Ep 2824b – Decisions Need To Be Made,Change Is Coming,What Happens When The Public Learns The Truth?
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The [DS] has now failed in everything they have tried. Each lie is being exposed, the public is now learning the truth and when the people understand and see the truth it is game over for the [DS] players. They see the writing on the wall, and they only thing they have left is chaos, which they will use, but this is going to fail like everything else. Chaos does not startle the patriots. Trump mentions decisions need to be made. Change is coming.
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- ← Ep 2824a – The [CB] System Is Being Dismantled, In The End They Will Cease To Exist
- Ep 2825a – What Would Happen If Audits Extended To All Family Members Of Such Elected Official →
The political prisoners in DC need to be freed!!! The military needs to step in NOW!! This is HEAVY on my mind!!!
Was looking at the Charges against these pedophiles, especially the ones Judge Jumanji let out with minimal sentences. What is missing? Remember, these are pedophiles. They were not just caught with a bunch of photographs.
These Pedophiles were charged with Child Abuse of Children (boys and girls) under 14 years of age.
ALL States, consent is over 14. In fact only a couple are 14, most are 16, and the others are 18.
Child Abuse under the age of 14. If these CHILDREN can’t give consent, then any actions done are RAPE and Molestation!! Funny, very few are charged with Rape! It doesn’t matter whether you just touched them or had sex with them… under 14, you raped them as it was intentional!!
Why are these Pedos only charged with Child Abuse??? To let them off with minimum punishment so they can do it again. Rape would lead to a harsh penalty. If the Prosecutors are worrying about their Legal Records and choosing not to charge Rape because it’s hard to prove and it might show up as a loss on my record? These are Children! You are the criminal advocate and protector of the Child!!
I’ll only charge mischief so the Molester can get out quickly and do it again! See, it’s a case Win for me!
This is our country now! Remember Janet Reno made her career prosecuting Pedos. She wouldn’t win a single case now!
I just want to thank you for these reports and incredible information.
I live in the Tyrannical State of Oregon that still thinks Covid exist and CRT is infiltering so bad into the schools that I had to make the decision along with my daughter to homeschool my grandkids,
I know there are many Patriots in Oregon and we are fighting this but we certainly need President Trump and many other Patriots in charge of the House and Senate.
Your reports continue to give me hope. God is on the throne and in control, I truly believe you are a vessel that God is using to share the truth! Thank you.
I think Trump is going to give them a 9/11
9/11/2022 = 17 Q
Dave, mention this…. the communists want to make gun manufacturers liable for someone shooting a person.. SOOO, why shouldnt ccp biden be responsible every time an illegal invader commits a crime…he left the border open for them to come in ILLEGALLY SO THEY COULD COMMIT THE CRIME… GET IT!
(9:00~) So this “representative” insists that U.S. TAXPAYERS, including those he represents, would be WILLING & ABLE to supply convicted child sex traffickers with 3 hots & a cot every day for 15 years. Really? Calculate the daily dollar cost of that. Then remind me what a box of police-standard pistol or rifle cartridges costs. I suggest & prefer the economical choice. Yet another benefit of this option is that the recidivism rate drops to zero.
Sorry, I do NOT understand the persistent connection between “transgender” promoters & the accusations of child trafficking directed at them. “Sex” between consenting adults is one matter; sex abuse of children is another. Why are the 2 so often conflated? Reports I see show TRANSGENDER YOUTH are some of the most sexually abused persons. The Kevin Spacey case is different. It’s about forcing sex on unwilling, adult partners. (Almost nothing to do with the congressman’s 15-year plan of tax abuse as social payment for child sex abuse.)
Dear Dave – That Law professor who claimed that men could produce a baby may have knowledge of some weird experiments; who knows what the Globalist monsters might have tried to do to verify their damnable claims? There may be precedents in life to expect they may have tried, successfully, to produce a child from a man’s body. How?
There have been RARE instances whereby normal women have had sexually produced, fertilized human ova escape her fallopian tubes at a small space between the ovary and the fallopian tube. If that ova can then migrate to the lower abdominal peritoneum near the uterus and become implanted in the peritoneum of the mother it may progress to term. Of course, at term it would need to be birthed by a C-section. That’s all I know from study in school’s I’ve attended and studies about pregnancy after gaining my license to practice. (I have a need to know to cover all contingencies for patient safety. I’m no weirdo.)
Such information is available. Whether or not some homos may have tried to accomplish such things in males by injection of a fertilized ova in the lower abdomen of a male along with appropriate hormones at specific times in development of the fetus – with a C -section at term … who knows?
Real God haters will try anything to subvert God’s norms and establishment of the practical world. The Devil drives their minds and actions. They MUST comply or suffer until they give in and do it – whatever he demands. The Devil is their god. He seldom takes,”No”, for an answer.
That law professor may be guessing, lying, assuming or speaking from acquired knowledge.
So, they’re purposefully dumbing down (or stupifying) by their purposefully directed and intentional NEA classification of us into AI thought/front lobe BOUND to do what they want because that’s what the Devil wants. Like It says, “Men don’t go farther than what they’re taught.”
Sorry, I’m a Bible Believing, with Understanding, Christian who has and operates the “Christ in Me” above, outside of and beyond their ignorant plausibility. Most humans perceive, believe, acknowledge and comprehend three (3) dimensions. Paul’s letter of Ephesians chapter 3 defines four (4) dimensions a believer Can experience and, comprehending, function therein – plus, teach those who want to know.
Less than that is less than it is possible to live. But, it’s definitely worthwhile to know what Satan is vomiting out into his regional dominions.
Thanks, Dave, you’re fulfilling a very valuable constant – just being there regularly, disciplined and reasonably explained. Yer Great man. Keep ‘er going. Love your valuable presentations.
Here in Germany one TV station even said that Trump might be involved in her death because his kids have to go to court soon. And he wants the attention away from that matter.
Can you believe that?
Get Obama.