Ep 2601b – The Script Has Been Flipped On The [DS],National Security Concerns,Clear & Present Danger
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The patriots are now closing on the [DS]. The [DS] is scrambling, the evidence is being produced. The people are seeing the election fraud, the majority of people now believe their was cheating and the percentage is climbing. The patriots have been monitoring the Biden administration plus the puppet masters. Trump has said back in 2020 he is a war time president, with that certain operational protocols have been put into place. The Hunter information is dripping out and this time the leak included [JB], this is a national security concern.
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- ← Ep 2601a – Patriots Have The [CB] Biden Exactly Where They Want Them, Patriots Smell Fear
- Patel Patriot – The Stage Is Set, In The End The [DS] Will Cease To Exist →
Red October. When does the red begin?
Someone needs to do something pretty soon because they are using the vaccines to control, injure or kill people. The FDA is giving cover for Biden to issue vaccine mandates, and all the while people are being injured or dying from taking the jabs. I caught COVID from a guy who was double vaxxed. He ended up in the hospital for 21 days and is still on oxygen. I was unvaxxed. I got the Monoclonal Antibody Infusion and improved in 4 days. Several I know were force or talked into getting vaxxed and developed heart problems, lung problems, and/or micro-blood clots. A Delta airline pilot dies after being double vaxxed while flying. A 16 yr. old dies at his computer during a ZOOM class after being double vaxxed. These are not isolated; these are only the stories getting to the alternate media. The rest are being suppressed. Two doctors examining vaccine samples under microscopes are finding some sort of tentacled parasite growing in the sample as soon as the stuff warms up. Graphine Oxide was found in the solution. Graphine Oxide is considered a toxin to humans. This info gets censored while Big Pharma makes billions and the government continues to encourage people with bribery, threats, and mandates to play Russian Roulette by taking their jabs.
You keep saying “The people are seeing the Truth”. I live in a low rent apartment complex. I have free over the air TV because I can’t afford cable. I don’t get fox but I can get clips online. Most the people in the hood here don’t see anything. They are clueless. I only can see the truth because I search high and wide. I wish you were right, but if you lived in my neighborhood you’d see “the people” are clueless.
By the way, members of Congress, their staffs, and all Federal judges are exempt from Biden’s fake mandates. Senator Johnson says Biden has not filed any mandates, he is just running his mouth while company CEOs, Universities, school boards, and military commanders do his dirty work for him. One whistleblower doctor reported that over 100 members of Congress have been treated with Ivermectin, the drug they are trying to keep from the public.
Pretty sure the Arizona audit shows that they cheated THIRTY NINE (39) different ways!!!
Re episode 2601b
Excellent news and I hope it is true. I will pray for Gods will and that Justice is done.
Any day now. Thanks Dave
How beautiful. I think “Trump and the Patriots” would be a good name for a rock & roll band!!
We will be hearing this BULLSHIT,…up to the 2022 election,…as political propaganda,…as to who’s got the BIGGEST GOTCHA MOMENT,…there’s not going to be any indictments, arrests, military tribunals,…its all BULLSHIT. It has not happened yet,…because it’s all fake news. Yes Republicans will ship the 2020 election,…because they have realize that they have been lied to for years,…and have had enough of the BULLSHIT,…from trump and the patriots .
What a bunch of traitor ass RATTS they don’t let your stream play they stop the stream every ten or fifteen seconds so we can’t here the whole sentence an what you are saying it’s all bits an pieces an you can’t get the whole message your sending what a bunch of fucking traitor ass RATTS this shit needs to be shut down for blocking your stream your putting out what a bunch of traitors they need to shut the whole dam thing down
Dead sole/anti-Christ beings beleive thay have the right to lie to anyone with impunity. How much may British royalty be involved in trying to push responsibility for the dossier away from Steele? Not that it is my opinion that Sullivan is innocent. To me he looks llike scumm and must be guilty to at least some degree, but Steele looks like an arrogant twirp who believes that he and others have the right to deny the American citizenship their right to self governance.
Shummer is among the dead sole beings. Every move he makes is to cover the lies already committed.
Hello David, the military under Millie and 7 other generals who signed a support letter to Biden`s presidency indicates to me the military helped in the coup. It feels as if the whole plan by the patriots has been derailed by the military under Millie. Durham will be dealing with old staff that has no connection to the 2020 election.
Dave thank you for your efforts.
“…has no standing.” And this is believed? A citizen or a state may sue another citizen or a state as per the Constitution… damages at issue? No doubt about it! Stealing an election is a grave damage. Oh, I guess these idiot judges believe only Mexico has standing (a Constitutional right listed next to ‘abortion rights’ – flash, neither exist). No wonder Chuckie wants to take control of the elections – i.e. keep rolling in the ballots until the dems win (as OAC said, ‘we can’t continue to rely on a silly popularity contest’). Who voted for these turds? Anyone?
Maybe here in Texas, we will apply that federal charlie-victor money to finishing the border wall… that could be argued as ‘pandemic’ related.
I wish the company I work for had a backbone. I guess I’m out of work as soon as OSHA puts their stuff out. Bayer CropScience has already said that they will implement as OSHA says so.
I watched the debate and Biden is doing everything he said he would do.