Ep 2776b – Durham Is Ready To Expose It All, As We Prepare To Land, Please Fasten Your Seatbelt
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Durham has started the trial today with jury selection, he is now in position to expose it all. Elon Musk traps Twitter, no matter which way they turn it’s bad for them. We have been cruising at 40000ft for a while now, prepare for landing. Trump and the patriots are bring the full strength of the storm to the [DS], as the storm approaches the [DS] will be struggling to distract from what is really going on, this will not work, the truth has a bull horn and it will not be stopped.
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- ← Ep 2776a – [CB] Says They Are Not To Blame, It’s Crashing On The [DS]/[CB]
Dave – Didn’t you say on multiple occasions that Biden was not in control of the military and therefore was unable to send troops? Now you’re reporting he is sending troops. At least you could do is recognize you were wrong.
I hope you and Cates and others on here are correct, but I have also seen you guys be so wrong on many occasions. Do you not remember Cates being so certain about how the election was going to play out and Trump would still be our sitting President?
I know the Left is Evil. I know Trump won the 2020 election. I hope you are correct and Justice is delivered. It just seems like the other side always somehow in the end gets away with their evils deeds, and we the people always are left holding the bag.
Expect more FF mass shootings and dire plandemics between now and the mid-terms, unless Military and/or International tribunals take place and remove these criminals from society permanently!!!
Aloha Dave,
Do you mean the original constitution or the alternate/forgery??? Just look at the counterfeit fiat federal reserve note/dollar!?! Prestidigitation/magic/sleight of hand!!!
Aloha oi,
The EVERFORWARD is on its way to Taipei!!!
Per Marine Traffic App
I watched it on 5/12/22. I saw it was off of San Diego.
It’s the day the Mercy arrived at Pearl Harbor.
Jesus! Poor Dave. Individual. Individual. Purchasing. Purchasing. Another things that’s very interesting. Worst writer who ever lived. Sounds like a complete idiot. Think about. Think about. Get an assistant, will you?
Dave you need to dig deeper on the proposed amendments and it is not a new treaty. These are amendments to an already existing 2005 WHO Treaty and do not need Congressional oversight, votes or the peoples consent. If you read the amendments Article 12 section 2 line 6, says “If the Director-General (Tedros) determines that the event constitutes a public health emergency of international concern, the Director-General shall, in accordance with the procedure set forth in Article 49, seek the views of the “Emergency Committee” on appropriate temporary recommendations”. If this proposal is approved by the 192 UN Nations it becomes International Law. Yes, it is unconstitutional but our constitution is only as good as our leaders’ willingness to follow it. This Administration has been violating the Constitution since Biden has taken office – has anyone stopped them yet?