Ep 2869a – The People Aren’t Falling For The [CB]/[WEF] Agenda, [CBDC] In Trouble
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The recession is here to stay, the GDPNow model is showing 3 negative quarters. The European countries are bracing for power outages, California is bracing for power outages. The people know who is responsible. El Salvador continues to push against the [CBDC].
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- Ep 2869b – Shadow Players Are The Deadliest,Optics Are Important, Declas Brings Down The House →
Watch The Planet of the Humans
Dave ask about the Peaker plants built on Gray Davis´s term. look that up and see how the corruption here is not mentioning those back up plants that were built to eliminate power grid stress during heat waves. those tax payer funded plants cost millions and sit idle now, why?
Hi. I listen to your reports because their so informative. But I’m wondering when it’s going to change. Everything is so bleak. I’m a baby boomer and it breaks my heart to watch this world be destroyed by selfish evil people. The gen z and millennials are so entitled. But they
want everyone on pot, but every job drug tests. Everything is out of control. Small businesses and farms are being taken over and we are watching it happen. I’d like to help spread the word, but not sure how to proceed. I signed up to be a poll watcher. I live in Florida but I’m from NH and MA. Hope to hear from you. P. A. I have no money. Lol
Hi. I justed replied, but can you take off my last name on the post??