Ep 2724a – It’s Time To Protect Our Own Sovereignty, The Globalist System Has Failed
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The globalist are in trouble, the people are seeing the truth about the economy, they are seeing inflation, fuel prices surge, it’s like Trump set this up so people could see it and reject the Great Reset. The globalist system is now finished.
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- Ep 2724b – Evidence Cannot Be Stopped, The People Will Know Soon, The Country Belongs To The People →
Keep electrical appliances for 7 years? My parents used to keep some of them 40 – 50 years. Environmentalism created the problem of them lasting less than 10 years! They say new appliances are so energy efficient. But replacing them in less than 10 years is far more expensive than the extra electricity used by the appliances that lasted 50 years, and replacing them so often creates far more pollution!
Here is a prime example..how a Country loses its Sovereignty to the cartle.
See- Life and Debt on youtube..
Life and Debt, I.M.F. Destroyed Jamaica
Medz with Blessing
Clips explaining how the I.M.F. helped to destroy Jamaica’s farming culture
Life and Debt (trailer)
The Globalist Cabal of the New World Order of Elite Politicians, Bankers and Industrialist skim the top off of the Financial and Economic Pyramid bailing out with their Golden Parachutes with a silver lining making a soft landing, while the Debt Surf Slaves with their worthless Federal Reserve Notes crash to the bottom with their worthless Federal Reserve Notes crash to the bottom and bare full brunt of blow.