Ep 2883b – The Narrative Has Shifted, FBI/DOJ/[DS] Exposed, The Truth Is Right In Front Of Everyone
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The narrative is shifting, the people are now seeing who the [DS] is and who is the muscle of the [DS]. The exposure will be their downfall. The truth has always been right in front of the people, the [DS] used cover to hide their crimes, now the people can see it all very clearly, the curtain has been pulled back. Trump is letting everyone know that we can override the [DS] system, we have the ability to take control and they can’t do anything to stop it. The [DS] is panicking, their narrative is no longer working.
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Wait I find disgusting, with all the corruption and non-citizen attacks, that we have to wait for the next election, knowing that all elections (on both sides cheat) are corrupt instead of stopping it before it continues and gets worse, be hope you voted them out and a Constitutionalist in and not another radical or rino that goes against what they campaigned on.
I just finished THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI by ROBERT KENNEDY. Oh my God disgusting please promote this book on your show . How does he walk the Earth. Thank you for your bravery your hard work and time . You Sir Are A Hero !
You are wrong. Minority at the top? One person? It takes Evil to Beget Evil!! The majority of the FBI is evil. They just need a reason to justify it. If you were good, you wouldn’t go along with Violating the Law, Violating people’s rights, violating rules and regulations.
You have to already be willing to do it… to be convinced to do it. Jim Jones and David Karesh and Marshall Applewhite didn’t take a bunch of God Fearing decent people and convince them to againstg their will and judgement… commit suicide. They where already evil and ready!!
Jim Comey didn’t get an organization of 30,000 to suddenly start fires, destroy businesses, arrest innocent people… these agents that follow are already Evil and willing to do so. Some do so willingly, so do so reluctantly but just need cover. They are still Evil, because no matter what, they acted in Evil!
Soldiers don’t go into villages and murder unarmed women and babies. If their commander says light em up, and they light em up, they are already Evil!
Evil begets Evil!!
Notice after 10 years of Evil, only a handful of Agents are coming forward. Still, most of the Agents don’t say a word… they just light em up!!
Don’t equate a 0.0006% of the FBI being good, 20 of 30,000 that that somehow means this 20 are representative of the 30,000. It absolutely doesn’t. That 20 are representative of that 20!!
The FBI is Evil! There is no other way to put it. I don’t SWAT my neighbors!! I’m not evil!!
Hi. I look forward to your reports each night. Thank you for what you do. But please take Pelosi’s mug shot off your front page. Please, please.
Ordered 18 bags of the collagen been taking everyday for over 6 months and can’t see any difference at all.i will finish taking it but will never order it again.All HYPE,
in my opinion.
greetings , to be redundant , X Files: mouthpiece for the deep state. Enjoy!
Dave why do you insist on sounding like an unintelligent idiot, you are still adding an R to Mar-A Lago. It is NOT Mar-A-Largo, although there are areas in Florida that use the spelling of Largo, such as Key Largo and there is a City of Largo but the property Trump owns in Lago, do yourself a favor and pronounce it correctly it makes you appear very stupid, are you this dumb???