Ep 2684b – SCOTUS Decision Needed, Trap Set, It Will All Be Revealed, Tick Tock
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The [DS] fell right into the trap the patriots set, all the pieces are coming together, the SCOTUS decision was needed. Soon it will all be revealed and people will see the truth just like they are seeing the truth about covid. The left is now waking up after a year plus of pushing the narrative. Trump has left some information in the J6 documentation, he left it there because he wanted the people to see it, this is all part of the plan, it’s time to take take the [DS] and take back the country.
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- ← Ep 2684a – The [CB] Is Left With No Choice, They Are Now Pushing It All, People Are Fighting Back
- Ep 2685a – Good Guys Are Positioned, The [CB] Will Do The Rest →
“Theres a Storm coming,…”
“Its about to change,…”
I remember when our government said False Flags doesn’t exist. Now?? They claim Russia is planning a False Flag. It can’t be both..
It seems like if I don’t make a comment bitching about the show not working, it won’t work. Why is that?
There is somebody posting your report on Gettr as your official report. I thought you might like to know. I can report it as PRETENDING TO BE SOMEONE ELSE. This account has 13.5 million followers. It’s not verified. It’s using your logo. I don’t think it’s you. Your reports are not on there.
Your theory is flawed. At any time Trump could release info to Durham, since it is his privilege to do so.
Dave you need to do some research on the phenomenon of water vapor condensation. Water vapor condensing outside of someone’s mask does not mean water DROPLETS are passing through the mask, it means H2O molecules are passing through the mask and CONDENSING into droplets outside of the mask due to temperature change. I’m not saying you should wear a mask if you are hell bent against it. If you choose to stand up for your God-given right to spit on other people, that’s up to you. But if I choose to wear a proper fitted N95 mask to protect myself and my immunocompromised loved ones from your spit, that’s my business and not yours. If you are going to try to tell people what to do based on science, please at least know wtf you are talking about, Thank you. Even better why don’t you just stick to the actual subject of what is happening with our political system and why we have been lied to by Trump and the so-called white hats for over a year now. Maybe stick to that instead of pretending you’re a doctor or a virologist. I’ve heard so much medical misinformation from you I would really like to listen to your show to hear what you have to say about those other topics but I can’t listen to you anymore spewing garbage misinformation.
Yo, Dave! Let’s talk about chemtrails and how Trump covered the misuse of them that was on Youtube. I have noticed that the DS keeps spraying the country with all kinds of deadly chemicals and probably more viral enhancements. My cousin on the Florida coast has noticed it too, having just got over
being very sick for weeks. I see these unique patterns in my NW skyline which don’t match the common flight patterns, some coming out of Canada. I have taken pictures of them and so have many others who are very concerned; it must be stopped again soon! The people need to become informed, observe and speak out.
Tired of the bullshit! U say drip,drip,drip. The publics attension span AT BEST is 2 weeks! If this evidence is TRUE, ( & I pray it is ), why not just go all in? At this rate, nobody will even care! I dont know if you have insider info, but this is ridiculous! Put it out there, arrests, etc. Otherwise, this whole thing is just another chapter of BS in American history! How long will this BS go on? If evidence is how you say it is, then whats the HOLD UP? Im starting to believe your just dragging this BS out for your own benefit, & Ive been listening for 4 yrs! I see NO evidence to prove what youve been reporting! SHIT or get OFF the POT!
I have been listening to you Dave for a extremely long time. I upset my wife as i listen to you. She believes what you say she just gets tired of hearing the countries problems over and over. Me? I am glad you make me use my brain considering things i may never have thought about. What open my eyes really open my eyes was when main stream news would not report on Hunter Biden Laptop. To me this was news the people should have known. Such thing as National Security and whole Biden family is a National security problem. I live for the day executions of these people take place Why? I was there when the price was paid. I was there to see the pain and suffering. Call it the Jungles of Vietnam. Call it the out posts over run. Firebase 6. Cutting off the Ho Chi Minh trail. Call it shooing away flys from a burned helicopter pilots burns. They used the patriots of America to make their blood money. Execute them. No Mercy. If they allow these communist to go free the blood then spreads to them as well.
Re: “INFLUENCERS” – ‘no such thing’? Sure, if people INSIST on THINKING for themselves, doing some reading & research, making logical, rational decisions, then acting on them, THEN, there’s not much room for “influencers”. HOWEVER, that description of people & processes DESCRIBES a MINORITY of both people and decisions. A VALUABLE minority; with luck, the more PRODUCTIVE members of society. But the MSM & Gov’t are strongly programed to DENY & OPPOSE such folk. Hope the counter-propaganda (we like to call it FACTS & TRUTH) will prevail. “We’ll see what happens.” MAGA!
I agree about the masks not working, but you keep saying the virus is 1 micron, but I have heard doctors say that it is actually point-one (.1 micron), so is much smaller.
Trump made this statement i remember it very well because i could see the TRUTH in his statement. Trump said. “ I have no special interest groups, my only special interest group is the American people”. I knew Lobbyist and special interest groups had been running the country for years. American people are so stupid they can not go back and listen. Really listen to the speech Trump gave at his inauguration. He wants to give America back to the people. Stupid Americans.
You say Trump doesn’t want death and destruction …. WTF do you think is happening in America right now?!?!? DEATH AND DESTRUCTION!!!!!
Following you since trumps coupe love you 😍