Ep 2772b – Message Received,C_A Counter Ops Will All Fall Down,Blackout Warning,Now Comes The Pain
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The [DS] have lost the narrative, Durham is closing in on the [HRC] team and they are losing the narrative, Durham is squeezing them. The fake news C_A ops is about to all fall down. They will try a communications blackout or a power grid blackout. Pain is coming and the [DS] knows it. The election crime on they did it is now public, and the people are demands something be done, which state will be the first to decertify?
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- ← Ep 2772a – The Economy Will Bring Down The [DS]/[CB]s, It’s Working
It’s disgusting..what’s happening in Ukraine.. always play the victim….
I love Brian Cates decipher of Gates’ comms! LOL
I hate to inform you, coward cops will not be the front line…..
Dave, been following your reports for a long time now. And if Trump and the Patriots are in control, then it’s about damn time to act. I’ve been hearing that a vote is coming up in DC at the end of this month that will determine the fate of this country and 194 other countries and will put all of us at the mercy of the WHO. There’s the rule of law and the law of survival, and the rule of law won’t do us any good if we don’t survive. It’s time to act.
Not playing. Please fix.
Did you see the names of the states, cities and counties on those police officers badges? Pretty much all of them were in areas where election fraud has taken place. So when I see this, it tells me that we are about to see a state or two….or three, decertify. And when that happens, the crazies will rise up and the cops will get involved. Thats my take on the Scavino video.
i am surprised not a single republican has mentioned 2000 mules anywhere in the US except Trump. it is said Trump was surrounded by traitors. looks like its true.
Dave, I can’t be the only one with the edge of my seat getting completely worn out. We are getting
closer by the day. Go Patriots!
So what if we show them the ‘proof’ and powers that refuse to do anything? Do we just say, well i guess we are fucked, too bad we can’t vote anymore! WHEN DO WE RISE UP and take our country back BY FORCE IF NECESSARY? Will we EVER DO IT? It sure doesn’t look like it! From I stand, it’s all OVER! The constitution has DIED , the nation has DIED! We are now a nation of slaves! We are too CHICKEN SHIT to unite fight for our liberty, so i guess the best thing is to go try to find your hill to die on!
Vaccines not working? Seems they’re working JUST FINE & as intended – NOW, 40% of COVID deaths occur among the VACCINATED. Again, seems to me that often, the “vaccine” is working as intended. (Unfortunately, I’ve been unable to convince many family members NOT to take it. So far, so good. Fingers crossed.)
Hey Dave
Can i put a cople of points at you.
Today’s report you mention a warning of the lights going out at the hands of the enemy.
Earlier reports at wars beginning were that Putin is in on the gig. Ok fine
But later reports are American intelligence aided Ukraine in destroying the flagship along with other intelligence which led to generals being caught. Ok fine.
Also US financing Ukraine, and Putin made it quite clear there will be repercussions.
biden continues to send money .
Here’s ny thing if you read ISAIAH from ch40 or the entire , he talks of the US and the coming trials for not repenting but continued abortions, invading countries for gain overthrowing government good or bad installed by YAH for their own gain just to mentiin a few.
The US is where part of the 12 tribes went and there is much a orice to be paid.
Back to Putin , the above scripture says they come from the north .
What if the US pokes the bear so much he fires a mach 21 energy pulse and takes out the energy grid and the petro dollar colapses .
Im chips all in for the plan but DT cannot control the bear if nato and the us keep poking
Just an opinion based on scripture i do think if you read it with an eye to now and the plight of the US Mr DT might leave the run to late , yes he will save America but will America save itself from the wrath of YAH .
Much respect and Shalom
Yeah,Bill Gates took the jab & a booster,sure…ok… they really think we’re that stupid…
Many thanks for this report. Great! (The last sentence of intro blurb needs serious revisions to say what you intended.) But the message(s) of the episode are crystal clear. Thanks again.
I truly appreciate all that you and that our Patriots do to win the fight
against evil and keep us informed. No matter how careful we were,
and after being so naive to believe and receive 2 jabs, my husband
and I finally contracted Covid. I resolve, “Never Again!” In God We Trust.
Thank you for the info I place much hope in what you do and the research that you do.
I Pray to God that you are correct. We have a Tyranical Government here in Canada.
We need the system to go bye bye from Connie
Biden and his handlers are moving to destroy the people of this country at LIGHTNING FAST SPEED. Much fast than than Trump and the Patriots are moving. Now I hear that he is diverting baby formula to the border south and give to the illegals creating the shortage to American Mothers. Why? Population control?. This is ludicrous. The point is, EVERY DAY, he is coming up with new ways to destroy our country. Durham is slower than molasses…
Why would you ask Musk to help with world hunger? Aren’t you aware they are destroying the food in every country to starve us all? That info is every where, even on social media