Ep 2649b – Scavino Message Received, Assange Key To DNC ’Source’ ‘Hack’ ‘187’
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The [DS] is getting hit from all sides. The conspiracies have now become the truth and the fake news has now become the conspiracy. The [DS] has lost the narrative, as time goes on the enemy people will be on full display the American public. The US is trying to extradite Assange back to the states, he is the source and key to SR and the hack. Think Durham. Scavino sends message letting us know that the fake news is about to go down, they are the enemy of the people and the people are about to get their voice back.
- ← Ep 2649a – Gold Will Destroy The Fed, In The End The [CB]s Will Not Survive
- Ep 2650a – [CB]s [FF] Plan Now Put Into Place, The Economic Precipice →
Q says Assange is protected. He is in a British Prision, yo
The elderly in nursing homes often have do not resuscitate (DNR) orders so by keeping family away from dying patients they created the perfect crime to let them die.
Jeez couldn’t tell the so called host didn’t like the truth coming out. MSM are all corrupt. Period
Hi Dave, They have shut down realrawnews!
The world needs Jesus!
Please look into slow walking rino AG Brnovich in AZ.
The Ashkenazi Jews or Khazarians, who are not Jewish, are conducting ethnic cleansing of Israel, they have been since WWII to wipe out all vestiges of God’s people, to replace the true genetic code of God by Satan’s genetic code, forever destroying mankind, God’s Creation. The times are truly Good against Evil and we must all fight for your freedom and human rights especially our Constitution and our bill of Rights describing our rights and freedoms that GOD has preserved and will continue to preserve his genetic code. Certainly, the WORLD is in trouble and we are definitely in the end times, but this time can go on for a long period of time. We must get out and support America, our Schools, our Police, and most of all OUR TRULY ELECTED OFFICIALS, NOT THOSE SELECTED BY THE ELITES OR THE NEW WORLD ORDER, GLOBALISTS GOVERNMENT, this is our government and we must make sure that TRUE AMERICANS wake up and begin supporting and strengthening America by bringing others into our PATRIOTIC CITIZENS, “TRUE AMERICANS”, who understand that freedom must continually be refreshed and awakened, so that all realize their required support and defense of America by the privileges that out Constitution and Bill of Rights proves is our heritage and that this defense of our freedoms by AMERICANS who love GOD, Country, Borders, Government of the people, by the people and for the people is required by each and every one of us.
Thank you Dave for making this old woman feel safe and hopeful.
Fact checkers are cover up job for their lies !
Have always been with X22, love ya Dave!! Great coverage on news!
Go deeper into Israel running the child rape -child murder for blackmail operation .
Thank you…
Another day, another week, another month… thousands more dead from vaccine injuries, thousands more have lost their livelihoods and benefits over mandates, thousands more criminals rushing the border, and if everything Dave says is true it means the “good guys” are still deceiving us about what’s really going on. While we continue to pay for everything. Screw you too.
How do can the Patriots vote Biden out of office before he gets us into WWIII with the Chinese?