Ep 2609b – When Information Is Free & Transparent It Is A Threat To The [DS],The [DS] Poked A Bear
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Trump and the patriots are ready for the next phase the control of information. Trump and the patriots have been working on a system that will rival Twitter, YT, FB etc. These [DS] platforms will no long have the control over information, the fake news will no longer be able to spin the truth without the support of social media. The truth telling platform will change all of this, the [DS] poked a bear and now its roaring, buckle up it’s going to be glorious, the best is yet to come.
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Samo samo
Fauci is doing experiments on beagle puppies…torturing them.
What about Bronovich??? WTF is he doing ???
kek… Trump built a “platform”
that will hurt them…. kek
we are really winning now…
You keep pounding that they are going to change the test in December to separate flu from Covid. You don’t know that …it could be a test rigged for any outcome they want …so stop saying what you can’t prove. They can create any test to achieve any outcome.
Your conspiratorial take on Baldwin is really stupid. You know that right?
You call it a conspiratorial take, I call it God. Only God could line things up in such a way as to show His fingerprint on His work. He is the stealthy God, working behind the scenes to bring about good from, and in spite of, the evil things men do.
This is excruciating, waiting for something big to happen. It is not easy, seeing other people walking around completely blind to what is going on. How does one teach hostile folks to think for themselves? To question. To wonder.
Think about what’s happening,…trump and the patriots,…are creating a platform for,…THE TRUTH,…what this really is a propaganda platform,…encouraging people to do their own research,…sending them to information that has pervious manipulated,…for propaganda consumption.
trump says no one is doing anything about our country going the path of destruction,…and no one is doing anything about it,…including trump,…but give out the same BULLSHIT that he has been pushing for years and years.
Fauci and Gates and Clouse Schwab all get invited to Obamas gay parties.
OKay, I’m not buying in to some things in this report. Trump’s new truth site will not change the world. Those of us who already know the truth may follow it just because we are Trump supporters. Those who follow the fake news may visit it, but will still not believe any of it, because in their eyes, Trump is a liar. Now, as far as voting in an election in which you know the dems will be cheating…….NO! We are tired of playing this game. We already have enough illegally voted in dems, we don’t need anymore. We don’t need to do anymore audits which will take years, why? Just to prove a point over again? Soon we will have an illegal president who has been in office for a year. If we, the good guys, can’t remove him, why would we wanna elect more dems that we can’t remove? I am tired of Trump’s games. The people have suffered long enough. We are losing faith and tired of false promises. You keep saying the Patriots have all the power……well, we the people have yet to see this power.
Stupid is as stupid does. What you’re saying makes no sense at all. Don’t you know we have to the ability to detect cheating. If you don’t vote, then the Demoncrats will really get away with it. Do your research and use so logic. You are tired of false promises. What are personally doing to help the situation? President Trump can’t do it all by himself. Get off your complaint chair and do something as We the People are doing! Unless you’re a plant to give propaganda. Any self-respecting Trump supporter is a patriot who supports and believes what he is doing for the American people wholeheartedly!
Love the show,Dave!
What’s w Trump saying he took the Pfizer vaccine? He leaves me w questions . He even got booed in Alabama for saying take the vaccine .
Meanwhile, U.S. lawmakers, including Issa, were informed last week by American military officials that nearly 20 percent of the Afghan evacuees who were brought to the United States—around 12,000 in total—arrived with no paperwork, no identification, and no visa, as the Free Beacon first reported.
Don’t paint all Afghans with the same brush. There are Christian Afghans, individuals who are pro-American who worked for the U.S. Army and Afghans who love America in the majority. Afghans are conservative by the way and mostly support President Donald Trump. There may be a few bad apples in there but there are many more Afghan people who love and support America!
Another fun fact/coincidence about the Alec Baldwin incident. In his TikTok from the week before there was a video of him talking about the pandemic, comparing it to WWII when the people were asked to contribute and/or make sacrifices – like rubber or commodities – for the war effort, he said it’s the same thing now, in this war (with COVID), and “people are being asked to make sacrifices.” He looks kind of overwhelmed and stressed as he’s saying it, too. If you believe as I do that much of the “deep state” (including Hollywood and other factions of it) are A) ultimately ruled by people who actually worship satan and B) seem to have to follow some rule where they actually tell us what they are doing…. I mean… maybe I’m reading too much into it but he says “people are being asked to make sacrifices” in this war… and then a week later “accidentally” kills someone?? Hmm. Also it’s giving a chance for the media to trot out the stories of previous movie-set tragedies like Vic Morrow and Brandon Lee, both of which I’ve heard theories about them being actual ritual sacrifices rather than accidents. Maybe I’m wrong but his words “people are being asked to make sacrifices” is just haunting me I can’t get it out of my head. Didn’t even know she was married to a lawyer from the firm that worked for Hilary that Durham is serving up with indictments – combine that with the fact that she’s from Ukraine and a military family and…. Weird.
Wow trolls every where…. This man speaks he Truth.. Some of you will be so shocked when ALL the Truth comes out about EVERYTHING !!!! TRUMP IS A GREAT MAN,,,,,, when the truth comes out about ALL THE LIES MSM had said for years……. you will learn all the great things DJT did not just for AMERICA, BUT THE WHOLE WORLD………….. WWG1 WGA NCSWIC………. GOD IS LOVE..