Ep 2736b – House Cleaning In Progress, Final Stage, The Entire World Is Watching
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The world is now going through a major house cleaning. The nazis, biolabs, money laundering and [DS] players are being removed, the [DS] is being exposed right in front of the entire world. The world is watching the destruction of the old guard. The evidence is being brought out into the open, it will start tying all of these players together and it will show just how evil they truly are. We are now in the final stage.
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The world isn’t watching, that’s the problem.
99% of the people I know watch MSM ,and believe everything they say. The world is too brainwashed. I hope I’m wrong but they are not waking up.
Making the people understand everything evil that these deep state players have done to America and the World is one thing.
International Tribunals need to happen and prosecution/sentencing with extreme prejudice must be accomplished. Not able to walk the streets is not the answer, nor is prison time. Eradicate them from society permanently. Personally I will not shed one tear drop.
You seriously need to learn more about virus sizes and masks!
Bacteria (like anthrax, e-coli, etc.) is 1 micron in size.
Viruses are 0.02 to 0.08 microns in size… 10-20 times smaller than bacteria.
The N95 mask is an Alpha-Numerical model no. given by the NISH and tested per ASTM specifications.
The N stands for Non-Oil (moist) to be used in dry environments like dust.
The 95 stands for 95% efficacy against particulate 0.5 microns in size. To assure the 95%, ASTM tests the mask (under vacuum to simulate proper fit) using 0.3 micron media!
So… industry claims masks are effective to 0.3 microns in size… 35 times larger than a Virus!
Where you got 30 microns and 80 microns… ??????
We know that several Republicans will vote to confirm Judge Jumanji regardless of issue!
If the Republicans have shown and proven Over and Over… they would rather be called Pedophiles than Racists!
We have become a sick and immoral society and I fear that winning a couple of elections will not stem this putrid decay. Give it 5 years and it will all be back!!
Sadly, the only way to regain morality is a split. Let the Morally challenged and the Crime riddled society implode on itself. The U.S. is headed to become another Somalia or Liberia.
Let’s split and begin the rebuild immediately. In 10 years, we will be back! This time, build a HUGE Wall and enforce that wall. Check their papers! If they were once a lefty… keep them out! Once a lefty, always a lefty. Listen to everyone buddying up to Tulsi Gabbard! Stop It!!
Cyber attack is traceable through Space Force. If it’s their only option, then they give away their methods for penetration into the system. If they do that and fail (a high probability since we are forcing them into that option) then they have fired their last salvo. Once they do, you will see an uptick in ANTIFA riots and then when that fails, politicians will start dying left and right (PUN INTENDED.)
As far as Trans athletes go, If they want to compete in sports or jobs… commit!!
Cut the Genitals off. You can’t have it both ways!!
But, if that’s the way it is… because Republicans are weak… then all the older retired athletes should compete. Imagine the Trans Swimmer competing against Michael Phelps wearing a wig! He/She could become both the World record holder in Men’s and Women’s swimming. Yay!
How about Usain Bolt in a wig running against women!!
Couldn’t the entire (rather silly) disputes regarding participation in athletic competitions be resolved by the simple expedient of having “transgender” or “non-gendered” competitions. Real sports would indeed be (largely) male preserves-women might excel in swimming, certain gymnastics, ice skating and similar areas where aesthetics, coordination, and harmony of movement are more important than strength, stamina, and aggressiveness. Men who want to enter competitions as women could compete against EACH OTHER, as “women”-if that’s what they want to do, and the rest of us could-and should-pay attention to REAL sporting competition.
Trans-gender or trans-sexual competitions would not be interesting to most sports fans but hey, there ARE now Women’s “basketball”, “wrestling”, “baseball”, ice hockey, tennis, and other competitions for those who favor them. Trans-gender “sports” should be no different.
I think we should have somewhat more important things to focus on than wo/men’s bathrooms and wo/men’s sports! Men should compete with men, women with women, children with children, and (I suppose) Trans-gendered or “non-gendered” people with like minded, (and like-bodied?) people.
Knowing how the deep state likes to do the “Don’t look at that, look over here” scenarios, to me it seems like a way to get our focus off of Hunter Biden’s laptop…
Dave Outstanding content tonight!!! You covered so many topics and important points. I pray we can speed things up to really know.
You know, in a world where the average person has a cellphone and virtually unlimited information literally at the tips of there fingers these “sleeping” citizens have no excuse for not knowing what is going on. These people are truly sheep. They’re nothing but fools with no one to blame for their ignorance but themselves. Essentially they CHOSE to be ignorant. They are the epitomy of of the saying “those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it”. They are gullible. They are only aware of themselves and only selfishly care for no one but themselves. They’re discusting and repugnant. Do you think that after all of this is revealed that people will change?
I guess it remains to be seen. And regardless, we which are aware should be compassionate towards them. And never let this happen again. However it will. It reminds me of the Israelites in the Old Testament that actually watched the miracles of God with their own eyes, benefited from them and STILL turned from following God. We’ll see what happens.
Dave, just for your info, several of us listen everyday. My brother and I said the same thing. All these invaders coming March 31, when some law will no longer be in effect as I can’t remember it’s name, Biden is purposely doing this forming his army to eventually collect us into camps. That really scares me. I wish I could remember what it’s called. Did you hear of this? You work so hard and Thank you.
