Ep 2829b – The [DS] Knew This Day Would Come, Do You See It Now, The Year Of The Boomerang
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The patriots have all the leverage, the [DS] knew that this day was coming and they knew that they were going to have to deploy every asset possible. This is the year of the boomerang. This is not about a 4 year election, this is about throwing off a tyrannical government that is not working for the people. This is being done without bloodshed, without a civil war. Trump and the patriots are chipping away at their system and exposing it at the same time.
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- ← Ep 2829a – [CB]/[WEF] Are Struggling, A Tiny Percentage Believes In Their Agenda
- Kari Lake Exposes Deep State in AZ, Swamp Wars →
If patriots are intimidated for monitoring drop boxes, the Patriots should film with drones
Conservatives are missing their messaging opportunity.
What works on Blacks? Racism accusations!
So follow the logic.
– Who is primarily responsible for gun violence in the Dem run cities? Blacks.
– Who are the victims in the gun violence in these cities? Primarily Blacks.
– So who is the WHITE congress keeping from obtaining Self-Protection methods? Primarily Blacks.|
– What are these victims? Primarily Law Abiding Blacks that can’t get out of their situations because they may have a prior when they were minors.
Therefore, the WHITE Congress knowingly passed a Bill that would make it extremely difficult for Law Abiding Black Citizens to obtain a Gun for Self and Family Protection!!
This WHITE congress is RACIST!!
Can you think that the Patriots do not understand at this point everything they need to know those who don’t understand by now never will
I don’t buy Trump working with Xi and Putin.
I’ve posted a few times, threatening to stop listening, but I still appreciate your positive interpretation of events. I have to warn you though, that Garland will suspend Durham’s case as the October trial approaches, claiming it is too close to the November midterms. Durham neutered.
Biden spending billions on Ukraine and selling oil to China from our national reserve, shows the DS is still in place .
Finally, I bristle every time you say the military is on the right side. The military gave Afghanistan our equipment, and is aiding the illegal immigration, decimating the troops with jabs and wokeism. Military leadership is clearly on the wrong side, not working with Trump.
Dave…Remdesivir, you can say it. The fact that you won’t raises questions. People are dying Dave and you’re too awake to be unaware.
So Trump is setting up a nuclear war threat so he can be the hero and save us all? His ego is going too far. And he hangs people for crimes against humanity? The people have suffered enough and he is hurting humanity. I have always supported him, but enough is enough. I am beginning to think he is just having fun with his games, at our expense. If he indeed has the power to end this all, it is time for him to prove it. I am tired of it all!!!!!!!!!!
greetings all alex berenson say hello to the moon for me the proven contents of jab vials warrants immediate prosecution of jab producers and initiators.
RE Trudeau’s OPINION that “In Canada you don’t have a right to defend yourself with a weapon”: This explains why handguns, long guns & everything in between has been flying off the racks & shelves for several YEARS now, with increasing speed & intensity – while the ‘powers that wanna be’ have been BANNING HUNDREDS of formerly legal & permitted weapons. Flip-side of this blatant Tyranny is blatant Terror & Panic of the Tyrannous. When push comes to shove – and they’re working very hard to provoke that – those weapons in the people’s hands may be coming out of the closet to make a statement. Don’t the Pol’s & Powers LIKE “coming out of the closet,” or “statements”? (Only when THEY do it.)
Can’t read the small writing on the monitor you provide. Too small.