Ep 2770b – The Patriots Are Ready To Unleash Hell, You’ll Know When, Be Ready
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The [DS] is slowly being positioned so the country can see the true nature of their crimes. The patriots are ready to unleash hell, the pieces are being put into place. 2000 mules was released and now people are seeing how the [DS] was able to cheat in the election, more will be coming out. The people must see it to believe it. Follow the money it will lead to the puppet masters and the people will see it all.
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- ← Ep 2770a – [JB] Backtracking, The People See Right Through It, [CB] Confirms Economic Implosion
- Dark Money Threatens SCOTUS and Churches →
Politico has been fraudulent for a long time!
Abortion is killing children. Stop projecting lies about Ukraine! D
I am concerned about the oil war off the coast of Israel. No one is talking about it. former black rock holding if i understand correctly. I look forward to your research. Thank you for what you do. quietly.
Looking at numerous cases from SCOTUS.
There is a “Majority Ruling” written by a SCOTUS Judge in the majority, never called an “Opinion”, and there is a “Dissenting Opinion” written by a SCOTUS Judge from the Minority votes.
Since everyone including the Chief Justice said the leaked document marked “Opinion” was authentic, are we to assume that this was a “dissenting opinion” and not the “Ruling”!
It appears that R v W was upheld and that a Dissenting Opinion was leaked just to Stir Emotion and get the soldiers ready to “cheat” again to upset the anticipated Red Wave in the 2022 elections.
Remember how they said Trump would never leave and admit defeat. Watch the Democrats pull the same with 2022, except their DOJ will hear all the lawsuits and stay the congress… freezing its members in place pending Election Fraud lawsuits and of course, the DOJ will fast track indictments.
I went to your “virtualshield/x22” and they still charged me $3.50 month.
Initially the service was untenable but they finally got their servers to reasonably stay connected to their application for at least 24hrs before being disconnected.
Their application still has problems connecting and the only way to solve the problem is to re-install their program. Every time I am forced to re-install, I have to jump through the hoops for setting up/configuring the program which gets to be a pain after so many times.
The Deep State will never stop there distruction of Countrys until they are dead or removed.
Davey only complaint with 2000 mules
only the people like us are watching the movie. I’m surrounded by a democratic family and a democratic work place.
No one has even heard of the movie
I try to explain it and they don’t seem to care or even look into it on their own.
I don’t know how this is going to work out.
All of us patriots are the ones that knew this was already true it’s just the icing on the cake for us. But the Democrats are not watching or listening to it.For me it’s like talking to a wall they don’t want to know what really happened. very sad !!!
It Seems ? ……
The Russian “VLADIMIRE PUTIN Vaccine” : ANTI-Nazi in Ukraine : RUSS’skies BOOSTERS” in the UKRAINE ??
Has taken direct, and effective action Against ?? …
THE COVID19 virus ( RESEARCH & and PRODUCTION of COVID19 in the UKRAINE )……( And how many variations, variants, genders you pronounce & pronoun(s) in a New York minute ) ….
AND ??? …
The DEEPSTATE’s N.W.O. Globalist cabal’s NETWORK/HEADQUARTERS : ( CURED ) stopped the Deepstate, taken down the Deep State ” EFFECTIVELY cured ” in the UKRAINE.
FBI could contract True the vote to find the 6th Han bomber!
“Waiting is.”
Dave, Thank you for all of your hard work. You always have so much good info. God bless !!
Even Putin’s media stooges are forced to admit Russia’s invasion has stalled due to ‘shameful’ lack of equipment and reinforcements as Ukraine counter-strikes in the Donbas
Like to know where you are getting your info,,,
Russian state media has begun openly criticising the state of Russia’s military as its Donbass offensive stalls
Vladimir Solovyov, prominent Putin puppet, bemoaned ‘shameful’ length of time for weapons to reach troops
Mikhail Khodaryonok said men are being sent to fight with ‘weapons of yesteryear’ and that even a much-feared general mobilisation won’t help because the country lacks reserves to form new military units
Aleksandr Sladkov, another propagandist, said commanders are ‘shamefully indecisive’ and Russian troops cannot displace Ukrainian forces because they are fighting ‘one-to-one’ with no numerical advantage
As far as Geo-tracking is unreliable; True theVote addressed that by solving to case of the 8yr old boy’s murder. Law enforcement uses it to show people’s location during a crime.
We are waiting for an “EVENT” to trigger the White Hat’s Great Recovery. I don’t think that it will be Hunter’s laptop, the “2000 mules” movie, a Stock Market crash, or the Durham information. All of these can be ignored or discredited.
I think the “EVENT” is going to happen May 22-26. Joe Biden is flying to Europe to a World Health Organization (WHO) conference. It will be at this conference in front of the TV cameras that Joe Biden will try turn over sovereignty of the U.S. to the WHO to control the Pandemic. He cannot do this. He is an illegitimate President because he lost the 2020 election. He also took the Presidential Oath to preserve, protect, and defend the United States and the Constitution. If he does this, it will be on National and World television. I think it will be this “EVENT” that will trigger the military to arrest Biden and his entire Administration. This is high Treason!
Thank You for ALL that you do!!
Bring it on!!!!
On May 10, 2022, a Space X rocket was launched in Florida. Using Tesla’s Project Blue Sky, and spreading actinium, a radioactive material, with its characteristic aqua blue color, a sea creature rose out of the water and high into the sky.
I believe that this is a sign of hope and of victory from Elon Musk and Nicola Tesla. Coupled with Trump’s message that he is coming back. Wow.
The WHO is to take over US health care may 22-28 during their meetings. What updates do you have on this.
For the past couple of days I have not received my usual x22 email notification of the daily video. I had to go online to x22report.com. I double checked that I was signed up and I am so not sure what’s happening but thought you should know.
Thanks for keeping me hopeful with your videos. Some days are kind of hard to take, especially with all our tax money going overseas. Hope we can one day get it all back! —–Mary Hosford
And not only are the Russians stopping the rail transport of Sicko Joe’s
huge weapons gifts, they are zapping the stock piles of US weaponry as they arrive in Ukraine BEFORE
they can be issued to the Nazi Azov mercenaries!!!!!!