Ep 2785b – Durham Has The [DS] Players, Elite’s Panic, Nobody Escapes This
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The [DS] is panicking, Durham has the [DS] players exactly where he wants them. Kash Patel believes that convictions are more indictments are coming, buckle up the [DS] will fight back. WEF/Puppet masters are panicking, nobody is buying what they are selling, they are complaining that they 7 billion vaccines left over and the people do not want to take them. When this is all over nobody will escape this, nobody.
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- ← Ep 2785a – Russia Is Thinking About Making The First Move, Reset Coming, It’s Not What You Think
- Ep 2786a – The People Are Coming Together Over The Economy, [CB] Plan Failed →
It won’t matter if McCarthy and the RINO’s take control. Remember, McCarthy, Scalise and 143 of the Republicans voted Yea on the bill to Label Q and the Anons a Satanic Cult hellbent on the destruction of the U.S. Government and WWG1WGA as a White Supremacist organization dedicated to insurrection.
Remember, this with 200 Democrats easily passed the bill labeling Q+Anons as Terrorist Organizations.
This is what they are accusing Green and Boebert of. We need Conservatives and Free Thinkers, not Republicans, especially McCarthy’s RINOs.
Remember, the leaked phone call with McCarthy colluding with Cheney and the Jan.6 committee to have Trump resign early and censure the Conservatives.
So… getting a bunch more RINO’s does nothing.
Trump’s endorsements? Look at his hand picked appointment of RINO’s in his administration and when he realized it… he just let them stay!! Too many to name!
Uvalde sounds a lot like Yuval Noah Harari.
Was the teacher a Soros flunkie?
It was said the shooter’s therapist specialized in hypnosis.
It is also reported that he in communication and was on the phone with a German woman during the incident. Could she have been Azov battalion groomer?
Also where is the video of the gun purchase?
Only one question MUST BE ANSWERED… where are the bodies of the victims?? Who saw the bodies, the blood? Anyone?
Obama is connected to floyd because of the weather underground back in the 60s I dont exactly remember how close they are but the history is there
I could be wrong but i seem to remember hearing somewhere that the Ukraine govt dis armed their people. look how well that worked out for them.
So was the shooting outside the school by the funeral home a signal to someone inside the school to provide the access into the school?
Project Deep Dream. It’s neurophenomenology based on generative modelling techniques developed in computational neuroscience. It’s approach can be described as behavior modification through computational phenomenology. It alters behavior through induced hypnosis and computer generated imagery.
The Texas shooters therapist was a specialist in hypnosis and he played lots of call of duty games.
Oh yeah they are always panicking!! Nothing being done!! This gets so monotonous!!!!This rhetoric goes on and on!!!
Like voting is free & fair anymore…
You’re quoting that RINO POS, Joe Walsh?????…….give me a F’n break, Dave. Quit that shyt. MAGA.
YEAH – Texas school shooter was BULLIED, poor fella, because he & his family were POOR. At 18, he goes into a gun shop & buys NOT ONE, BUT TWO semi-auto rifles AND a handgun AND ammunition for them. As a pensioner myself, I have a pretty good idea how difficult, financially, that set of purchases would be for me. Especially with the price hikes nowadays, as compared with, say, 3 years ago. THEN, we have the police response (= NON-response) to a reported shooter attacking unarmed kids & adults in a school. In my opinion, the PO-PO are either F’ing COWARDS, or they were ORDERED by their “Supervisors” NOT TO TAKE ANY ACTION, or BOTH. NOW, they can take their time & explain how they were “mis-informed” about the situation. YEAH, RIGHT. BETCHA school cameras were OFF, too. Wanna bet? Nicely timed & placed for the NRA convention, too. Another ‘coincidence’, surely.
hi Dave im sorry but you wrong about the constitution. England has a constitution but it has been taken away from the people in England by the British. were do you think America got its constitution from it came from England. England is the mother of constitutional law, common law, ask Trump he knows. IF you interview Graham More of THE FULL ENGLISH show on rumble he would explain it all to you. England has been taken away from WE THE PEOPLE by the British. BRITAN is not a country its a land mass
School Shooting, revisited: Parents of some children reportedly BEGGED police to LEND them police gear to tackle the gunman. Um, NO! As the old song says, “God bless the child that’s got his own.” Amazing, that in TEXAS, no civilian at the scene was ‘suitably equipped’. I suppose the PO-PO would have cuffed ’em, or worse, if they were. Perhaps interrupting such oFFicial FFunctions is a Federal Felony?
The “Federal Funding” is THE PEOPLES MONEY.
There is ZERO benefit to the people for big govt to handle our money.
Local govt can support schools, roads, bridges, military etc…without draining funds through fat cat bureauocrat offices (pockets) and without draining citizens rights!
