Ep 2782b – Message Received, Scare Necessary Event, You Are Safe, Good Guys Are Winning
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The [DS] is now left with one option, some type of scare event, this is necessary so the people can see the truth. The truth is coming out and the [DS] can not do anything to stop it. The midterms are approaching and the people are turning out and voting against the [DS] players. The good guys are winning, defcon 1, prepare countermeasures.
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- ← Ep 2782a – Economic Playbook Known, It’s Happening Again, Economic Agenda Is Failing
- Ep 2783a – It’s Happening, Countries Are Now Making An Economic Move →
Clay and Buck had Brian Kemp on Radio today and he basically said Trump is Delusional and Election Fraud did not happen in Georgia. He said that Greg Philips and Catherine Englebrecht (true the vote) did not prove anything in their presentation and that 2000 mules was a hoax perpetrated by Trump to keep the Election Fraud myth going.
He said ALL republicans are having Fraud Fatigue and want to move on. He said it became clear when Pence turned his back on Trump and endorsed him. He said after talking to other states, Not A SINGLE state is going to decertify the fair elections and Trump is acting like a spoiled child because he lost!!
Somehow, Trump has convinced people that the Fair Elections were Fraudulent and won’t move on. He said that will cost Trump the election, because in 2-years, people will definitely be tired of hearing about how poor Donald lost and vote to move on!!
XI JIN PING , pronounced SHE GIN PING. X in Chinese is “SH” Xi is pronounced SHE. Trust me. Be the first one in the media to pronounce it correctly.
Hey Dave, please give a listen to my patriotic song for these times…. think you’ll like it. Please share… Thanks my friend… love your daily reports.
All the best,
Michael NightSong
Look at all those safe Texas kids who killed Kennedy takes a little while for the truth to come out the deep state doing what it does best destroys nations
Georgia Governor’s race called at 73% Kemp, 22% Trump backed Perdue.
What’s interesting is Georgia is an Open Primary meaning Democrats can vote in the Republican Primary. Stacy Abrams is unopposed, so she only needs One Vote!!
What if Democrats voted for the choice Abrams wants to run against? Like Kemp.
Remember, Kemp signed the UNLAWFUL Executive Actions to create the environment for a Fraudulent Election.
– Extended Early Voting.
– Suspended Voter ID.
– Suspended request for Mail-In Ballots and sent Mail-In Ballots to all registered voters.
– Instituted Ballot Drop Boxes.
– Allowed Ballot Counting without Observers.
– Extended Ballot Receipt beyond Election Day.
– Extended Final Ballot tallies to 72 hours past Election Day.
– Allowed any Non-Certified carrier to deliver Ballots.
Even though she was demanding some of these exceptions, she didn’t issue the Actions, Kemp did! She can be assured no one will remember anything but the Election Turmoil caused by Kemp and his minion Raffenspuss.
Abrams may just pull this off, because many republicans will vote for House and Senate candidates, but may leave the Governor circle empty over Kemp’s recent statements!
thank you for your vital patriot works !! Qanon StormRyder
thank you.
Peter did say there,was no there there to his girlfriend Lisa before joining the Muller team
Someone needs to point out how the school shooting in Texas was NOT brought up in this report!
Kemp and Raffles both won the primaries in GA…hope there really is a trap and that they both have fallen into it. Mindboggling that they got as many votes as they did, but figure it is all about keeping the fat lady down.
I’ve wondered why they would launch the pandemic with such a poor choice of a virus. A stronger connection between the virus and the election. The election was the catalyst to the pandemic.
I am a contracted worker for HBI we got hacked yesterday and are out of work all the computers are down and they are wanting money of course HBI is trying to keep this quiet has told the workers it is just a problem they are having and are working on it we have to call in every 12 hours to see if we can come back to work.
Thank you for all that you do. You’re amazing!! Keep up the great work!
I hope he’s right…
Durham is a fucking joke! ABSOLUTELY NO ONE is going to be prosecuted! It’s the same with election fraud! NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN no matter how much “evidence” is produced! THESE PEOPLE LOOK after their own! Government will NEVER reform itself! All this idiotic talk about people “waking up”! What difference it make if we wakeup, NO ONE is going to DO A DAMN THING! Americans are too cowardly to fight! Oh sure a handful of us here or their will put up a fight, but this WILL NEVER UNITE against a common enemy! The Chinese already have control of our military! They can just walk in and occupy this country anytime they want, because Biden will tell the military to “stand down” and more then likely the military will “join in” on the slaughter and enslavement of the entire US population! Your best bet is to identify the hill you are going to die on, because the united states is finished! ANYONE who believes in the Constitution and liberty is a walking deadman! THERE IS NO WAY the Communist will let us live! You have a choice, you either die in your feet or die on your knees!