Ep 2642b – Infiltration Instead Of Invasion, J6 Narrative Collapsing, Nobody Escapes This
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The US was infiltrated from within instead of an invasion, the [DS] knew if they could not remove the weapons from the people they would lose. Everything the [DS] is now doing is exposing who and what they are, people are now seeing the infiltration and they are awake and the people are pushing back and removing those who are pushing the [DS] plan. The J6 narrative is falling apart, Bannon is now pushing discovery and wants all docs, the narrative is about to collapse, Trump already told us that it would be exposed just like the Russia hoax. Nobody escapes this, nobody.
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- ← Ep 2642a – [CB] Trapped Themselves In Their Own Plan, Tick Tock
In Wisconsin, it is a law that people HAVE TO be allowed bail. There is no law however, at what $ amount.
What about the seniors. What happens to us. We have no freedom
I have been listening to you for months religiously. Do you honestly believe Trump will be back before 2022? I’m starting to lose faith, people who haven’t woke yet, won’t! Trump can’t wait much longer, if he has that Card, use it please. Why are we waiting for a communication blackout?
Again with the Rothschilds. Firstly, they are EDOMITES from the line of Esau-meaning they are lineage of Romans, not of Jacob. Secondly, they are PISS BOYS for their Papal/Grey Noble masters in Rome. They are MANAGERS…NOT RULERS for God’s SAKE. You’re propagating a PSYOP started by Pope Pius IX in the 19th century.
Hmmm, was the CIA agent setup to make a call so they could entrap the person with the FBI agent; maybe that CIA person should be interviewed to see if they were planning to blow the whistle on someone and they got silenced? Remember what Schumer said the FBI will get back at you 7 ways from Sunday it appears the alphabet agencies cover for one another.
Covering up crimes = identified as state secrets
What a government.
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.
– Marcus Tullius Cicero
Language is important. I am not intending to be picky as I watch you every day. Obviously I see value in your program. Please use the word “conspiracy” correctly. Today you said “It’s no longer a conspiracy…” what you should have said is “It’s no longer an unproven conspiracy theory.” A conspiracy is a matter of fact. It is a noun and it means something. It doesn’t mean a silly idea. A conspiracy theory is a theory about a conspiracy. The theory may or may not be true.
When using your language you diminish the potential for people to believe a true conspiracy. Also it makes you sound less educated than I am confident you are.
You cannot deny the first 3 words of the constitution. WE THE PEOPLE! Don’t forget the oath we took to protect and defend. Wake up America, its time to fight once again!
Let’s remember: Kevin McCarthy’s 8.5 hr speech, purposefully outdoing Pelosi on the night when dems were to fly to Puerto Rico to meet with lobbyists with gifts of tax loopholes. He made incredible drops of breadcrumbs (i.e. Biden knowingly left AFG in a mess) with a stark warning for dems. “One Party, One Rule, 1 year”. Who will rid the US of its Top Dirty Sheriff (Garland. HE LIED IN FRONT OF CONGRESS, BUT NO “COTEMPT”? The Military (E7 and above) is on stand by for the cleanup.
THANK YOU for providing HOPE, daily to me & thousands of others, including many who – for various reasons – can only watch & listen, but can do very little to alter the course of events.
Isn’t Austria planning, along with Germany, to FORCIBLY INJECT EVERY SINGLE PERSON under their jurisdiction? Living in the EU, I’m very concerned, because other countries often follow these bright ideas.
A quibble @ 34:40~ U.S. Judge DID NOT “order the doctor to give this individual Ivermectin”. (That would be official, Gov’t over-reach, in reverse!) Instead, Judge ordered the HOSPITAL to STOP BLOCKING the doctor from doing so, as doctor & patient (or his family) had decided was appropriate treatment.
Again, THANK YOU for providing HOPE, daily to me & thousands of others. It’s a lot of hard work.
Much appreciation.
I need to know why Trump is still pushing this vaccine, it makes no sense other than he is not who we thought Dave! He just recently defended the vaccine again in his latest interview.
We should all be free to know all this to make our own assessment. I’ve always wondered where all this started. I will be reading these documents for myself and now every one of us can access them. Fauci has committed crimes against humanity. Take it for what you will and please share.. Very interesting.
