Ep 2662b – They [DS] Are Fighting For Their Lives, Panic Mode, Something Big Is About To Drop
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The [DS] narrative is now falling apart, they are fighting for their lives. Panic mode. They know the people are waking up, the pandemic did not deliver what they needed, it is now coming to an end. They will continue to push it and keep the fear but this will fail. The pushed the tests off until Dec, they knew that cold and flu season was coming and they used it to push their agenda. But now it will all fall apart. Something big is about to drop and the [DS] knows its coming, people will begin to witness the truth.
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I don’t think the new tests will be any better bc Gates and Soros are manufacturing the new tests.
How was the US attacked if the covid virus is nothing more than a bad flu; you say flu has disappeared and that’s true, it has been rebranded as covid. So then, the US was not attacked by China with a bioweapon. It’s a virus that can’t be detected with pcr so how does anyone know for sure they have or had it? But Trump needs the anti China narrative, so he encouraged the ‘covid’ narrative. Law suits? Yes, but just remember who brought in the vaccines, who approved the warp speed development of them. You, like everyone else on the Trump train are constantly contradicting yourself when it comes to Trump, the virus and the vaccines.
Hiiiiii….thank you Dave!….
steve bannon today and investigative reporters posobiec and rahim [co-hosts today] have now predicted when the vax deaths continue to increase and cannot be hidden, biden will call for an investigation [remember big pharma already has immunity] and trump will be blamed for not only the covid deaths but the vax deaths. they will use his own words to hang him. dr berx is already on the scene again since she retired trashing trump and setting the stage. trump will be blamed for pushing the vax and throwing safety out the window. peter navarro will be his accomplice posobiec says.
everyone will line up to testify against trump and nevarro, all those cdc, fda and pharma officials. repubs will join the bandwagon, the same ones doing nothing about the election steal. its a brilliant plan. all the other crimes will be forgotten since obama/biden’s doj and cronies in state government will never prosecute. the msm will never report on these crimes anyway and the brainwashed public wont know the difference.
yes dave [see previous comment from bannon]. the plot will fail if it can be proven big pharma lied and killed many in initial trials. WRONGDOING VITIATES IMMUNITY. we’ll see if they can get away with this. thanks.
When fda approved Phifer pill ended eua for jabs and boost. Checkmate.. NCSWIC…nothing.
Yes! When will it all “be dumped on the public?” Plz!
Never mind how many people DIE and are disabled for Trump’s “career”. Or how many children they are going to MURDER with forced vaccinations. Trump may gain credit with the “normies” but will lose his base. This is MASS GENOCIDE. Tell us how you feel after they murder YOUR child. Then tell us if it was “worth it” to maintain the LIE.
we follow Trump because he tells the truth. For Trump to say it is safe and there are no deaths and brags about him rushing it out can comeback and bite him in the ass. They will blame him for all the deaths. To me it is crimes against humanity no different than the other liars. Great leaders tell the truth.
Something smells…
1. They say, they have them all.
2. The poles show 60 to 80 % are awake.
3, Why would they allow children to be murdered (Dec 24th many souls were lost.)
4. Follow the money.
Washington state Demo governor Insle was the first to place sick into nursing homes in coordination with other acused so called state leaders.Dem Marxists have been cheating & over taxing Wash State for years.It’s time to drive them to the river & rush them away.
If the military vaccine turns out to kill, TRUMP is complicit in the attack on America and the World
Dave how about some new material. You’ve beaten vaccines, persons that have been vaccinated and big Pharma to death every program. Start keying on Trump and his return. The other stuff is getting pretty boring. Still waiting for red October maybe next year. Perfect just before 2022 elections. Most of everything you use has already been in the news. Get some inside info to gain back interest.
Gates and Soros purchased the business that produced the testing, and you think the tests will be reliable? REALLY!
Hey Dave. Maybe you should change the name of your show to the “X22 Covid Report”. Or maybe the “X22 Deep state is Still in panic Mode Report”.
Dave, Dec 2nd the Ds sent a letter demanding DC mayor be given control of National Guard.
Im not seeing where the NG has been cleared to work with marines in national emergency?
Also, the Military Vaccine y9u mentioned a few days ago is the one with the chip?
Hi Dave. Hey, tried to find the info on the Red Cross website RE: non-acceptance of blood donations from Post-CV19 survivors who got vaccinated. Would you happen to have the link or a screen shot? Thanks in advance.
– Craig
Trump is still supporting the bogus Vaccines! How does one explain this alarming fact?
In regard to pushing the fact that we are at war in episode 2662b you mentioned (1) the bio-chemical attack on the United States with Covid 19 which is true but when you couple this with (2) the embargo of our west coast and east coast ports; (3) the invasion occurring at our southern border; (4) the presence of 380,000 +/- Chinese “students” in the United States; and, (5) rumored Chinese military presence at our northern border, it presents an even more powerful and convincing case for us being at war.
I enjoy your podcasts and understand this one somewhat.. But another position… I understand what Trump is up to. I support him in draining the swamp, in Making America Great Again. But I stand in opposition to saying he had the 3rd jab… he supports the vaxes etc.!!! Screw credibility when human lives are put at risk!!! Many of us are awake and working on helping others to wake up as well! But there are those who are NOT YET, and those who are so unsure because they were Democrats and feel they are being treasonous to their party to accept what’s being said about the jab…. So they are sitting on the fence! And yet there are others who are afraid of taking the vax, and again are there on the fence. These people may now thing that if Trump took the 3rd jab, it MUST BE OK… I had a woman tell me that she was going to take it because ‘they are safe now.’ REALLY??? God said He is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthian 14:33) — so NEITHER SHOULD WE BE!!! He needs to come out and clarify this before people are maimed or die!