Ep 2730b – The Patriots Are Working To End, Evil, Expect A Lot More, Panic, Not As It Appears
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The [DS] is being called out, the hid the [HB] story from the public and now the people see the truth, it was a lie. The walls are closing in on them. The [DS] has already lost the Ukraine war, the control belongs to Putin, next up Taiwan and Iran. The patriots are in the processing of removing evil, expect a lot more, nothing is as it appears, enjoy the show.
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Page 222 of 252
- ← Ep 2730a – Banks Accumulate Gold, The [CB] Is Using The Playbook From The 70’s
- Ep 2731a – The Economic Narrative Just Boomeranged On [JB] & The [CB] →
Remember, for what has been done to the world concerning covid, the crimes that elected people have done, the ongoing corruption and voter fraud and ignoring the evidence – it is not good enough that people involved just leave their positions, allowed to not run again – all these people need to be prosecuted and sentenced for Treason with extreme prejudice.
Just the fact that Zelensky is a multi millionaire tells you where a lot of the aid money goes. This is criminality beyond what any of us can imagine.
dave, when will they start with the world economic forum and one of the REAL enemies of this world klas schwab.. he is the head of this snake along with the other high level nazies in these NGO’s like the tri laterals, the CFR, the club of rome, the comittee of 300, the WHO, and all their foundations… these people are the MASTERMINDS…
I understand that you have a limited amount of time to prepare these reports, which are excellent reports, but you should also proofread the commentaries you write below the videos before you post them.
Thank you for the great reports and for being a dedicated patriot. God bless you.
Dave, does this mean that they are simply changing out stage props? Hopefull it won’t be
for long.
Hi Dave – A lot of FF happening. I don’t text you to often but I am here for all your reports.
Thank you for keeping this 85 y.o. calmed down at the end of the evening.
Didn’t Joe Biden’s daughter write in her diary that her Dad Sexually abused her as a child?
She never came out and said it didn’t happen. The only investigation was… is this really her diary?
Obviously, it was important enough that the FBI raided James O’Keefe’s house and his Project Veritas business office to get the diary. O’Keefe said he told the FBI months before that he couldn’t verify the book as original or authentic, so he gave it to the NY Police department. He also told them he gave copies to several publications just in case it was real.
The FBI, took several months, then raided him. Now it is revealed that the FBI raid and their lack of professionalism was caught on tape. Rut Row!!
Remember the turncoats!
The Cabal had Dr Mullis taken out to keep him quiet about the PCR.
Remember Week 14 of March, 2020… On the CDC reporting pages, The ILI, and Pneumonia cases and deaths were far exceeding the “covid” cases and deaths. In fact, there were hundreds of ILI infant deaths and Zero “covid” infant deaths.
Then inexplicably, the ILI and Pneumonia counts and the Covid counts were combined. From week 15 on, suddenly, the flu and pneumonia mortality rates/deaths ceased to exist as did reductions in Alzheimer and Accidental Deaths. Who Knew, Covid cured Alzheimer and drownings!!!
Durham knows anyone tried and convicted will be pardoned by this president..He has to wait until this president is gone.
He was talking about working to end Planned Parenthood in the Q drop.
At some point Dave we the people need to see arrests of the evil lying, cheating, and crimes by the crimminals, DS, msm. We have waited long enough. Some people will never believe the truth so WHY wait for them. The devolution idea has lost so much credibility. So much for counter measures…NOT. The destruction of our country and constitution is hurting we the people and yet the military does NOTHING. There is NO justice just talking points. It’s all talk for followers. We can’t even get on Truth Social. As a Patriot I am so disappointed and disgusted by the hope that you and other alternative stations present but NeVER arrive. Results matter and we just keep seeing more crimes and hurt with NO consequences. SHAMEFUL.
If Biden is removed for fraud and corruption everyone he appointed and every law he signed MUST be revoked and the duly elected person installed as president. Period. NO sneaking one in. That is against our Constitution.
I went to healthwithx22report.com and interested in ordering. There isn’t a phone number to speak with someone. Disappointed.
Maybe the the AG has done NOTHING, that’s why there are NO leaks! We’re being lied to again!
Dave, Thank you!
I’m wondering why the New York times came out with the truth and the timing of it. Any ideas?
Dave…never mind! Maia (I didn’t know you were going to tell us on this one)
Oh no ! Who is “she”?.. not killery!