Ep 2769b – We Are Currently In The Destabilization Phase, Playbook Known, Objective [End] Checkmate
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The [DS] has brought the people to the destabilization phase, the patriots know the playbook. The push to remove MTG has failed. Taiwan is building. The patriots might have sent a message letting us know that its go time. A video was put out talking about a ghost in the machine. The patriots are now ready for the offensive, the pieces have come together and the bull horn was taking away and given back to the people. The fireworks about to begin, buckle up and enjoy the show. Panic in DC.
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- ← Ep 2769a – Fake News Can No Longer Spin The Economic News, Game Over
- Charlene Bollinger – Fake News Has Been Exposed As Propaganda, The People Are Breaking This Control →
I’m so disgusted with Biden that I am willing to try VP Harris.
She can’t do worse than Biden. No one can.
[JB} has been such a disaster that “D’s” will need to replace him or our Country will be destroyed.
Dave ?
What’s up with guy behind Trump in the crowd in Pennsylvania with the storm ( TORNADO Button , pin ) button in a blue raincoat poncho, with a black sunglasses on with white frosty raindrops in the lens ?
Is he a Patriot WHITEHAT sending a hidden message ?
Well, that’s very interesting. Another thing that’s very interesting is…I do believe, and I do believe, and I do believe. And, think about, and think about, and think about another thing that’s very interesting with all those individuals who are very interesting, and I’m talking about those individuals who I do believe are very interesting. Think about it.
I BELIEVE people have been delt to since the start of covid , Jim Jordin said there is no one at the house ,you can work around and see no one //
Could those thumb drives be the ones taken from Seth Rich when he was murdered, supposedly from Russia hack?
Descarte (Day cart) you’re my main news dude though.
Thanks Dave for your work, Love ya!
Hi Dave,
this was written in march here in Germany when they renewed the Law for the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases in Humans in Germany. Just read §21! It will make you fall on your back!
“Law for the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases in Humans (Infection Protection Act – IfSG)
Section 21 Vaccines
“In the case of a vaccination ordered on the basis of this law or one publicly recommended by the highest state health authority or a vaccination in accordance with Section 17a paragraph 2 of the Soldiers’ Act, vaccines may be used which contain microorganisms which can be excreted by the vaccinated person and ingested by other people. The fundamental right to physical integrity (Article 2, Paragraph 2, Clause 1 of the Basic Law) is restricted in this respect.”
Have a nice weekend!
I can’t afford to watch 2000 mules…$20.00 or more. Nope, I can’t do it !
THANKS & GOD BLESS! MAGA! (And Hurrah for Citizens’ reclaiming control in other countries, too!)
Just a correction Dave: there is ONE Control group in stats to do with COVID: the unvaxxed is the control group and the vaxxed is the study group.
Also, you can check how to pronounce names on the computer, like Descartes is a French name (for a European Descartes is familiar and sound funny when you pronounce it. Just to help you, not wanting to be nasty or pedantic. Looking forward to how the game ends in reality, best wishes, André
I wouldn’t put to much stock in Elon Musk. He is not what you think.
Oh it’s all going to fail, huh? Tell me, is election fraud fixed all over the country? And don’t point to primary wins, I’m talking about real general elections. Is that fixed 100%? Like Q said it was going to be fixed from 2020 going forward? I don’t think so. I don’t see any panic in DC. I see them still doing whatever they want, whenever they way. You keep yapping away about panic, I don’t see panic. Panic is easy to spot. I see a minimum of 50% of the Republican party against us and scheming with the Democrats to keep Trump out of office and to bury the election fraud evidence. If we had loyal Republicans none of this would have gotten this far. All you do is sell false hope. Q last posted a million years ago. Devolution is a pipe dream. You said the military is under Trump’s control, yet they helped sink a Russian ship and got top Russian officials killed. If we actually controlled the military, that wouldn’t happen. NOBODY is coming. Devolution is a pipe dream, the military is woke and answers to Biden and the DOJ and the next chance we have is MAYBE 2024. Quit peddling Hopium
Your video conference “hacking” example is total horse shit. The “personal data” gathered by the software provider was SOLD to marketing. There was NO “hacking” involved whatsoever. The sold information was voluntarily given to the conferencing firm. It would have made no difference whatsoever if a VPN was used or not. Most of the social media users are tgeir one worse enemy. They PROVIDE the information that’s being sold… Demographics, lifestyle, likes, dislikes, political affiliations, “selfies” which go through facial recognition for group associations. The genie is out of the bottle and there is no putting it back. It is MASSIVELY DECEPTIVE to imply that having a VPN is total internet privacy security and will prevent your information from being “hacked” or sold. In most casws, the user “hacks” themselves.
