why is that? 90 % or the country support him! Yet you make it sound like only 60% support him. The people must see what is going on is your continued mantra, But if you truly look we the people have lost loved ones from a scamdemic , seen people in the thousands get fired for not following a mandate, Hospitals killing covid patients on purpose. We the people can not move forward in any election until the 2020 election is fixed from the cheating! Yet it will take years to get back to where we were. Freedom is never free, there is always a price. Is the price hundreds, thousands, or millions of lives? And if so this is not freedom its genocide even from your seat!
Right. Trust the plan. Good guys are working behind the scenes but they can’t tell you what they’re up to with your money because you’re too stupid. They have to show you instead of tell you because you’re too dumb to get it any other way. They have to let a bunch of people die, lose their lives and their livelihoods, whatever…. Everything is all about the plan, trust it. Oh they killed your mom? Do you get it now? Gosh we sure are lucky there is a plan and that Trump and the patriots care so much about us and are doing so much to help us.
Thank you Dave. I always look forward to your reports. They help me make sense of things amidst the chaos and confusion. God bless you.
You were right! No surprise but Facebook, etc. being shut down today confirms your predictions……. Keep em coming…..we need to be prepared!
Dave, the military has turned AGAINST the people by ABONDONING American Citizens in Afghanistan while at the same time importing Taliban to the USA. I have yet to hear you mention anything about that. Very interesting. What do you think about that? I am betting you will never respond to me because you just might be getting well paid to keep the people suspended until it is too late. Maybe, maybe not but it is possible you are one of them, too.
Very interesting message sent just around the corner wait for it the patriots are in control really do not believe what you see believe what we tell you! That is a message that X22 sends to me.
The military is our only option yet the military has shown us to be against the American people by leaving the American people behind. What do you have to say about that?
Do you really believe those that protect you now will spare you when they no longer need you?
I hope I am wrong I really do. Nothing personal and I am not here to offend but “patriots” seem to think they can vote their way out of a real fight. If I am wrong then please convince me.
Thank you, Feltdragon
Where is Scavino? LOL They can’t find him to serve him with Papers LOL