Ep 2783b – The Lanterns Have Been Lit, Signal Sent, Shot Heard Around The World
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Durham has the [DS] exactly where he wants them, it will be the shot heard around the world. The [DS] is fighting back and the are pushing their agenda, for their agenda to work they need gun control, which means the banning of weapons, this will fail. Scavino sends a message, the lanterns have been lit, the signal sent. The storm is approaching and almost ontop of us. The [DS] will do everything they can to fight back the patriots are prepared and ready.
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- ← Ep 2783a – It’s Happening, Countries Are Now Making An Economic Move
- Bob Kudla- The Economic Crisis Will Bring Down The [CB] System, Watch Alternative Currencies →
Dave, will you do a special report episode on what is devolution and current evidence as to why it may be in play right now? Also, where we are at, devolution-wise (in your opinion).
The gold-backed Chinese Yuan has replaced the fiat US Dollar as the world’s reserve currency.
((((((( also the Russian Ruble is also Gold backed… something the worthless US dollar and the worthless bitcoin/eutherium/ doge coin/ lite coin and all the other worthless digitial coins are not)))
On Thurs. 11 May the Global Currency Reset was activated according to Q and Trump.
The King Pin of the GCR – the Iraqi Dinar – has been removed from the International Sanction’s List and Iraq has been told they could revalue their Dinar at any time.
On the Restored Republic: On Tues. 17 May, 2022 a Constitutional Convention of 38 states was held in Washington DC, where US Inc was declared officially dead and the US Republic was Restored to principles of the original Constitution. …Fleming
Awesome. I wish this was on TV so more people could watch and learn.
Except the Durham trial jury is rigged! We dont have time anymore! No one is coming to save us. We should have done it ourselves!
Clinton is trying to take Americans prisoners before we take her prisoner first. Of coarse she’d like to speed up the agenda.
What ever happened to all of those MkUltra Mind-Controlled slaves?
Are they being controlled to carry out the false-flag “shooter” attack?
☆ And we are the ones for which we’ve awaited for many lifetimes ☆
POWER GRID OUTAGE 9 YEARS AGO was a “wakeup call”, but here we are, 9 years later, STILL SLEEPING. A lot like the bridges & voter rolls – deliberate neglect, with a purpose.
Where did the shooter in Texas get the money to
purchase the weapons ? $4K is a lot of bucks for
someone that worked at Wendy’s.
Me thinks he was gifted them.
In my opinion this info should have an archive that can readily reviewed
Sheriff is the highest law enforcement agent in the county, because he is elected!!! Even a U.S. marshal comes under his authority!!! The sheriff can arrest any federal law enforcement agent for violating the people for not abiding the rule of law.
Look at the CIA mind control tactics the shooter was under mind control & the police officers didn’t do a damn thing maybe they are actually CIA also
So is $40 billion ou U.S. tax dollars going to Putin for Ukraine?
The DS has picked up their “belongings” in Ukraine! So they can let it go now. Has the Speaker of the House, etc. EVER visited a war zone???
Why are there no videos of ambulances at mass shootings? No Coroners videos.
Are Biden and KH visiting the mass shooting states/areas ahead of the their “event”? To deliver cash?
Why are the videos at eye level when a camera holder could be injured by flying bullets?
Why are the rules of engagement for cops so restrictive for saving lives???