Ep 2869b – Shadow Players Are The Deadliest,Optics Are Important, Declas Brings Down The House
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The [DS] is now in position. Trump and the patriots have set the stage. The trap is now set, the [DS] believes they are in control, they believe that they are going to unleash chaos, riots like they did in 2020. This time around they will be pushing for the civil war, this they will not get. Shadow players are the deadliest. Optics are important. How do you get the [DS] to do what you want? How do you get the [DS] to believe they are in control and their plan is going to work? Stealth Bomber, Declas brings down the house
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- ← Ep 2869a – The People Aren’t Falling For The [CB]/[WEF] Agenda, [CBDC] In Trouble
- Ep 2870a – It Has Begun, The [CB]/Biden Administration Make Their Move On Bitcoin →
The MAYORS of CHICAGO, NYC, and DC are all Black. Are they prejudiced agin Latinos?
ALL 3 Cities are SANCTUARY CITIES so why are they complaining?
Biden flies them in the late am Morning to Miami so what wrong with those 3 cities?
They are starting to look like bigoted, and racist people.
It’s NOT ILLEGAL so why are they complaining? Covid funds go for Payoffs?
They sure look like RACIST & BIGOTED MAYORS TO ME!
Pa gov wolf is now requiring state offices to register voters by mail. https://www.governor.pa.gov/newsroom/gov-wolf-expands-voter-registration-access-for-eligible-pennsylvanians/
I work in a state job and don’t think this is right or legal EO.
Don’t forget what B of A did with patriot accounts on January 6. They traced their statements for hotel receipts and etc.
Good afternoon,
The Dept. of State (DOS) has recently shipped to you a package(s) of voter registration mail applications (VRMA). You should be receiving them at your facility within the next few days.
Shipments will contain packs of English language VRMAs and some locations may receive Spanish and Chinese language packs. DOS will be providing you with further guidance and training on these forms in the upcoming weeks.
If you have any questions regarding these shipments please let me know. For questions regarding your agency’s use and distribution of the VRMA forms please contact your agency leadership.
Thank you, and have a good day!
Pennsylvania Department of State Keystone logo
Rich Bennett | Agency Director of Operations
Office of the Secretary
PA Department of State
302 North Office Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120
Office: 717.783.7214
A trap lust like Jan 6 trap.
Caution is needed.
Dave, listen to your show every evening and have come up with the conclusion that, there is no devolution, there is no grand plan lard by Trump and the patriots. The only hope for this country is revival, and salvation thru Jesus Christ our savior. We are quickly approaching terrible times never experienced.
I’m not sure that I trust Kari Lake. She’s too designer perfect. Maybe she’s OK, but it will take time to know. What somewhat bothers me is that I don’t hear her saying anything about pursuing criminal charges against those that the evidence has shown supported the fraudulent AZ Maricopa county elections, meaning the Maricopa county board of supervisors. And there are others who have hard evidence against them. Also, Bronovich needs to be forced to explain why he has done nothing since receiving the foreinsic audit evidence regardless of what his political situation becomes. Justice for the 2020 election fraud must be brought upon those who are guilty of the fraud.
Also, I would like you to start thinking more carefully about a possible “civil war”. It is pretty much impossible. It can’t be anything more than civil chaos. Where are the dividing lines? Who will be the commanders? Who will the military serve and take commands from? The American civil war was prepared for for years before it happened. Think about it. Weapons had to be aquired and transported and disbursed and transported again. What about being able to physically identify the enemy? Think about Obama arming all the non-martial three letter agencies. These people would just if activated shoot at anyone they thought were a patriot. Think of all the chinese communist infiltrates who are ready to jump in. Think of the problem of the patriots having a trustworthy commander. Very hardcore very real preparations would have to be made now on the part of the patriots and the deep state for this to happen. I believe the deep state is more prepared than the patriots are.
Realistically, I believe all that can happen will be like the 2020 riots. But if that does happen again, it is probable that all it will be will be is chaos. It is not geographically identified.
I don’t get it when you read Mar-A-Lago you pronounce it correctly, but every time you just say it, you miss-pronounce it and call it Mar-a-Largo, no such place. I live in Washington the state, some call it Warshington, why does this happen, some kind of phenomenon. Sounds stupid knowing its being butchered!!!
When men and women turn 21 the state should issue a pistol, shotgun or rifle to each person that lives in that state and then provide training to each. That would cut down on N.Y. crime. The state wants to take your guns so they can control you. They send money to Ukraine because I would bet 3/4 of that money comes back to support the Dems. for their election re-election funds and great lifestyles.
The “Fake” News Media Are “Knowingly” Ignoring The TRUTH. There Are No Coincidences Why President Trump Gave Me Q Security Clearance. I Was Chosen To Archive All The “Declassified”Information. I Exposed All The Names Of Government Swamp, And Hollywood Elite In Epstein’s Flight Log. I Exposed Nancy Pelosi, In The Underground Rooms Of Epstein Island, Caught On Security Camera Ch11. I Exposed A World- Wide, Demonic Trafficking/Pedophile Ring, From The Vatican To Royal Family, And I Exposed Their Dirty Little Secret Drug (Andrenochrome) Derived From Adrenalized Blood. The News Articles Trashing QANON Are Intentional Disinformation. The News Media Are Complicate. The Total Disregard And Lack Of Empathy, Are What Hurt The Most. It Took Courage Exposing All The Demons Who Traffick And Sacrifice Children. It Has Always Been About Precious Blood. God So Loved The World He Gave His Only Begotten Son. John 3:16
OR is Barr deep state along with the rest, helping to hide and cover the rest; what do they have on Barr from his Bush years?
Wow Dave , your report just punched out a perfect 3 leaf clover on the target . Great job as always !
if you’re reading this and wondering if there is really any of this happening, you’ll know soon enough.
when durham screws up and chokes on this next trial, if it ever happens, you’ll know it’s all BS.
the dude couldn’t even prosecute the lowest hanging fruit even though “they have everything”
if they have everything, what are they waiting on? “…the people had to see the bad actors…”
BS! if they have all the proof, just arrest them and provide the proof.
THEY DONT HAVE ANYTHING, THIS IS ALL A PSYOP! good guys in gov are coming to save us? what a joke.
Love your show, but please stop saying weapon when you mean gun. Almost anything can be a weapon; car, bat, hands & feet (which kill more often than guns), even a pencil, etc. The nazis want to ban guns, not everthing. thx, kk
The same Nazi playbook is being used again, says Dave. Not surprising, considering the fact that 1600 top Nazis were smuggled into the US at the end of WWII (Operation Paperclip). They were placed in top positions in various fields and continued with their Nazi agenda. They gave birth to little Nazis who grew up to become big Nazis, and their numbers grew. I believe the US is, to a large extent, run by Nazis. Good that Trump is working together with Putin (and others) to take down the Deep State-Putin seems to excel at denazification.
You are a garbage human and a liar. Nothing you say ever comes true. You sell hopium to the masses. You are an evil man. NOTHING IS HAPPENING.