Also, the IRS wants me to pay them $1,300 plus quarterlies and I told my accountant that I am paying them for themselves and to continue to harm the animals experimenting on them. I wonder, if other patriots have thought of this, as well. I wish Trump would come back before that deadly deadline. It’s the worst situation when ones already hurting!
I follow you every single day! I am your fan but cut the bullshit about Smith and that a-hole rock! Smith was laughing at the joke until he glanced over to his wife who was obviously perturbed and took action. I would have done the same thing!!! Chris Rock so-called comedian is a scumbag. You know what a comedian was, FLIP WILSON!!! Don’t make it out to be something that is not REALITY! I became a Will Smith fan. I will continue to be your fan!! I learn every day from you. How do you spell your last name? Cornball statement, LOVE YOU MAN KEE IT GOING!!!!!!
Trump will get a FOUR YEAR TERM once election fraud is exposed. Its ridiculous to believe he only gets to finish Biden’s illegitimate presidency. He might finish those 2 years and NOT have to run in 2024 as THAT will be his FOUR YEAR TERM he is due.
They were acting. Continue watching and you will see Will and Chris laffing about it. Also, the sound of the slap came too early.
You absolutely KILLED IT tonight!!! Been listening to you for 2 years and you blew me away. You had me sobbing AND cheering. Brilliant!!! Thank you 🙏🏻 ❤️
Dave, you are an awesome patriot! Thank you so much for all that you do!
Zelensky committed crimes against humanity by conducting ethnic cleansing against ethnic Russians in Ukraine. He is also committing war crimes against Russian prisoners and civilians. Why is Zelensky allowed to represent the Ukrainian government? He should be arrested for his crimes and a interim leader of Ukraine should be chosen to negotiate with Putin.
I’ve said this before, but l need to say it again. This is taking way too long! I started becoming aware of how corrupt our government was at 19 years old and started praying for our country, I’m now almost 64 years old! And l seriously question whether justice will ever come, here on this earth! These criminals and traitors will probably die or l will, before their cases ever come before a judge or before a tribunal!
I appreciate your narrative Dave and appreciate all you do, l just hope and pray your right and justice will be served one day, one day soon!
Another great video Dave, giving us all encouragement and hope for the future. I hope that the world’s wonderful President Donald J Trump recognises you for the fine patriot that you are. These are exciting times.
You are forgetting the 22 month rule ,they have to keep all records and ballots of the election.
now the other thing that’s very interesting. STOP saying that every 5 seconds
Hi Dave, if you don’t mind, please excuse my rant. After beginning in this whole charade of about 2 years ago, I began by watching President Trump, at the time he was doing daily briefings from the White House, and I watched the “MEDIA” brow beat him relentlessly. Then, when the conference was over, local news stations, (I am currently in OK, but am originally from NY) would break back to the studios for the newsroom flunkies now to evaluate his speech. I was able to see firsthand, how these people would take everything that he said, and turn it completely around and rework into what they wanted it to be!! I have been a Trump supporter from day one, and I do believe he is the absolute salvation for our great country! I must say though, that as long as CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, CNBC and others are still out there, EVERYONE WILL NEVER WAKE UP!! Unfortunately, you cannot force people to believe as long as they have this alternative. I am currently involved with my high school sweetheart, who I have just reconnected with after SEVERAL decades, and she, unfortunately, will not listen to me AT ALL!!!! I wish President Trump could take over all of these corporations to completely remove the swamp!!! WWG1WGA
Just wanted to add to my previous comment, your podcast is the only one I follow now, for about the last year, as I believe you are the only one who tells the truth!!!! I also watch your interviews. I appreciate your insight and all the info you provide. Thank you again for being a guiding light for me!!!
Bear in mind that Putin is still a creature of the KGB/FSB, and that means he’s a snake by nature. He appears to be doing the right thing in exposing the Deep State’s biolabs in Ukraine, but it’s likely in service to his own agenda of reconquering and reabsorbing the former Soviet republics into a new Russian Empire under his control.
A good analogy is when Ralph Nader cottoned onto the New World Order in 1992, complete with exposes of the Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission. Nader was still a Communist, and he was still using consumer activism to attack the American free market. His take on the New World Order was that it was not Communist ENOUGH in their agenda to fit his preferences. (The CFR/TC crowd are pursuing the Fabian Socialist strategy of patient gradualism, rather than all-at-once revolution.) Neither men (Putin, Nader) are white hats. Both are pursuing their own black-hat agendas, apparently in varying degrees of rivalry to the Deep State crowd rather than in full partnership with them.
Dave, we 💕 X22 Report and have shared it with all our closest friends for many years. WE are entering tax season, is it time for IRD Puerto Rico to close shop? I’m hearing many of WE THE PEOPLE are not going to pay taxes but will gladly withold it until Mr T. is back. We will be listening for what you are hearing.
How can we end the corruption of the January 6th. Committee. The deception and fraudulent lies of this committee are deceiving and tearing apart our constitution and democracy. Dave do you think President Trump has a enough evidence to tear down this committee. Dave thank you for all your insights. I never miss your posts.
Gregory Fassler
Thank you for your broadcasts.
I knew what was happening with C19. I thought that maybe the “virus “ was on the testing swabs. Who knows.
I despise this administration and can’t understand how people don’t see what’s happening.
What will happen to those who’ve committed treason?
God bless the USA!
Same old BULLSHIT,…indictments coming SOON.
My understanding is China didn’t give ANY of their people the jab. They imported it to their country to pretend they were giving it to their people.