Ep 2781b – [DS] Deploys All Assets, ILS Approach Looks Good, Countermeasures Are In Place
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The [DS]/WEF has no choice, they must push their plan forward and deploy all assets. The [DS] took the bait, what better way to show the people. The patriots are ready, the storm is coming ILS approach looks good, everything is on schedule. Buckle up the landing is going to get bumpy, the [DS] are struggling and fighting for their lives, they will use everything at their disposable. The patriots are ready with countermeasures.
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- The Coming Depression: Stocks, Crypto & Twitter Collapsing →
They knowingly knew maybe maybe not
interesting that Georgia cheaters Kemp and Raffenspuss are way up on opponents (both endorsed by Pence) in the Open Primaries. Democrats can vote in Republican Primaries.
Remember… Kemp signed Executive Orders to suspend voter ID, allow extended Early Voting, created Ballot Drop Boxes, extended the Election Day counting from same day to 72 hours, and allowed votes to continue with Observers in the 2020 elections.
That rewarded us with Biden, Warnock, and Ossoff.
Is this a ploy to put the weakest candidates (Kemp and Raffenspuss) up against Stacy Abrams and minions in November when the Democrats will return to vote Democrat.
Watch the numbers. If the primary voters are overwhelmingly voting in the Republican Primary… the scene is set to put Abrams in… and Kemp is part of it. After All, his administration has awarded multiple sole source contracts worth Multi-$Millions to the Stacy Abrams led groups.
Do hate to burst your bubble, Durham info and progress is NOT getting to the people….. COVID, UKRAINE, Congressional Liqueur Store, and about a dozen more topics are getting more coverage than DURHAM…..media is simply ignoring it
the only place ya hear about it is select podcosts like yours…. the rest are simply refuting the dem narrative
Can you say anything about the invasion of China? 900 cargo ships loaded with war materials. I have heard of Chinese military working with Mexican cartel. Chinese military maneuvers being done on the Canadian border. Some ships off coast of Cuba. Also coming in by California and Washington State, their governors know and will let them in. Biden planning on surrendering to them. Can you confirm any of this?
THANKS AGAIN, DAVE, for yet another hopeful & supportive report.
So much of what we hear & see has “disaster” written all over it.
Our PRIVATE DEFIANCE is what we have, but, as with your work,
I am so looking forward to the LANDING and the TAXI ride to the ARRIVALS HALL.
Places to go, People to see, Good things to DO. MAGA-2!
How many GAME OVERS can there be!?!?! GEESH!! SICK OF IT!!!
Please go to http://www.piisthree.com and download free ebook and video.
God’d Checkmate.
Or are the tests going to be used to infect people, especially those that got the jab and their immune system is compromised.
The Truth will set us FREE!
I would like to thank you for working so hard to show us what is going on I have been sharing this to other people some are too naive or just too scared to listen. Please keep the good work the God guide you will see you on the other side God-bless you.
It is time to shake their mentally fragile denials. Otherwise, those in denial will NEVER accept or wake up the way it is being slow dripped. I mean, there is no one actually reporting any news of the information drips, so how will anyone in denial wake up? Time for a bruising and a BIG HUGE BOOM! Enough with the pabulum feeding.
As to the tribunals…show me the proof. It has been all talk and no proof. Anyone can claim anything but for it to be real and the truth, you must show SOME information and proof, otherwise, it is just that, gossip and pabulum and repeating garbage…Anyone can repeat garbage…but to show proof is a different story and I haven’t seen any as of yet, just talk…
Have you not noticed almost everyone posting in a blog is acting like the fake media? Pete and repeat….same old garbage..without any proof..All those posting like X-22 report and Shariraye and Juan O savin, etc, sounds like fake media lately, copying each others stuff.. PROOF and a boom would help us that have been awake and called everything under the sun trying to fight this for years and losing family members and friends…enough..Give me some proof and I, too will fight again…Tired of lies..all lies
Amazingly enough, my Twitter suspension only lasted 5 days this suspension. One ponders what those asshats will do on the fourth or fifth suspension I am doing my best to earn.
Maybe states need ballot box watchers! Just like poll watchers. People cheating in corrupt states affects everyone! Lock them up!
thank you