Ep 2751b – To Spread Info Across The Digital Battlefield & Bypass Their Control Is What The [DS] Fears
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The [DS] is now panicking, the [FF] in NYC failed. Elon Musk has now made an offer to buy Twitter. Trump and the patriots are now prepared to take the bull horn away from the [DS] players. Either Twitter accepts or crashes, tick tock. The ability to spread information across the digital battlefield and bypass their control is what the [DS] fears. Buckle up, it has begun, timing is everything.
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- ← Ep 2751a – Trump Confirms The Economic Direction, The People Are Seeing The Truth
- Ep 2752a – The Contraction Has Begun, [JB]/[CB] Lost The Narrative, Tick Tock →
I love you reports I’ve been following you for two years and I love everything you do good job
Boebert didn’t mention that not only is Biden “putting” Illegal Entrants “before” U.S. citizens… He is FORCING the U.S. citizens to pay for their prioritization.
Biden is spending money the U.S. citizens pay to improve their infrastructure, such as power grid, roads, bridges, parks, clean air, and clean water; improve their and their children’s education, keep them safe from actual terrorists; and maintain the best military and National Defense in the world.
But instead, Biden is GIVING your money to Illegal Entrants to murder U.S. Citizens. There’s been 600 citizens killed, raped, or injured by border crossers in the last year. Car Accidents by Illegal drunk drivers, robberies and home invasions by Illegal Entrants; Child Abuse, trafficking and molestation by Illegal Entrants; murders by beating, shooting, and stabbing; and several abductions and rapes!!
Then there’s weak squishy governors like Greg Abbott who are asking the Illegal Entrants permission to ship them to towns elsewhere that Texas. He is providing warm clothes and meals. He is chartering first class buses and planes. He is assuring they have their proper I.D.’s… a court appearance document because you are here Illegal, Pepe, if that is your name!
Because, You know 10,000 come in daily and Greg sends 80 packing occasionally on a bus, if they agree to it. Yay??
How long can dave keep this story up? I thought foe sure when Trump wasn’t relected this fantasy was over. Boy was i wrong.. he was only getting started
Foundations have always been the platform to launder frauds, money
Why ??? do these videos always run out about 3/4 through?????
I was just wandering what you know about adrenocrome and if it is really being put in McDonald’s food and also in Heinz?
Dave, not sure why you’re not covering….grand-jury.net?! Reiner Fuellmich is trying to take down the whole corrupt, diseased system! Go to Rumble.com and watch: Corona Investigative Committee episodes. All leading to Crimes Against Humanity, Nuremberg Trials 2.0 and Class Action Law Suits against their system. Also, see on Rumble: ‘Watch The Water’ COBRA VENOM IS IN THE VACCINE!!! And it may be in the Water Supply!!! New Borns only allowed medication is DEADLY Remdesivir, also used to kill patients on ventilators!!!!
Grand-Jury.net has exposed so much and NO ONE IS REPORTING IT!!!
Thank you for the Truth.
Twitter considers using a defense tactic known as a ‘poison pill’ to prevent an Elon Musk takeover:
Yes, but we see how they cheated. What can I do, in Michigan, in the upcoming mid-terms where Whitmer is running again, we still have the Dominion machines. I have emailed many reps/senators in MI with nothing happening. They had a bill for fair elections that Whitmer vetoed. Not enough to override her veto. So… what?// Another fraudulent election for us here in Michigan with the she-devil being reelected?
Dave….if the constitution states 22 months to prove a fraudulent election…..does that mean trump is reinstated before 9/3/22? What happens if all this fraud goes beyond that date?