Ep 2610b – The People Are Figuring It Out, But When A Long Train Of Abuses & Usurpations…
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The patriots want the people to see the [DS] plan, they want the people to feel it just like the founding fathers felt and saw the plan of the British government. The people are figuring it out, each time the government pushes its turning into a long train of abuses and usurpations. When this happens the people have the right to remove the government and replace it with a new one. This is what the Trump and the patriots are showing the people, it all goes back to the constitution, truth, transparency is the only way forward.
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- Ep 2611a – The [CB] Narrative Is Falling Apart, The More They Push The Worse It Gets →
To the Declaration ! : https://www.dropbox.com/s/zmyip676g72oeyg/VicDNCLogo.pdf?dl=0
So lets consider another aspect of the education system that has yet been talked about. First the school system openly take tax payer monies that is required by law and then do as they see fit. Given that the children of this country cannot compete with children from around the world the school systems have committed fraud given all of the tax payer monies that has been spent on a so called education.
Second and more disturbing is what they are teaching. To take anyone’s child and subjecting them to an indoctrination program that is in contrast to the history and in contrast to the society we live in is bad enough but to do it without the involvement, the understanding and the permission of the parents is nothing less then child abuse.
It is time to stand against these people and let them know just how far they have committed themselves and that arrest is in their futures. At the very least resignation.
The flooding of our borders i place 100% blame on military because a military’s job is to protect. I do not see much protecting but lots of cowardice and useless military. We need to over throw the military for their coward treasonous behavior
Awesome Dave, as usual!!! Been following for approximately 2 1/2 years, usually sitting back quiet, I was on Twitter, (Red Pill Studios)and was kicked off, and Facebook in the same week…..Just wanted to say I appreciate you, and the fact your keeping the faith. I have 2 brothers, and Finally. turned them around too. At any rate, keep up the great work. Have a great week. Mike
kek… why is “this” still going on??
Trump/mi has it all, can end “this” now or he wont because…
Trump wants us to see?? really, thats the reason??
Dave ur running out of news same old news running it into ground
Next year? What happened to red October?
How can I get Ivermectin?
Maybe no one will tell you. When you announce your news and views, the audience automatically thinks about it. You don’t need to constantly tell us to think about it. It’s redundant and tiresome and treats us like idiots.
Hey, Dave it is not the Constitution that says we have the right to throw off a bad government but the Declaration of Independence.
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@15:15 – “BitChute, so far, they haven’t censored people.” Sorry, NOT TRUE! While I’m not a person posting Videos, I am / was A PERSON who watches & listens to them, and USED TO post comments. My comments are/were in good – even grammatical -English. They did NOT include foul language. Bit Chute, however, used to Censor my comments, first, by not accepting using my chosen “handle”, then by deleting any comment immediately I left the site. Now, after I’ve called them out on their actions, they BAN my comments altogether. NO PRETENSE of ‘not censoring’. Nobody has to LIKE my comments – they can ignore them or just move on. But please RE-CONSIDER your CLAIM that Bitch Hoot “doesn’t Censor People”. They Sure Do.
Ahem – Seems ex-gov. Cuomo has already been arrested. Or so it is claimed. Maybe We the People are not ‘Generally’ supposed to hear of that just yet. Deception is necessary. But very frustrating to listen to. ‘Privately’ we may come upon more info. (Hm – Just another instance of the ‘Privates’ being better informed than the ‘Generals’?
NOTHING IS HAPPENING Dave – NONE of what you are saying makes any sense if nothing happens. What you say is worthless if the Patriots do not act and they must act now.
Especially, what the Hell is BRONOVICH doing…Oh thats right NOTHING.
Sorry Dave but X22 Report is rapidly becoming a waste of space on the Net.
I hate to be the one to break it to you but those experiments with puppies and sandflies, those kinds of (horrible) practices occur at literally countless labs and medical research facilities all over the world, including the US. I am a wildlife pathologist and I was once involved in a study of the effects of mercury on wildlife populations in the Everglades (mercury accumulation from Agricultural runoff is a problem), and we took eggs from nests (causing a huge disturbance to the environment to do so), and then hatched them and started dosing them with mercury, then at a certain point they were euthanized and their tissues examined to show the effects on their bodies. And this experiment was TAME compared to other studies going on at the same vet school where I was working. They had a primate-experimenting place there and a lot of horrible experiments on cats, and this was just one vet school. A vet school, mind you, where a lot of people that work there do actually care about animals. Horrible experiments on animals are a lot more common than most people realize. I’m not saying it’s ok, but if we’re going to crucify everyone involved in one of these horrible experiments, that’s a pretty wide net. Fauci, on the other hand, is guilty of crimes against HUMANITY. He has contributed to the deaths of MILLIONS of humans and his work is a threat to every human on the planet. Sorry but the puppy thing is nothing compared to what he is guilty of. Kudos to Candace Owens for bringing attention to the experiment terrorizing primates – I think that one should hit home with even more people than puppies, and I’d sure like to know more about what the purpose of that experiment was, because it sounds a lot like what they do to children to harvest their adrenochrome.
I don’t believe anyone is doing anything to fix America anymore, look, we see, we are awake, we are past the point of something should have happened, alot of the destruction can’t be repaired, more just wait for something not coming just wait, .. ah damn 2 billion dead and one (new) world order… can’t find any, ANY, positive thing happening, truths out already what’s are we really waiting for?
I am sorry, but I have been to weak. I have been awake since Benghazi. Things didn’t add up, so I took a red pill and delved. I continue to be called crazy and a conspiracy theorist, in my trying times, I have looked to your report. Others have given dates and times, you never really have, i hope you are true. I was born and raised to love my country, I always will, until my dying breath! I hope for that last breath to leave my loved ones and those I do not know, but think alike, the country I love and believe in. I will fight for that, when I need to. Let my real President know, there are even more behind HIM, than he knows! GOD bless America! FUCK the deep state cowards!
The original draft of the plan would have allowed the IRS to gather this information from any account with $600 or more in activity per year. Because of the sharp backlash against it, proponents of the measure raised the threshold to $10,000, a change that some hoped would cool the response.
Supporters of the plan, like Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, argued that the measure was good and would help to close the so-called “tax gap,” a gap formed from underreporting income.
“We have a tax gap that over the next decade is estimated at $7 trillion, namely a shortfall in the amount that IRS is collecting due to a failure of individuals to report the income that they have earned,” Yellen said.