Ep 2742b – [DS] System Exposed And Destroyed Piece By Piece, Booms En Route
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The [DS] is doing everything they possibly can to stop Putin from exposing their operation in Ukraine. The patriots are exposing and removing the [DS] system piece by piece, nothing can stop this. By the time this is all done the D’s and the [DS]/Fake News/Big Tech will cease to exist the way they are today. The people are seeing it all play-out in real time, it’s like watching a movie.
- ← Ep 2742a – The Biden Admin/[CB] Have Failed, The People Will Lead The Way To A New Economic System
- Ep 2743a – It Has Already Begun, People Are Being Brought To The Economic Precipice →
Wah, Wah, Wah… Look at who was fighting before the Sacramento shootings. Yep… Dindo Nuffin demographic crowd. 12-18 shot, 6 dead. It’s the gun’s fault. Multiple hospitalized.
Meanwhile at the same time in Chicago… 16 shot, 2 dead. Multiple Hospitalized. Wonder who the demographic is??? Yep… Dindo Nuffin!
Shootings so regular in Chicago, they don’t even make the National News anymore.
So far in 2022, 508 shootings and 128 homicides. In 3-months. Will surpass 2021 in April!!
Of course a whopping 28 arrested, not prosecuted, just arrested for interviews.
But…. it’s the guns!! No, why are these people so Violent? Send them back!!
#1: Elon Musk had better not run for president. I still regard him as a fabrication of the CIA. And he is not responsible for creating Tesla.
It’s great to know that some portion of our intelligence community recognizes that our Country is and has been by way of infiltration in the hands of enemies of our sacred values expressed in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. These enemies are mortal enemies of The United States of America and humanity. But what portion of our intelligence community is it that understands this? How much of our military is compromised for that matter? Hopefully, the compromised part is nothing but the “TV generals”
Let us Pray.
Also Dave, please contact Jordan Sather and find out what happened to him. Somehow let us know his condition/circumstance.
Zelensky has been broadcasting from his over the top millions of dollars home in FLORIDA- he isn’t in Ukraine.
I KNOW what Bill and Hillary are/ were. I KNOW what Pelosi is. I know alot about alot of the leading leftists’. I know alot about Hollywood and what it is/was.
I know alot about alot of what is and was. And I am not the only one, by any means. I’m growing tired of being underestimated.
I KNOW that we should have our legitimate president active and leading this country. Enough is enough!! We should not anymore have to experience the evil that pervades us. We have always been willing to work. We have always been willing to pay our way. We expect to live in a godly and honest way. That means that we do not want engineered weather or 5G or anything else that sickens and destroys us and the rest of our (should be) natural environment!! For the love of God step up and lead our country President Trump!!! You will go down as the greatest president ever so get over your ego and actually DO what you have promised to do!!! We need a legitimate president of a new country and we need it now!!!
Hello Commander Dave !!!!
Whenever I hear talk of Hunter Biden & Hillary Clinton, I remind myself that any movie you’re watching TODAY was probably made at least a YEAR ago.
I love you Dave for all you do. I listen to your report every night before I go to bed/ it’s my special treat as I know you will tell me truth bombs which bring great hope & confirm that the Q Plan is unfolding beautifully & the cabal have been destroyed. It has been really hard for us Patriots but Victory is ours. God won. I pray that all those involved will get the recognition, the medals, the honours they deserve for saving America & the entire world. President Trump is being vindicated daily now; how he has suffered from the non-stop attacks, lies & propaganda by the fake news proves what a Godly, humble Patriot he truly is. He had to hide what he knows about the cabal in order to wake the sheepies up & that can’t be easy when he & his family were being totally trashed by the corrupt media. God Bless him.
I notice that Trump doesn’t bash Jack Dorsey the way he goes after Mark Zuckerberg. Am I seeing that correctly?
Hey Dave,
Love listening to X22 Report, I have been doing it for a few years now. I thought I’d write to you let you know, DirectTV Cable company just took OAN News off their cable channel network. Other cable companies are doing the same. This totally sucks. We like watching it on the big TV in the evening not on a small computer which we will have to do now through their app. The corrupt are pushing the censoring more and more every day. Thank you for all you do Dave.
Soo McClure
Ps. I had a chance to meet Jordan Sather at DoD a couple of years ago he’s a really an awesome guy and I am also subscribed to his channel as well. It’s good that the truther movement is growing more and more everyday as people wake up! I look forward to the big red tsunami.
Thank you for releasing the truth about Ukraine & what is happening in America. Are you able to tell us, Is Mr Scott Morrison, a Deep State Person.
I think Mr Morrison is, because he & all Australian state leaders, pushed the Covid plandemic very hard, & still doing it when there is no emergency.
Mr Morrison has sent military vehicles to Ukraine to be used by the Azov troopers. The Australian opposition has backed Mr Morrison all the way.
Could you answer this in an email supplied.
For quite some time now we’ve been hearing the same that Durham will be coming out with more indictments. It’s been quite a while since we heard any indictments. Last major indictment I recall was the DS spying on the Trump campaign which was almost 3 months ago. Most of America and people around the world are fully aware of the truth and had enough. How much longer must this sick movie play out? Do we have to watch this sick movie play for another 2 years? Haven’t we all seen enough? No matter what there will always be people that may never wake up unless it affects their daily livelihood. I say enough is enough and let the flood happen already. Now we may a have judge that will be on the Supreme Court as she’s getting the Rhino’s votes and that will give a slap on the wrist to all these Pedophilia Demonrats and Rhinos and all other crimes they have done when the truth comes out. The sick mayor in New York is now hoping to lure Floridians back to the Empire State by promising to teach sex kindergartners. You say the Patriots and Military are in control, but as for the leaders of this country and the ridiculous governors and mayors in all these corrupt states, it still seems their in control or is this just a sick movie being played out. Will this ever end? When will we see the light? I hope that flood comes very soon. Keep praying.
Twitter can be another champion of truth by Musk and join True Social by added strength toward free speak
Paski always says: “I cannot speak for Hunter as he’s not part of the Administration”! Why are we paying for a civilian?