Ep 2722b – [DS] Narrative Failure,Unsealing Of The First Several Indictments Will Bring About Unity
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The [DS] has lost the narrative. The fake news/Biden admin wouldn’t have to respond the bio lab stories if they were in control, since they tried to spin the stories it shows the world they do not have control of the narrative. Durham is on the hunt and is ready to release more indictments, Barr confirms that Durham will release more. Trump doubles down on Xi going in Taiwan, there is a reason for this, information is going to be produced and it will be damaging to the [DS]. Patriots have the leverage and the [DS] is panicking.
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Dave, Why do you keep saying that bioweapons labs are in Taiwan? What documentation do you have? My information says that no such labs are in Taiwan.
They can take forces into Ukraine without approval of Congress because its an act of war and I believe it has to be more than just a majority vote which hopefully they wouldn’t get. The Democrats accuse others of what they would do in the same situation, now they’re accusing Russia of doing what they do. How much covid money will end up in campaign funds for corrupt politicians vs benefiting Ukraine people?
Re: 04:00
Hey Dave!
Hope this note finds you well and healthy,,,
The Biolabs in Ukraine numbered 11 or so,,,and Putin has wiped them out for us! Yaaa!! However,,this is only what Putin can do,,it will be up to Trump,,the US Military and rest of the free world to destroy the OTHER 28 around the rest of the world,,,so saying that ,,,this is far from over,,,
It’s not easy to face the truth but harder still to believe it. To know your self is to know your truth then freedom will mean something to you.
The WORST it get’s for the WORST….The worst it gets for the WORSE… That’s how fkd up things are… Grab the popcorn..