Ep 2593b – Stage Set, We Are Going To See Things In This Country That We Have Never Seen Before
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The [DS] are now preparing the communication blackout and censoring. [FB] went down and it is being blamed on a configuration change that went bad. The setup is completed at the same time they have a whistleblower explaining to congress that we need more censoring and regulation to stop pics of children, hate speech etc. This is about increasing censoring. Trump was asked about Durham, his response was that we are going to see things in this country that we have never seen before.
- ← Ep 2593a – If You Start Losing Credibility In The Dollar, You Lose The Monetary System
- 43,000 GA Ballots Under Investigation, Stu Attacks POTUS, NSW Corruption →
Dave… listen to Simon Parkes’ video today
(he’s on telegram and you can see his links. Or you can visit his site at Simonparkes.org
He has been working with our government and has signed an NDA. However, he could speak about the FB debacle and will explain what exactly did happen yesterday. It was the white hats who took FB’s system down, locked them out of their own building and later brought their system back up. This was our first Shot Across the Bow and FB had no control of the events. Zuckerberg lost $7b in unrealized stock losses while Telegram acquired 70m new subscribers. A sad day for FB.
you are persuasively making that point that blackhats are in control of it all — “it’s a set up”, “of course they are going to censor the truth”, “of course, they are coming after concerned parents”, and that patriots and Trump know it all (but are immobile and apparently powerless to effect change)– over and over. Not sure why I listened at all, I’m depressed enough. I listen to you every day, and generally appreciate your commentary, but some days, you are 100% blackpill.
I tried to post this to my FB feed, it won’t let me, saying some people see this as abusive LOL
just crazy.
Dear Friends
All of this is good. But it’s getting late. Vaccines are destroying families, jobs. People are forced to accept them. It is now the time to move. We can’t wait any longer. Or we will lose. Doesn’t matter who is in control. Sorry.
Best regards,
Yves Chambaz
We might want to prepare for a physical attack during the communications blackout. Not sure we’ll see it coming.
If I were part of the dem system, I would turn states evidence. Its plain to see that they are all expendable! Just ask Gretchen Witmer!
Amazing how things shut down when changes are immediately needed . Nothing to see here.
So my question is how are these Haitians getting to the US? Correct me if I am wrong but it IS an island? Are they swimming? They are supposed to be poor so how do they afford to get money enough for airfare? Is the SOROS cronies supplying airfare to Mexico?
Funny how Facebook and the Democrats can get a hearing with Congress when one whistleblower wants to whistle,, but the hundereds of whistleblowers from the national election get denied over and over again.
FBI has not place in any local school board . The local sheriff can arrest any FBI agent acting against any local citizen.
Important News Rumor Mill News Judy Byington update for October 5, 2021.
In God we trust.
re new Covid test: 1) I heard that the company that is to produce the new test was purchased by Bill Gate and G. Soros, both avowed de-populationists.
2) how are they going to accurately identify Covid-19 without the correct gene sequence when no health officer or FDA or CDC have been able to produce such. See the court case in Canada where the top health officer
in Alberta admitted under oath that she could not produce proof of existence of the virus. (I believe that is because if it was produced it (the gene sequence) would prove it is man made and a bio-weapon. which it is) .
3) so – how is the new test going to separate flu from Covid when they would have to have the ability to detect Covid accurately without the actual genetic sequence.
The FBI IS the Gestapo and Antifa are the brown shirts. We are living in the NAZI playbook. If America falls we ALL FALL. NO ONE WILL COME AND SAVE US
Audio, but no video visible, just a black screen. Firefox, Chrome, doesn’t matter. This is recent. Any idea as to why?
Did I hear you say we are moving into the great reset ,I thought USA were not part of it .
Dragula is afraid of the Cross & Leftists are afraid of your mom.
I am glad you finally saying FBI is working for Deep State ( I have been screaming ) by the way they have been for a long time.
USFreedonflyers.org is growing strong!!!!!!!!
Interesting note/comparison, Re FBI: FYI, the SS was an organization comprised of party members who were folded into the military and police, they wore black uniforms decorated with the ss badge; personally loyal to Hitler who had created them as a replacement for the SA – an earlier militant party organization. It was the Gestapo, who were the the non-uniformed (suits and ties) who operated as the centralized and secret police (they too worked for the national socialists, with their first loyalty being to Hitler). They focused on ‘state security’ and ‘internal threats’ (as in ‘domestic terrorists’). One may liken the FBI to either the SS or the Gestapo… but I think the latter is a better fit.
Thanks for all you do and may God bless you.
FB/Deep State/Elitists/Dems are trying to set up a Monopoly … That is a violation Of the Federal Trade Commission
Now this is an interesting bill that passed in May 2020 (interesting timing)
https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/6989/text sponsored by Ms. Ocasio-Cortez (for herself, Mr. García of Illinois, and Ms. Omar) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary … (What are they up to?)
Probably the best place for real unbiased unreported news
Keep up the good work family
Godspeed patriots 🌎🌍
Drain the swamp 🙏
It started at the veterans administration !!! It was September 1st. 2014 when they took all the pain pills from from the injured veterans !!! That was a trial run !!! They took the pain relief pills from veterans !!! And they isolated us vets one by one !!! Veterans didn’t band together to stop this corruption of controlling the
people at the vet . Admin. !!!! Text run ???? Of What s happening now !!!!!!! WAKE up AMERICA AND PATRIOTS !!! WE CAN BEAT THEM BY BANDING TOGETHER !!! WAKE UP AMERICA !!!!!!!!!
Wonderful accurate information.
Keep up the good work.