Ep 2733b – Without A Shield The [DS] Is Left Vulnerable, Nobody Walks Away From This
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The [DS] is now being stripped of their shield, they are now vulnerable. Judge Jackson is destroying herself during the Senate questioning, this will not end well for her or Biden. People must see the transparent evidence, only through blind justices can bring the people together. In the end nobody walks away from this. The [DS] has run out of time.
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- ← Ep 2733a – It Has Begun, Fake News Begins To Protect The Fed, Already Failed
- Bob Kudla- [CB] Just Let The Cat Out Of The Bag, The Economic Awakening Cannot Be Stopped →
Zelenskyy is allegedly hiding out in Poland. Perhaps Biden is going to meet him there.
Get off twitter. Facebook and other garbage social media. I deleted my accounts long ago if there is nobody they have nobody to ban.
When are you going to figure out how to pronounce Josh Hawley’s name. It is not Howley.
Dave, is there a secret to making your show play all the way through without stopping? I wish I knew it. It plays for 3 to 5 minutes then stops for 10 or 15 minutes then plays again for 3 to 5 minutes. By the time the show is done I’ve forgotten the first half of it. I can only guess it’s on your end because no other program I watch plays that way.
Your point about having to really search for pedo pictures, etc. was very illuminating. It had frankly never occurred to me what all must be involved as I’m pretty naive about such things but great point! Those on trial for possessing such things (as you pointed out) didn’t just stumble onto such things…they went looking for them. . I’d never thought about it before. You’re right…they should serve the very maximum (or perhaps death sentence) for ANY thing related to abusing children! Just one grandmas opinion.
Hey Dave
I like your channel, but I think you are denying the destruction in Ukraine, and trying to justify a guy (Putin) with a Hitler Complex who has been waging war in several regions for the last few years.
Also, you make a lot of unsubstantiated claims about COVID Vaccine and the US Military which border on RIDICULOUS.
The military is not controlled by Trump…. get real.
Cheers 🙂
In stating her inability (or willingness) to define the word, “woman”, Judge Jackson DOES indicate (or concede) that, in her view, the priority frame of reference is BIOLOGY. That is certainly a good start; it’s likely also why she’d rather STOP. Well done, Senator Blackburn!
Russell Brand has a ‘light bulb moment’ well I do declare. He used to have a strong case of TDS and now he is cured!! This person changes sides as often as I change my knickers. It’s taken him long enough to choose the winning side. I am not at all interested in anything this bozo has to say.
Thanks Dave for another interesting video, it is much appreciated.
“When this all comes out in the end,…” WHEN DOES THE END BEGIN,…???
The excuses,…that,…the people need to see for themselves what the demon rats are like is BULLSHIT,…this is all RETATIATORY,.. TO BRING PAIN TO THE DEMON RATS,…FOR THE WAY THEY TREATED trump AND THE patriots,…trump AND THE patriots,…HAVE NO CREDIBILITY,… AFTER WALKING AWAY FROM THE ELECTION STEAL,…AND THE STATEMENT,.. THAT trump AND THE patriots,…ARE GIVING PAIN TO THE DEMON RATS.
If the SENATOR does not do the right thing,…he will not get trump’s support,…??? Who wants the support of a person that walked away from the election STEAL and onto the golf course, abandoning his supporters,…???
trump and the patriots are in control of nothing,…except their own propaganda.
Hi Dave, I know that many of us from different areas of the country pronounce things differently, however I believe the correct pronunciation of Josh Hawley’s name is “Holley” and just thought I would let you know, as I am from his home state. Thanks so much for all you do. Stay safe and keep on doing the great work! Lana Mo
I’ve thought a lot about this Judge Jackson pick by Biden administration. In this day and age what happens if you attack a protected (black person or woman)? They thought they covered two bases with this pick. How far has our society gone with the identity politics? Will the people of this Country accept pedophilia? I don’t think so at least I hope not.
The thing about Trump withdrawing the endorsement of Mo Brooks is why now since he had known what the GOP Senate candidate had said about moving on from the 2020 election in August 2021.
Unlike Adam Schiff ~ The patriots have ALL the receipts. Down you go hunter….
Well, let’s have a go, shall we?
A woman is an adult human female. Pre-adult human females are called “girls”.
When mature, human females typically have the physical capacity to conceive and carry a human fetus from conception through birth. Often, they’ve also developed the psychological capacity to nurture and sustain an infant’s life as it develops into a child and an adult. English speakers use the word “woman” to designate an adult human female. They sometimes use socially complimentary terms such as “lady”, or negative terms, unsuitable for a U.S. Supreme Court Justice.