Ep 2656b – Proof To Begin 11.3, Iron Eagle, Long Term Solutions In Place, Knockout Punch Coming
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The [DS] is panicking like never before. They are desperate and they are now making a final push, they are using fear, WHO, FDA, CDC and the fake news are pushing it hard. The [DS] will demand people get vaccinated. This never had anything to do with the virus, they are now panicking that in the end people are going to see the truth, the unvaccinated don’t test positive and the vaccinated do. Scavino sends more message and they all tell the same story. This is not about a 4 year election, it’s about long term solutions, proof to begin 11.3, Devolution, Iron Eagle, the knock out punch is coming.
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Unfortunately, I am unable to access the most recent X22report geopolitical news video. “Encoding video” is present as if in the act of encoding and is not yet finished. I don’t remember that happening before.
Wendy Rogers is writing a bill for the Arizona border wall.
I made a contribution to: Borderwall.texas.gov.
How about you?
Check out New York State bill A416.
hello Dave: the maxwell trial is to sweep under the rug the blackmail op by epstein, mossad, and cia which ensnared many high level people. once maxwell is found guilty, even if its lower level crimes, it will all be forgotten. epstein is dead and even traitor barr went along with it. perfectly planned, perfectly executed. deep state wins again. they hold all levers of power. trump failed. he failed to sign insurrection act when he had the muscle. military brass are now in obama’s pocket, as planned. trump now is responsible for the hundreds of thousands of vax deaths also. he has failed and is now impotent. we will continue to get closer to civil war like before. no one will come to the rescue to save us.
Hi Dave,
Well I would say it was a good program but I feel that sorry to say, I have to disagree on some things. What ever happened to there is no 2022 or 2024 until 2020 is fixed? I do not know what to say but I think in my opinion this Deep State should have been shut down a lot sooner. Letting this continue for another year has been so emotionally exhausting especially with the plandemic. I feel the longer we wait, the Deep State is going to end up becoming way too dangerous for things to play out. I am just being honest about how I feel. However, I think it is good that TruthSocial will come out. I don’t like fear at all especially from the Fake News Media or the False Prophets of Baal. I would rather hear the truth more than all that garbage from the fake news media.
I also feel that sometimes your reporting can be dry especially with the wicked plans of the Deep State. I know that you are trying to get the truth out, but it sometimes can be dry. I think it is good to be honest about how I feel but as the saying goes “Facts don’t care about your feelings”. Well anyway, thanks again. Hope all is well. Where we go one, we go all.
Hi Dave,
I realized that when I was asking about What happened to no 2022 or 2024 until 2020 is fixed, I might have been wrong about that. I do feel that if we don’t fix 2020, then there is no election moving forward. I might have taken thing s out of context so I am sorry if I did. I know that there are going to be people monitoring the elections and Trump endorsed candidates, but I feel that it would have been better if the war ended and the Deep State got destroyed and the Fake News Media was shut down for good and the fake pandemic faded a lot sooner. It would be better for people to come live out their lives without fear and have a real sense of freedom and normalcy. I think the problem here is people for years weren’t told how to fight for their freedom. I feel that the abuse inflicted by the media really caused me to feel disillusioned about the information war. I wish there was a lot more communication with the people so more would have known the dangers of the jabs and the boosters so people wouldn’t have gotten hurt like that. I do know that Trump is going to roll out Truth Social and I think it is a great idea. I just wish the truth comes a lot sooner so it would not as damaging as it was. Thanks again.
Dave, you have said that Trump didn’t want a civil war. Trump didn’t want Americans killing each other. If Trump and the military doesn’t take action soon, a civil war is going to start. I had a guy tell me yesterday that he believes they are going to shut us down again and if they do he is not going to put up with it anymore. He told me “I have lots of guns and ammunition and if our mayor shuts us down again, I am going to put a bullet in his head”. Dave this movie bs needs to stop now. People are fed up with this bs. The actors, lookalikes and clones need to be removed now. The fake biden and fake kamala harris need to be removed immediately. Trump needs to come back as our legally elected President Now. A civil war is going to start if all this bs doesn’t stop. The people have had enough and they are not going to take it anymore. Stop the f””’ movie Now. Or people are going to die.
This Flynn lawsuit regarding him being a Q follower is confusing because he took the oath
With his family and friends and put it on video for all to see. So, I guess he is NOT a Q follower and he lied to everyone regarding wwg1wga. I realize he denounced Qanon as CIA disinformation campaign, and now he is saying that he did not support Q either. What a mess
Great episode, Dave. There may not be any elections in 2022.
Why does today’s broadcast have you talking so fast? This is not normal. Please go back to normal speed.
It seems to me that you have chosen to use a software that shortens the time gap between your sentences and words. You are busted. It is obvious that there are no breaths taken when one sentence ends and another one begins.
Why would you do this? Why?
It is un-natural, serves no purpose, and is strongly indicative of underlying dishonesty. It is a dirty, cheap thing to do. I will contact two people I know who listen to your report and tell them what I discovered. I’m sure they will recognize it.
The Khazars must be eliminated. The Khazarian Mafia is behind all the world problems. This group must be totally eliminated to free the World from their evil attacks on humanity. Limiting this only to the Rothchilds will not solve the problems
I heard a communist say that if they put peoples jobs and money in jeopardy they will get vaccinated. NEWS FLASH. You stop my retirement checks you come for money. I will become a dangerous man. I hate violence but i have been trained by the best. Law and order better work because i have something that will.
Lock downs? Camps? Lol. All i will say is it will be after my weapon is empty laying there barrel smoking. Then and only then may you lock my corpse down. People being locked down do not have weapons. I am glad i am not in communist New York. It would be National news. Police. Military attempts to lock man down 50 dead no lock down accomplish
Small Pox? Only a moron (okay, a wealth moron) would suggest this. I was vax’ed, as a child, against this.. you know, back in the 50s, when the vax was directed towards preventing diseases, and once there the body’s immune system is always able to recognize and counter. Also, their darlings from the 3rd world are not vax’ed… they are the ones who will die. Stupid… By the by, my wife got the first jab feeling employer pressure, but she said the people administering the poison dart asked a series of ethnicity questions. Why, is there one for whites, and one for browns, or blacks? Strange, hey?
This time I can report the first vaccination death out of my inner circle.
My friend´s son called his family and told them crying that the wife of his friend was finally persuaded by her doctor to get vaccinated. She was 7 days away from the calculated day of birth. For many month she didn´t want to do it. But after being pushed by the doctors for many weeks she finally gave in.
The next day after vaccination she had to give birth to a dead baby…..
Greetings from Germany!
11.3 = that part of the Military Law of War. Not a date…
Trump was pushing the vax again recently. He has pushed it all along in one way or another when his comments are examined over the past two years.
Dave, I appreciate what you are presenting. My issue is that many of us don’t have 50 to 60 minutes each day to hear 40 minutes of covid news. Your audience understands this very well already. And the deep state will “Panic” for the next 50 years.
New Test coming out? Whose test? How long will it be before we find out that it’s another evil move by the Globalists?????
August 13, 2021 – – The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is part of a consortium led by the Soros Economic Development Fund (SEDF) in acquiring Mologic, a British company that specializes in the development of rapid-testing technology, including for Covid-19 and various tropical diseases.
August 2021 – – Video by AnonTruther Further discussing the Mologic/GAH purchase https://www.brighteon.com/584101e3-44e9-4d54-aa8a-abd233f75818
Where/when will you publish comments????