Ep 2610a – “I Sincerely Believe That Banking Establishments Are More Dangerous Than Standing Armies”
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The [CB] is pushing everything they have at the people, they want the people to feel pain so they conceded to their plan, the people are not going along with it. Our founding fathers warned us about the [CB], now people are realizing what economic enslavement really is.
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With crypto, when your computer goes down or the internet itself goes down, you’re fried. You have no money.
I deeply understand what the future may hold. I have moved half of my wealth into bitcoin and have only but one question. All of my bills are on autopay(fiat). When would be a good time to move all my wealth into bitcoin in relation to autopay(fiat) and bitcoin in order to pay my bills?
WHO OWNS THE PANAMA CANAL? Will they let the ships through?
Have you looked at all those ships off the California coast and realized that all that foreign substandard crap should be produced with US quality, in the US? We should be making it, I was looking at my vitamins supply and found several were made in China had to dispose of it, Who can trust these products I do not want Chinese food or supplements from an enemy,