Ep 2872b – Define Insurgency? Define Counterinsurgency, Operational Confirmed
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The [DS] is panicking, they have deployed all assets, they are going after Trump with everything they have, this is exactly what the patriots want. This exposes the true agenda of the [DS], sometimes people need to see it to believe it. Trump is making countermoves and each time the [DS] fights against it, it shows how they are not following the rule of law. Scavino has now confirmed that we are operational, the [DS] is continuing their narrative of domestic terrorists. This is not going to end well for them and their foot soldiers. Define Insurgency, Define Counterinsurgency?
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Forget about law suits and removals from office – better for the future is to prosecute and sentence these fascist POS deep staters to the death sentence. Otherwise this will never stop.
The Democrats are already letting criminals out of prison or releasing without bail so you can be assured they won’t be the ones stopped from gun ownership.
Dave…Love your reporting! Watch and listen every day. Thank You!
God travels with you all and we believe in God and us. Together we are strong.
Something has got to happen before we totally lose our country. We’re starting to lose faith. It’s been going on to long and feels like we’ll never take control to bring the country back. I miss the USA.
This is all so true and with the Queens passing, I feel that something big is coming for us and this is in a good way!
Thank you for a great episode Dave!
You keep saying we’re winning but the DS keeps violating lol our rights. The patriots have been told to be quiet and work at a local level. In reality, the govt has been overthrown while the R’s, military, police and patriots have surrendered.
Thank you Dave. You’ve kept me sane throughout these long years! Keep it up Friend. Almost home!
I cannot share your podcast due to reports of abusive contents. My face book page is restricted for 90 days, and my original was deactivated. I was silenced nearly four years ago, for exposing all the names, of government swamp and Hollywood elites, in Epstein’s flight log. Do you ever read any of your comments??? The news media knows I exposed worldwide, demonic, trafficking/pedophile ring. They all know I exposed Nancy Pelosi, in the underground rooms of Epstein island, caught on security camera ch11. President Trump gave me Q security clearance to archive all the sensitive “declassified” information. The news articles trashing “Q-Anon(me) are intentional and disinformation. This goes way beyond democrat vs republican. We are experiencing a ‘silent’ holy war of good vs evil. The “elite” hide a dirty little secret drug(andrenochrome) derived from adrenalized blood. I suffer with the most painful disease known to mankind RSD/CRPS. I’ve endured twenty two years, of pain and trauma surgeries, requiring many ‘units’ of blood. I have sat here in tears, for nearly four years,watching the biggest coverup, in USA history. No one likes being “knowingly” ignored for exposing the truth. I was chosen to expose everything for a reason. I have more courage than anyone will ever know. President Trump (Q+) told me to trust the plan and justice was coming🦁🇺🇸 John 3:16~ Revelations 5:5
There was a rehabilitated gang member in Mpls. who, during an interview said .” There were crates of guns and amo just left in the alley. Anyone could help themselves to guns and amo.”
Who do you think was supplying the crates of guns? They don’t need the black market! This is how 15 and 16 year olds have guns and are shooting up the city. my guess, the FBI!
Trump trapped all of them. Arrests are coming…. They have everything…..
Trust the plan….. it’s 4D chess…
Why am I the only one who comments on these videos?
For over two years I ,have heard you say countless times things are under control. In reality our country is unrecognizable and we are falling into the abyss. You repeat the same message and Americans are frustrated, angry and left with no hope. I have given up hope that any of this evil will ever be stopped or bought to justice. If their was a plan, it would have already been implemented before problems become insurmountable which they have become. Elections were never fixed, crime is out of control. our borders are open, allowing anyone in to our country, and an unelected president posts executive orders like a king without without Congress doing anything to stop it. I believe we are in the last days and Satan is getting ready to come on the world stage.
what happened to the national police and the brown shirts Obama wanted to create?
more embarassing than Afghanistan is the way the US Navy let the Iranians humiliate our sailor when they illegally captured one of our gunboats!
This is an interesting conspiratorial connection … We are continuously being told that no one know who “owns” the Fed Reserve? …
Did only three cards (American Express, MC and Visa) agree to comply? Why? Are they part of the Fed Res? Or were they given an incentive?
Was Discover asked to also code in a particular fashion and did they turn down that Fed Res request?
Bottom line …. If you want gun, equipment or ammo, go in with cash … Fed Res hates cash because they cannot control it …
Seattle “Summer of Love”:
The Mayor of Seattle celebrated a “summer of love” even as rape and violent crime soared in the new “autonomous zone” Communist utopia set up by left-wing extremists in a 6 block area of the city.
The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, or CHAZ, is a police-free district of Seattle that has been overrun by Black Lives Matter protesters since Monday.
After the police building was boarded up (with the tacit support of members of the city council), the first thing protesters did was to build a border wall and check the identities of everyone entering and leaving (oh the irony).
When the chargers actually come,…???
Allegations are not charges,…the charges never come,…its always,….” SOON “,…with no definition of,…” SOON “.
Where Is the unsealing of indictments,…the arrests,…the military tribunals,…the jailing in Gitmo,…all have been lies,…more of the same BULLSHIT propaganda.