Ep 2756b – [HRC] Panics, All Assets Deployed, How Is Evidence Legally Introduced, We Have It All
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The [DS]/[HRC] is panicking, she has now deployed all assets, she fell right into the trap and the lies are being exposed. JA is being brought back to the US, do the patriots have the source, how do you introduce evidence legally. The war in Ukraine is failing for the [DS] and the fake news is panicking that Trump and the people have the upper hand and its not going away. The keep talking about how democracy will be destroyed, translation they are talking about their system that they put in place, that is what will be destroyed.
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- ← Ep 2756a – The Patriots Are Now Controlling The Economic Narrative, Down She Goes
- Ep 2757a – Nations Are Beginning The Transition Away From The [CB] →
Hiiiiiiiiiii! Dave, every time I start to loose faith and think Trump is turning on us, {vaccine push, VP choice, Dr. Oz. endorsement etc.} your show, calming voice, and great optimism ALWAYS calms my fears. Your the reason that I became awake for declass etc. But I still have no idea what makes a 2-4 year Delta in the decodes! LOL… Just know, I’m a big fan! Keep fighting the good fight!
The phrase “our democracy” seems to be code for democrats’ 16 year plan.
Be careful about this “Rule of Law” … If the Criminal Cabal is in control of Congress, then any rules/laws that they come up with will be in violation of the Bill of Rights and Constitution … Look how they pushed the mandates and most citizens followed these stupid controls because we have been BRAIN WASHED to follow the “Rule of Law” rather than have knowledge of the Constitution and Bill of Rights…
Thanks as always Dave. Can you share any insights on what appears to be a pattern of burning down processing plants related to farming or food?
If you notice Trump is not holding anymore rallys why, could it be he is in protection right now in preparation for some big stuff like maybe mass arrests?
They had not problem with President Trumps attorney offices being raided. Just those weapons are being distributed to be used against US citizens 🤔
Do you know anything about Brix and Fauci, Military Tribunal Treason Convictions?
True/Not True
I would like to see what was on the server that HRC wiped. Then, I’d like to see her hang for it!
Oh come on..two years late and a million or two coming through the borders..why react now? It couldn’t be because the election is soon and the governors want to look strong and righteous.
Thanks again for all your work! Many of us out here in know-almost-nothing land DO NEED the daily input of POSITIVE NEWS & re-assurance to make sense of what’s supposedly going on. Reporting on BCC, CNN & the like gives a completely different interpretation of ‘reality’. Good we can see & say just that. Mainly what I observe is that the tanks & cars they show in Ukraine, ARE RUSTED ALL OVER, or in sections. That doesn’t prove damage yesterday or today. I also observed SO MANY BABIES on TV, supposedly abandoned to care-givers, as the parents have fled. WHAT? WHAT? The babies seem real. The ‘parents’ seem mythical. The TV accounts, on a moment’s thought, DO NOT make sense to me.
Hey tonight just for fun Ed Solomon ran the numbers for Washue County Nevada for the presidential race of 2016, and it showed that that was not a legitimate outcome. Ed is deep into Nevada right now and in Washue county sending info to Beadles for the down-ballot races. It appears that the cheat goes deep! Anyway thanks for letting this disabled vet/medically retired Merchant Marine Master have access to the historical record you have provided free of charge. I have no monetary wealth, my wealth in embodied in my son. Thanks Capt Brad Fry
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I love your show!
You are the best reporter on media platforms! Thank you for all you do.
nice thank you