Nuremberg Code. The Hague. Complaints have been filed for crimes against humanity. Also for treason. International Court is in play.
Love the x22 report. I try and catch every financial and geopolitical news show. Thanks Dave for all your patriotic work. God bless you all!
The military ARE NOT involved in the quarantine camps.
I know this for a fact.
The military are pissed that they are being indicted in this.
They are helping with FOOD DROPS to isolated communities, only!!
Thank you for
your time Dave.
Let’s address Vangard/Blackrock the body of the snake and Lucifer the being head . They own practically everything and the players behind all this . You know they ownMSM and all Social Media . Don’t you think we need to expose them and protest on their business doorsteps ? 🐍
Thank you David for fighting the good fight.. and for lifting our spirits and resolve.
If I had studied & listened in school like I am doing now I would have earned A+ grades.
How interesting & exciting to be walking within history .My senses are on high alert.Apreciation at the least from here .I’ve been a patriot since childhood .That will never leave.
Dear Dave: Now don’t misinterpret me, I think you’re show is very educational and very inspiring but I keep asking you questions but you’re never here to answer my questions! 🤣 I think 🤔 if you were working for President Trump or affiliated in some ways, that’s why we can’t see who you are? Perhaps to protect your identity and family from people who want to kill you for putting this information out! My question is how come your still on & Democrats hasn’t try to SHUT OFF YOUR COMMUNICATION & how come I can still share your videos?
All of your information I wondered how you know to research at the places where you obtained your information from how do you know it isn’t false?
Yes you’re very great with your details on putting your shows together! Yes you’re definitely a professional in what you do! Your very talented!
Loretta Ayers
Awesome news! Thanks ☺️
Maybe Trump controls Rumble
You really are going off the deep end and it feels obvious in a way where you are headed. We aren’t completely stupid. . No family created ebola. No family created small pox. Taking advantage of an epidemic, a pandemic is not the same thing as creating the virus that causes it. Just because Covid-19 was created, doesn’t mean small pox was. Do you think everyone you talk to is uneducated and believes everything is a conspiracy? Bow you are trying to suggest that epidemics, throughout history, have been caused by a “family” or families? And which “family” might that be? I know the lure of conspiracy is strong. But get a grip.
Please do not refer to the FBI as the SS. The SchutzStafel (Protection Squadron) was a very large organization for the protection of the German State before and during WW2. During the war years they had a membership of 800,000 people. It was divided into smaller groups that had different assignments. The largest groups were the Allgemeine SS (General SS) and Waffen-SS (Armed SS). They were there to protect members of the Nazi party. The SS-Totenkopfverbände (SS-TV; “Death’s Head Units”), ran the concentration camps and extermination camps.
Other smaller divisions of the SS included the Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei, Secret State Police) and the Sicherheitsdienst (Secret Service) organizations. They detected and neutralized enemies of the state, gathered intelligence and safeguarded Nazi ideology amongst the Germans. The FBI is more akin to the Gestapo.
If Republicans are the Nazis are the Democrats then the Gestapo? After all, they are so distrustful that they want to investigate everyone. If you’re woke, you’re a joke.
With respect, please stop using Nazis as examples of what’s going on today. Hitler and Nazism have been dead for 75 years. Bolsheviks and communists is what these people are. That ideology and their tactics are alive and well. Thanks for what you do.
Trump is a MURDERER to me because he brought those vaccines on us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trum put these murderes vaccines into the hands of our governements. So he is guilty!
Wrong – people do not always find a way because we have to make a living, Dave.
And my son has to finish his studies. Now they still have to offer digital study possibilities.
But if he can´t enter the university after the vaccine is made manditory then his FUTURE is destroyed.
Because then they will NO LONGER offer a digital way to study!
So please, stopp talking this way because here in Germany is no way we can find a way to go
around this! Tell that Trump. I hold him personally accountable!
Greetings from Germany!
Could Pulitzer be subject to defamation of character charges by not reversing after they have been made away and the President has notified them to act?
Don’t forget Soros’ kids. George is just a figurehead ….. his kids are running all his endeavors now.