Please investigate and expose fema camps in the U.S.:
How long deep state has been building them
How many exist
How many under construction
How many patriots they house
Their locations
Their conditions
Their functions
Their contents:
Ex: stackable multiple caskets
guillotines etc
I love what you have to say and I listen every day. But if our Constitution is so powerful how do you explain the Japanese Americans who were put into camps during WWII and why couldn’t it happen again? If the Constitution is so powerful why do we have people in jail for January 6 with no due process and unnecessary cruel incarceration? The Left is simply ignoring the Constitution and doing what they want and committing treason left and right. How do we defend ourselves when the Constitution is kicked to the curb?
Dave, you do a phenomenal job!!! Question: No one seems to discuss the view that Trump is still in charge of the military and the fact that everyday you hear more stories about the level of wokeness, the treatment of their ranks to those refusing vaccinations and frequent stories of their personnel and ex-personnel coming forward with their experiences with the military leadership’s abusive tactics and forced terminations. In fact in the 5/27/22 2785b episode, you mentioned the weakening of the personnel.
I think discussing the discrepancy would make for an excellent discussion with one of your guests.
Food For Thought
Thank you for what you do!
We better hope they don’t steal the election again! If they do then this path we are taking won’t work.
Why is it that the federal bureau of insurrection is always involved before every mass shooting and false flag operation. Think about it. It tells every thinking person everything they need to know.
Dave it is hard to believe the Patriots “have everything.” If they did I would hope they would be stopping these killings of innocent people, but it just continues. Our side might be fighting an information war, but the Left is killing, stealing and basically doing the evil they do, while our side keeps thinking the truth getting out is somehow going to stop the Left. In reality the Left does not care if we know what they really are or about the evil they commit. They just want to be able to get away with it, and unfortunately, right now they are.
I want to see them all go down. From the pawns like Lois Learner (IRS) all the way up to the Clintons, Obama, Soros Gates, the Rothchilds and EVERYONE in between.
David ?
Is the ( attempted ) invasion of Taiwan by China’s CCP AND P.L.A. the ( ** FINAL ** ) commination of the END of the Globalist N.W.O. Deep State ????
Doobie Brothers China Grove EARTHQUAKE on the CCP and 3 Gourges Dam in China by NATURAL God Sent causes …….
CHINA GROVE = 2000 Mules bring Broken ( DAMS ) Bridges in China
God of Israel has a ” UNPRECEDENTED God sent EARTHQUAKE of BIBLICAL PORTPOTIONS ” just waiting for China’s CCP and their military when they FINALLY attack the physical island of TAIIWAN.
A “UNPRECEDENTED EARTHQUAKE” (IN) China in proportion and in history just WAITING for CHINA once they land ( or ATTEMPT to do so ) troops on the Island of TAIWAN.
The CHINESE CCP government WILL BE split in two in whole mainland China, Bye bye N.W.O. Deep State Globalist Cabal.
CHIN”aaaaa “WAS” involved IN 2000 MULES and the STEAL of 2020 Election …..
God is going to (*REBUKE CHINA*) for ” WE THE PEOPLE patriots and for THE End Times Biblical TWO WITNESSES SAKES, and for Taiwan’s sake ” with a ” UNPRECEDENTED EARTHQUAKE ” while the CHINESE P.L.A. TROOPS are on the verge of stepping onto the Taiwanese Island.
PSALM 105:15 …….THOU SHALT NOT touch MINE anointed ones, nor do MY holy prophets harm, for HE (God himself) rebukes KINGS for THEIR’s ( his ANOINTED ONES ) SAKES …….
David Imagine the SONY PS5, XBOX, PC Video games about the Whitehats and the WORLDWIDE Patriots of FREEDOM Loving Nations taking down the N.W.O. Globalist Deep State’s Cabal with the Chinese CCP.
Hi, Thank you for all your hard work and for sharing your thoughts with others. We know about the evil plot to destroy life, both humans and animals…absolutely disgusting! Sadly, many have lost their lives already.
I live in Wisconsin, a couple months ago there was a short clip, on local TV, from Fort McCoy. It was a illegal immigrant, dressed in U.S. Army gear, he said that he was earning his citizenship by becoming a member of the American Military! So… our military members have been forced to take the injection or be discharged. The illegal immigrants have not been injected nor vetted and they are welcomed, I fear there is another sinister plan unfolding. I watch MonkeyWerks and the air traffic at the military bases was crazy busy, I believe the military is totally infiltrated at this point. There have been several videos from the border, all men that appear to be 20-30 years old. They have wrist bands on and papers in hand. The last video I saw, they were boarding Greyhound busses.
I don’t know about you, but this scares the bageezees out of me!
Again, Thank You!!!
So they are going to starve schoolchildren to get ther way? People better get Prayed Up, because there is only 1 way out of this and thats through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ coming to either fix it or take us home!! Lord Take Me Home!!
The school shooter fired one of his rifles for 12 minutes
before he entered the school!!!!!! & no one thought that was unusual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shades of the “False Flag” school shooting at the Parkland school!!!