Ep 2840b – Trip Confirmed, Stay Tuned & Watch, 5 Down, 5 To Go, The World Is Watching
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Scare event is now in motion. Pelosi landed in Taiwan, trip confirmed, stay tuned and watch. The offensive is moving forward, 5 down and 5 to go. The agenda of the [DS] has fallen apart, as the scare event approaches the people will start waking up, the people will come together and reject the [DS]. The entire event will be botched by the [DS].
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- Ep 2841a – The [CB] Economy Is Showing, The Narrative Is Falling Apart →
WEF Global Shapers at work in Canada and Blue States
Personally Dave, after almost 4 years,Durham seems to be dragging his feet. I hear his name so much,yet am starved for action.So many things going on in October. Many distractions abound. And what of gens.Milley and Austen? Chinadas 🇨🇦 Goverment is as corrupt and The constitution has Been trashed. Whatever happened to good Ole assassinations? Asking for a friend.
Aloha Dave,
You do realize that monkeypox came from research monkeys that were deliberately infected with something that gave them a shingle like disease?
Aloha oi,
Well Dave, we got screwed again.
Q told us the elections post 2016 or whatever wouldnt be stolen.
Trump GURANTEED the Women’s Rally for Trump in the spring of 2021 when asked if the elections in the future would be fradulent and Trump said, “I GURANTEE YOU WE (we) We WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN.
Well, Keri Lake just got screwed in Az. WTF
Nancy never went to Taiwan Dave. She was not onboard when her plane landed in Hawaii, as per boots on the ground. She certainly was not onboard when the plane took off. Any appearance in Taiwan is pure CGI! FACT!
My cousin got her shots & booster late last yr.this summer she tested positive for covid & broke out in HIVES all over her body,covid went away, BUT going on 2 months HIVES got worse & this past Sunday hives almost shut her eyes …is it the vaccine ? Probably ?? But they will never admit it…
Here’s the problem I have with all of this… Juan O Savin is on saying that they plan to shut down petroleum production declaring a climate state of emergency in about 2 weeks. Others are saying the military WILL NOT COME IN… So how the hell are the MID-TERMS going to be the CURE ALL when they still have Dominion controlled machines and DROP BOXES ALL OVER THE U.S. to pad the election..
Countries all over the world are dumping U.S. DOLLARS — so they are moving toward bankrupting our country, our retirements, etc.!!! So what’s the plan – what are the countermeasures? What do the citizens do? They tell us don’t start a civil war but when BLM/ANTIFA et al take to the streets coupled with the military elite of IRAN that have come over the borders with lots of $$$ and military training What the hell do we do as citizens???!!!!!