Ep 2855b – A Clean House Is Very Important, Carpet Bombs Then MOAB
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The patriots are now building the case of election fraud, each day the carpet bombs are being dropped and the irrefutable evidence is being made public. Trump is building the offensive and at the same time he is allowing the [DS] players to destroy themselves. Trump is the bait and he is drawing them in and trapping them in their own agenda. Soon the MOAB is going to drop and the [DS] will react to this, trap set. Warmed and prepped
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- ← Ep 2855a – IRS Was Shutdown By The Courts When Trying To Collect Alternative Currency Data
- Ep 2856a – [WEF]/[CB] Want Inflation, The Good Guys Were Counting On This, Boom →
speaking of people running for governor refusing to debate … in Arkansas A$a Hutchinson refused to debate Jan Morgan last election. this election Sarah Huckabee Sanders refused to debate Doc Washburn. DISGUSTING!!
I will NEVER agin go to a hospital!
I told my wife if I get sick just allow me to suffer & die at HOME!
Hospitals are no better than Gestapo camps to make people suffer.
I vow on my LIFE to NEVER go to another hospital & NEVER get a VACCINATION!
BIG PHARMA is worse than Hitler’s camps, but it’s hidden under guise of health treatment.
The IRS was incorporated in Puerto Rico. The IRS is not a government agency, it’s a collection agency for the “central bank” private bankers.
Another point regarding veterans in schools is that they will already be trained to respond to active shooter events.
Dave, Hitler stopped the Jews from their welcomed at one time, to their internal infiltration of their nation and banning and calling out for the Ban of German commerce. The Brit’s and the Jew owned fiwking bankers financing both sides of the war back stabbed Hitler and his nation. He would have never went to war had the worlds nations ( not have attacked him and his people). These were the devils seeded fuwking kike stinky jews that tried to wreck that country. Hitler had every right to get rid of them from his nation. You are reporting this wrong – the holocaust is a fuwking hoax the actual ( not jew owned publishing companies / media lies printed and reported ) evidence proves these mother fuwkers lied. These vile, stionky, ugly , big nosed smell mother fuwkers are the devils seed trash of this fuwking world and we know it. Know you enemy by who cannot speak out against. That is the fuwking truth – The Talmuduc Jews are the posion of the entire fuwking world. Just llok at all of them in positions of leadership in the government of the USA. The are fuwking demonic chitt Trash sub-human devils seeded scum !! You have been misled.. I have my G.Fathers diaries and those who worked their, the media lies and all the reports lied. Germany defend their nation against these crooked fuwking slugs – why do think these pieces of chit have beenkicked out of 140+ nations they are evils pieces of sub-hamn lying trash !! PERIOD.
Too little, too late. On 9/23/22 the overthrow will be permanent. Tragic.
I pray you are correct. You have sound logic and you have followed the Q drops and still refer back to them. As much as I want to throw my hands up listening to your reports keeps me in the fight. You deserve a metal for keeping people engaged. TY and keep up the great work. From one patriot to another.
If it’s going to be BIBLICAL. Watch this clip on YOUTUBE.
“BISHOP FULTON SHEENS Prophecy 50 years ago”.
Now do a BIO ON Bishop Fulton Sheens
It’s going to be Biblical.
The 2020 Election vote count should be finalized by a week from Saturday on September 3, 2022. After this date the States can destroy the ballots. Is there any legal way to prevent this?
Thank you.
So – “Hochul” would now be “Sex worker chul”?
My #1 source for latest news “X22” it keeps me motivated and pushing forward ! Thanks for what you do !!
Mike Lindell’s “THE MOMENT OF TRUTH SUMMIT” was absolutely phenomenal! I watched or listen to both days and heard the most incredible speakers who were totally prepared and articulate. The best group of people who each had their own expertise that I have ever seen in one place. Mike Lindell should get the “Nobel Peace Prize” and if he doesn’t then they should get rid of it! I believe that Mike will go down in Americas history as a truly Godly man who helped to SAVE AMERICAN!
Who is Trump endorsing for Missouri
Black lies matter. White lies matter. Red lies matter. Yellow lies matter. Gotta get rid of ’em all.
TRUTH, RUTHLESS TRUTH. Gentle Truth. Preferences: Competence & Performance, please.
It’s “Daily VerAcity dot com. Maybe different from FerOcity. Thanks for the info re “hive mind” & bots from the D’s/NWO. Cheers!
Glad to see things heating up. It’s been a long, often lonely & frustrating wait. “Waiting is.” MAGA2.
arrests are coming folks. don’t worry. it’s 5D chess. they have everything.
even though Durham couldn’t even get the lowest hanging fruit, don’t worry! the mypillow guy is coming to save the day. because you know, he makes pillows. and you know how pillow knowledge is what saves the day.
trump is allowing this to all happen, because the military knows!
this IS starting to sound crazy. what if CNN IS telling the truth and we are wrong?
Bro,it sounds like they are fixing to hit Trump from that last Q drop.
Thanks Again Dave!! Another EXCELLENT Episode. FYI: Katie Hobbs is the Current Secretary of State in Arizona. She is the one who has been srewing the pouch with our elections… And she is the one running for Governor against Kari Lake. We will have to see how our General Election goes down in November, wherein Katie Hobbs will still be in charge of the State Election Processes, and anny calls for recounts… The things that make you say: Hmmm
Evil goes very deep. When it takes over it tends to fracture and starts to fight itself. Evil is not set in love, only envy, fear and pain.