Ep 2646b – [Zero-Day], Think Rumble, Think TruthSocial, The Cure Will Spread WW
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The [DS] is now losing the narrative on covid, the pandemic is going away and the people are pushing natural immunity and the big pharma and the [DS] cannot stop it. Trump is now preparing for zero-day, all the pieces are now coming together. New platforms are being installed to take the bull horn away form the [DS]. The people are about to get their voice back. The cure will spread WW, think multiple meanings.
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Nothing about Pearl Harbor from fake news
In post 2793, ‘WH’ probably refers to ‘White Hats’ and not White House.
istead of reading it as “White House, mabye read as “White Hats”?
I have been following you for two years and I have turned 8 friends on to you as well. The thing that does bother me is that you share nothing about who you are and what your credentials are. Why not be more transparent? You point out about Biden and others not being transparent but what about you?
Ji would like to ask one thing,So WHY haven’t Social Security up to date on the cost of liveing .why are we still being paid b6 there old payout system . The cost of living is way up and social security’s paysystem doesn’t even keep up with the cost of living,sure we get the cola but as you can see.that little bit of money will be taken away by rent increases,ormedicare Increase’s or co pay increases,or Medicine increases that little extra of the cola goes toward that.so in relaity .we don’t get nothing.they need to reset there payment system to 2021 and not the past.were still under there old old old rules ,while in the mean time,they want to send money over seas.TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN FIRST.AND WHERES THE MONEY THE GOVERNMENT BARROWED FROM SOCIAL SECURTY a long long time ago.
What is a “woody” prepper you speak of during the ad for the solar water heater?
Dave…what u must have forgotten is that the vax was actually designed/created as a long term death shot. Meaning it was created with the spike proteins to eventually kill. The proteins DO NOT wain. They continuously reproduce!! This is how there is the long term to death. The proteins reproduction is what destroys a persons immune system! No immune system NO antibodies! No herd immunity! No immune system means possible death upon a serious illness! So….part of your theory is very flawed!
It’s time to wake up and smell the coffee. The world is being brought down by evil disgusting people. Stand up to them and flush them down the tubes.
Omicron was just introduced on fox news. Make no mistake the alledged virus has to be a direct result of the covid vaccines. According to everything I’ve read, if it’s real, the vaccinated are creating super viruses. Remember, the vaccines allegedly contain Ebola, Marburg and HIV. Personally, i would get tested independently, before listening to anyone about lock downs, etc. See below; masks are dangerous to your health. Omicron is a 100% cover for the deadly vaccines. They will say everyone is dieing from Omicron. Don’t fall for their absolute stupid B.S.
Video # 1 Investigation
This is an absolute must watch. Over 10,000 doctors as well as virologists conducted an in depth investigation into Covid 19. The video below from the “Berlin Carona Committee” explains their findings in great detail. Their findings show covid is fake.
Read line 3.
Irish government admits covid 19 is fake.
Spanish courts find covid does not exist.
If you still think covid is real, watch this…
Absolute must watch and share with everyone!
Fall of the cabal part 18 https://www.bitchute.com/video/IjgzKGI0CcAp/
Africa files charges against their president for not doing his due diligence AKA PCR Rigged Tests, etc.
Update from the “Berlin Carona Committee’s” investigation! Over 10,000 doctors and an estimated 1,000 attorneys are filing “Crimes Against Humanity” charges against to include, but not limited to media personalities, doctors, cooperating nurses, fake death certificates, etc. Too much more to list! This includes the fact that the PCR Tests used in every hospital throughout the world were rigged. To explain, according to the late inventor Kary Mullis the PCR Tests cannot diagnose sickness illness and/or any type of virus. The criminals also ordered the test in 2018 under the invoice name covid 19. Fauci was also caught on video planning the pandemic along with the Rockefeller Foundation.
No lab anywhere in the world has isolated the virus. Proof is coming out from everywhere, but the deadly vaccines are still being pushed. To put this in prospective, they are mandating a vaccine for an absolutely fake virus. WTH
“WH controlled” may mean White Hat controlled
Dave… please read
Re: New York’s allowing illegal/undoc migrants to vote.
Does New York have a vaccine passport?
Does the vaccine passport act as an ID in some instances?
Will NY polls require a vaccine passport to enter?
Percentage of illegal immigrants vaccinated?
Will this push more mail in ballots and harvesting?
Info war = irregular warfare
It is often you mention the new test will separate the flu from c-19. Im aware of the new test. Personally, I believe you’re intoning this is a good thing, and I’d also like to think it is, but I have reservations. Should the test point to more flu and less c-19, the corrupt will now push flu vaccines, and it would appear they are being good guys. Again personally, I don’t believe anything they say. My fear is that while it looks they are projecting honesty between the flu and c-19, and start pushing flu vaccines more and more, what’s to say they will start to project the flu as being more deadly than ever, announce that the flu has become the new ‘pandemic’, and lace the flu vaccine with the same toxic poisons as the c-19 vaccines. Dave, I’m not vaxxed and will never be. I’m a retired nurse. I specialized in Mental Health. I personally witness what Pharma and the medical industry practices for Mental Health patients. The only treatments offered for these individual are psychotropic meds. And these meds can have catastrophic effects. When men grow mammaries (boobs) due to certain meds, imagine how the patient feels!! When clients become diabetic b/c if certain meds, what more becomes their quality of life? I’ve been listening to your reports daily since March 2018, and your thoughts and insights are appreciated.
Now the new Omicron variant is “Quickly Spreading World Wide.” Keep people scared, Keep them getting the poison jax, Keep the lie going. Drs./hospitals/big pharma getting richer and we’re getting poorer. Praying for this to stop before many more millions die. And, all to cover up the pedophilia practiced by the DS… And… what about the children being kidnapped and killed? What about the 600+ in the D.C. prison? Answers needed.
what’s this ‘Dec 21’?