Ep 2861b – Election Fraud Stage Set,Must Be Done Right,According To The Rule Of Law,Provable In Court
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Trump set the stage to prove that the [DS] interfered in the 2020 election. Each part of the election fraud case is coming together. It must be done right, it must be done according to the rule of law and it must be proven in the court of law. We only have one chance to do this and it is happening and the [DS] is panicking. The Mar-a-Lago raid trapped the FBI and the puppet master, think espionage, treason and sedition. Nothing can stop this avalanche, nothing.
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No, I would expect Trump and Barr and the FBI when presented with evidence that a Child Predator was abusing children by exposing and surrounding them with drugs, cocaine, crack cocaine and crack pipes, syringes, guns and walking around with his dong dangling in front of children… that Trump, Barr, and the FBI would act to Remove the Predator -or- Child from that abuse.
Yet, all we hear is Trump spent 2-years allowing it so he can spring a trap. Trump has it all. Trump is being targeted by DC political force. Trump was cheated on. Trump will have his revenge.
Meanwhile, the Child Predator is now living with another Child (apparently his own). But, Trump is letting the FBI do the right thing. Instead, they have probable cause to seize Biden III’s latest laptop to see if he has new Child Porn with his latest Child!
Hope if hell is exponential that the pedophiles and sexual traffickers, labor traffickers and the like will get hell to the 10th power!!!!
So as they are calling us names, belittling us and trying to remove all of our lives a bit at a time they do not realize that most of the people that see what is going on, and has gone on, are the people that make this world work. We are the people that work, spend, live and most of all watch/think. We are not those that have their hands out. Where do we go from here. well think about it. When they need something and they will????? Vote them out to start with.
Really think Charlie Crist and Valdez Demings don’t have a chance??
DeSantis “BARELY” won over a Confessed criminal while in a Cocaine Rage having Man on Man orgies behind his Wife and children’s backs. In Fact, if Rick Scott doesn’t stop the counting in Broward and Miami-Dade counties under Brenda Snipes supervision, DeSantis loses the election. Snipes had Truck and Trunk Loads of new ballots to count.
At the end, DeSantis won by 0.4% of the vote… and the FBI moved in to charge Andrew Gillum!
Since then, DeSantis has bragged about how secure the Florida system is and has changed Nothing, including machine counting. Then he created a pea sized Election Integrity Force… With 20 million voters, it’s like having One Security Guard at a Florida-Georgia football game!
I voted in the Primary last Tuesday and my two-page ballot was immediately scanned, then thrown on a pile, not inserted in a secured Count Box. So, in my County (Seminole) I expect there to be cheating. Now, the good thing is Florida has multiple election rules County by County… but the larger counties which are all Democrat Ran, (Orange, Hillsborough, Pinellas, Escambia, Broward, Miami-Dade) have machine counting.
I expect Crist and Demings to win!
Lindsey Graham is one of those who you don’t really know his side, except maybe his own. Being a retired Army Combat officer I can tell you my loyalty lies with the Constitution and the legal President of the United States.
Dave, You need to STOP saying President Trump intentionally did not finish the wall. That’s absolute NONSENSE ! Love your program. Please stop speculating on the incomplete border wall.
September 3rd is just around the corner. The states can legally destroy voting evidence from the 2020 election. Then what?
The normies need to see and hear something really big in order to get them to vote red and create a massive wave.
I wonder what that could be?
Say it with me…
Problem solved…
Someone reported on another site that in the end the dems might win the 20221 and the 2024 elections due to the reported “fact” that Obama pulled a fast one. The report was that Obama, just before he left office on his last day declared an Executive Order that for all intents and purposes Federalized the election processes giving the party in authority the ability to decide and to declare the winners of general elections.
Is there any factual basis to the report? Is there any recourse to rectify this situation if that report is accurate?
Can’t thank you enough for your intelligence , research, and time you must spend in order to produce this news report. It gives me hope during a very depressing and frightening time for our Country.
The daily behavior of the FBI brings up many questions as to there involvement in Seth Rich,the many murders associated with the Clintons, and the big core up of the mass Las Vegas shooting of mainly conservatives. Their Know those involved in most shooting incidents. Now numerous election interference from their constant hoax s, hiding the laptop info, protecting of the Deep State. They are now working directly with the DOJ. I think these institutions need to be charged and prosecuted to the fullest extent. There are others in CIA as well and the list could go on. What are your thoughts on this. Thank you for taking the time to read this
Patriots are waiting.
Alex Jones gave Trump a chance to denounce the jab and he refused.Also took money from pfizer.This is unacceptable.Gonna have to say fuck trump,go DeSantis….how can you continue to support him after this?
Hi Dave,
Miami listener, I have a question – if the fbi looked at the classified info my President Trump has and it’s illegal to look at the classified info, isn’t it declassified any how by Trump? This has me perplexed. Thank you my friend hope I get to meet you one day
Hey Dave!!
Re: 34:08 (one of the best CAT engines ever built!)
“Zuck” looks alot like ” Ernie” from “Sesame Street” don`t he??? LMAO!!!
When is TruthSocial going to be available way down here in the Sth Pacific????