Ep 2750a – The People Do Not Believe The [CB] Narrative, Game Over, Panic
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The people see the true inflation, the narrative that Putin is responsible has fallen apart. The people are no longer believing this. According to Shadow Stats the real inflation is 17.5%, the people feel and see the truth. Did the Fed just put a fence?
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Page 249 of 252
- ← Ep 2749b – An Informed [Awake] Public Holds All The Keys, Expand Your Thinking, Pain & Panic
- Ep 2750b – FISA Brings Down The House, When Do Birds Sing? Panic In DC →
Dave, will you please let us know if Biden died or not? Seems ridiculous to not know if the fake president is living or not but that’s the way things are now, it seems.
RED’s a comin’ in November & HELL’s comin’ with it! (Adapted from Wyatt Earp & Tombstone)