A VPN helps prevent one’s ISP from databasing their subscriber’s internet activity which is the first line of defense. Most of the encryption from your device to the VPN server is compromised in real time anyway by the “biggie” providers with help of their partners… the NSA. Having a masked IP address from a VPN really isn’t effective for anononimity to a significant degree to begin with anymore because of a technique called “device fingerprinting” intended to get beyond VPN IP shielding. With low level system calls, “Device Fingerprinting” uniquely identifies the hardware you are using with no regard to it’s IP address it happens to have for Internet communications. A key component to this is it’s “MAC Address” which is hardware dependent at the time of manufacture and is absolutely unique to EVERY device that has network connectivity of ANY kind.
Look up a video of an interview of Yuri Bezimnov, a Soviet KGB defector back in the late 70’s. He OUTLINES the plan that we are seeing the result of step by step today. The “three step plan” you mentioned was extracted and polished up FROM this interview.
Hi Dave listen why the hell aren’t we taken Biden out of the White House and having new elections this Nov. And these mules that got paid why are they not stripped of citizenship and put behind bars for the rest of their lives
Dave ? …… Patriots ?
Should we ask ? …… May we ask ? …. Or did our freedom ? …. OUR RIGHT to ASK as AMERICAN CITIZENS of the United States OF AMERICA been taken away to ?
The privilege to ask ??
” WHERE are THE WHITEHATS ( WHO lost their way to the battlefield) CALVARY PATRIOTS ” ???
Did the Johnny come lately WHITEHAT MARCHING BAND forget to bring their party hats to the PARTY ?
AMERICAN citizens have had ENOUGH of this B.S. BATCRAP REGIME !
STOP GRIFTING the POOR, the NEEDY, the LAME, the WIDOW’ s … the LESS ‘Fortunate …
GOD say’s ( not you ) It just is ( ” Is not ” ) : RIGHT-GOOD = JERIMIAH 22 – PSALM 82
1. He that dwell’th in the secret place of the most high, shalt abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
2. I will say of the LORD he is my refuge, my fortress, my strength, my God in him will I trust.
I’ve heard even the conservatives question Dominion machine Fraud. They say so what!!
As for the AZ AG, and any others…
How do they explain that their counties have votes exceeding (not only the registered voters) but vote totals exceeding the population in those counties. This was true in Maricopa, Pima, Cochese and two other counties. Not just 101% excess, some were 112% excess. In a county of 1,000,000 that’s 112,000 more votes than population. Maricopa is in excess of 4.5 million!!
The AG in Arizona and every other state should be ashamed if they don’t want to know how their states ethically performed!!
Since the beginning I’ve been a supporter, believer and an evangelist (so to speak) of/for the X22Report. I’m wondering if you’re just another part of this worldwide scheme of deception. It seems like you’re always losing the narrative and then left leaning bad guys are ahead of the curve all of the time. The Patriots have not stood up to evil because they remain seated trusting the plan. I think that trusting the plan is your plan to make us wait until it’s too late. I’m tired of this BS.
I don’t know if I trust this “Patriots and plans” thing, not saying it isn’t real I’ve seen hard evidence of trump taking action. However I have seen how the government really just ignored him. Time will tell I hope it’s real but I’m preparing for the absolute worse.