Ep 2676b – All Assets [F][D] Deployed , Checkmate, When Do Birds Sing?
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The [DS] is continuing to lose. Their entire pandemic push, with the vaccine mandates is now falling apart. The Supreme court has ruled that the vaccine mandates are unconstitutional, this doesn’t mean that the [DS] will stop. They are now in the process of covering up what they did. Trump is allowing the [DS] to be completely exposed to the world and the people are seeing it all. The walls are closing in on Fauci, it’s only a matter of time. The [DS] has all assets deployed, they are preparing something, be ready, [FF] in the works, change of news cycle coming.
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What is with the Blast wall being installed in front of the White House?
̶W̶a̶t̶e̶r̶b̶o̶a̶r̶d̶ ̶ enhance interrogate Epps !!
I think it’s time to fight fire with fire. We should be shutting the internet down against the deep state. Do to the deep state whatever the deep state intends to do to us. And hit them first. And KEEP hitting them one thing after another over and over.
Fauci’s wife holds a very interesting position. Worth investigation for sure.
Didn’t healthcare workers get the shaft? It wasn’t exactly checkmate for them.
In a separate, simultaneously released ruling, the highest court of the land – in a 5-4 vote – allowed a similar vaccine mandate for healthcare facilities that receive Medicaid and Medicare to stand.
“After all, ensuring that providers take steps to avoid transmitting a dangerous virus to their patients is consistent with the fundamental principle of the medical profession: first, do no harm,” the majority opinion read.
Why the fuck does this broadcast stop every ten seconds? Funny I can listen to entire songs on YouTube with no breaks but this program stops every ten seconds or so.
Robin Sage exercise is conducted with every Special Forces class as a graduation requirement. I went thru it in 1977 as an enlisted soldier and again in 1986 as an officer. There is nothing nefarious about it, period.
I called the Pfizer phone number and the recording said Comirnaty, the approved vaccine is not out yet but the vaccine that is already being used has the same formula as Comirnaty and this vaccine should be used before the approved vaccine comes out. However, I have found this bit, On August 23, 2021, FDA announced the first approval of a COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty, for the prevention of COVID-19 in individuals 16 years of age and older. So the vaccine that is approved for emergency use has its name changed and becomes approved? Here is the website link: https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/comirnaty-and-pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine
Que: Boom, Boom, Boom.
Mandates, Voter Bill, Build Back Better.
I love x22 report and am watching each and every show. I cannot help but to notice how much every show is like a pep rally with the cheer leaders a jumpin around and hollerin !!! What ever happened to that dude named…..Q….. Vanished ? Well I am a mushroom as I am kept in the dark and fed poop !!! I cannot help to feel that Mr.Trump is a great mushroom farmer !!! Great Man but still a farmer ?! On to the pep rally !!! Rah,rah,rah….fight…fight…fight…..go team !!!…….and HOPEFULLY before the world is completely destroyed something that we have been told will happen….when will they actually make it HAPPEN !!! Just watching the show. Ready to change the channel thou !!!! Tired of all the BS !!!! LIES !!!! Promises made but ALWAYS pushing the goal posts down just as we think we are about to win !!!! JESUS already WON !!!!! It is TIME for the military to do the deed and bring an end to this horror show !!!
Dave. Have you seen what is happening in Washington State? State has set applications for employment to a strike force. The job is to secure and care for detainees at the states unvaccinated detainment centers. Yes the state will soon round up unvaccinated and place them in camps for an undetermined time. Where is Military? Where are the good guys to allow this? Why no law suits? If i lived in this state and they came for me. National news would be covering the mass strike force employees shot and killed trying to round up a man.
Democrats in Washington State are now pushing a bill, WAC 246-100, which would authorize “health officers” (Democrat vaccine Gestapo) to kidnap anyone at gunpoint and throw them into covid concentration camps which have already been activated. The people targeted under this tyrannical rule need not show any signs of sickness or infection to be ripped from their homes and families.
same old story every time and nothing ever materializes. They caught them they know everything they put countermeasures in place chess game blah blah same thing over and over and yet nothing said ever happens. Just sayin what ever people want to hear for ratings and followers
“Oh what tangled webs we weave, when we purpose to deceive.” Sir Walter Scott
The first sun mentioned in the Bible is lying. The last sun referenced at the end of the Bible is lying. Approximately in the middle of the Bible the “six yay, seven” things God hates are listed in Proverbs; included in those is lying.
The warming and antidote to the ancient human flaw?
Mathew 7:15 – 20:
“Beware of false prophets , which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
You shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Even so every good tree brings a forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree brings a forth evil fruit.
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that brings not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them.”
Examine the fruit you see coming forth from those in power. Is it good fruit or is it bad fruit. God’s counsel is that simple, He is not the author of confusion
It is not that there is not any evidence against them ,there is a lot but the FBI answers to the attorney general and the director of national intelligence ,Merrick Garland and Avril Haines as long as they are in charge the truth will remain buried ,who is going to hold these people accountable ?
Dave I have a serious concern.
As Trump holds back for the Perfect Time, many people are dying when there is a cure. Many people like myself have lost their businesses. Many have had to face the fact they could not have a funeral for their loved ones. Many children are still being trafficked. Many many illegals are causing health and safety issues.
I feel their will be many VERY ANGRY in the future because of this seemingly endless wait for the perfect time.
Concerned Phill
The barriers outside the white house are put around the fountain while they do some work on it. You can view it on the live white house web cam. You can also see it is plywood and not concrete. I wish it was for public executions, but it appears to be benign.
Your the one I look forward to hearing everyday. “Good news from a far country is like cold water to a thirsty soul”.—Bible
Love the content. However the civil war training in NC is NOTHING new. Robin Sage is a regular part of special forces training. Look into Pineland. It’s a fictitious government where the residents of NC play a role in the war game simulation. Beware the misleading of information and manipulation
It’s bed time for me. Time to put on x22, to hear the same thing that has been reported on for ever. Still nothing about, indictments being unsealed, arrests, military tribunals, jailing in Gitmo,…what is falling apart is the same BULLSHIT LIES, that has been put out by trump.
Conspiracy theories and lies is all we have been served up to us.