Ep 2899b – Durham Sets The Path, 16 Year Plan Exposed, Founding Fathers Warned Us
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Durham is not setting the path, he has the FBI on trial, he is exposing everything they did. The FBI did not work alone they were directed, Durham is making the connections. Everything we are witnessing is the 16 year plan and the people see the true agenda of the [DS]. Sometimes you need to show the people so they will believe. The founding fathers warned us of all of this, they fought they same tyranny.
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- ← Ep 2899a – The [CB]/[WEF] Lost The Economic Narrative, People Will Know What To Do
- Claudio Grass – The Movement Is Spreading World Wide, The Great Awakening, The [DS] Has Failed →
dave got to get karen kingston back on immediately,, here is her new interview with stew peters and its horrifying new news… you can read the transcript or listen to the video,
Protest actually stated at 1:30pm when Capitol and Metro DC Police started the Tear Gas grenades that elevated to Concussion Grenades exploding at Head/Ear level sending multiple people to the emergency rooms with Blood in the face and ears.
Did you notice in the Pelosi video that…
1) RINOs Scalise, Thune and McConnell were hovering around Pelosi and Schumer
2) She was watching CNN on the big screen showing a couple of people in Black Clad uniforms scaling the concrete wall and breaking glass with a specialized hammer.
What 50 year old MAGA guys did you see that could scale a 15-20 foot concrete wall and get back down again? These were trained SWAT guys.
Her son in law Vos was also filming Ray Epps yelling for the people to “Go Inside the Capitol”… someone forgot to edit that out.
Then, she called Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia 2 Hours into the Protest asking for National Guard help… He had NO IDEA how to make that happen, especially quickly. Then Nancy told him the Protest was going to last for… DAYS.
Then she called a DOD commander about getting military help, Schumer, Hoyer and McConnell were on the phone call also. The General said he had about 200 National Guard activated and ready to deploy… but would have to deactivate them back to Guard Status and Temporarily send them pending their home Base Commander and State Governor authorizations. The Active Military can not help in DOMESTIC POLICE ACTIONS without Presidential approval.
Anyway… Here is Pelosi watching people Scale Walls, Break Glass and like the “Bomber” none of them have been identified, arrested, or charged!
Then, Pelosi was on the Phone with Pence telling him he had a Delegate Issue with Arizona, Wisconsin and PA. Funny… votes hadn’t even happened yet.
Then just after 6:00pm, the Sergeant of Arms (Paul Irvin) notified Pelosi the Capitol was cleared and they could reconvene Congress.
So… the worst protest in history was 4-1/2 Hours long, conducted with No Weapons, in Daylight Hours, caused no Insurance Claim damage to the building and Congress reconvened the same afternoon!
Bro, WTH, Nunes just now on Hannity saying somehow Durhams hands are tied and he can’t do crap.
Dave, the reason the Q posts are two years behind schedule is because, President Trump WON the 2020 election. We had NO idea they could cheat @ this level. It is now being speculated that biden received less than 30 million votes & President Trump received likely over100 million. Pence dropped the perferable ball – intentionally. The certification of the electorial votes should have been delayed due to election anomolies & investigated. This was not all planned from the beginning. It is moves & counter moves in real time. Please, there is NO way this could have ALL been planned from the beginning. Moves & counter moves in REAL time. Please get REAL ! God Bless & Be Safe !!! We are WINNING because we are on the side of TRUTH exposing their LIES.
I’m confused…..up to this episode you’ve been indicating that you believed Trump would be the peace negotiator and now you indicate there will be no peace as the deep state (Ukraine) does not want peace ..???
Deep State is pushing for war because they need ultimate chaos … Ukraine is just following orders from on high … Very little that Trump could do in that case other than talk to Putin and Deep State would turn that call into an act of Treason …
Blinkin and pres of Mexico floating plan to merge US and Mexico doesn’t look like panic on DC to me. Neither does schools telling parents to F O if they want to know what their kids are being taught.
You are perennial/endless ***bad ass*** to refer to Germans as ***nazi***. Why don’t you, at long last, refer to the real source of all evil ***the talmudist jooos*** aka ***zog*** = zionist occupied government***, this scum is leading by the nose since a very very long time.
The SS was the elite of the German army, however, the GESTAPO was the Geheime Staats Polizei aka in
english “secret state police” headed by Heinrich Müller who was brought to America serving as special advisor to Truman.
One more time, read the book TELL THE TRUTH AND SHAME THE DEVIL, foc in pdf format, by Gerard Menuhin, son of YEHUDI MENUHIN, HONORABLE AND RESPECTFUL J E W S. Read it and you will learn the censored TRUTH. If you don’t, you will no longer have my respect, despite all your tremendous work.
I can not get X22 through Rumble. The diagnostic attempt says it’s on line but will not connect.
Also can not load the current video on your site, only the audio recording. Been going on for a few days now.
you might want to take a look at the downturn of the mail in ballot requests. Down about 54 million from 2020 Have Americans figured it out? I think they have. They are not going to give the Dems a chance to steal anymore.
HEADLINE: “Durham is setting the path.” BLURB text: “Durham is NOT setting the path.”
The world is confusing. But I appreciate your MAGA support every day. Cheers!
has durham been comprimised, threatened or is the system just so slanted and out of whack
As concerns Florida sending billions to Ukraine and telling Floridians to POUND SAND…
Why aren’t you pointing out that Ron de Satanist could have VETOED it
He could also, on an aside, have issued an EXECUTIVE ORDER.
Tick tock on RDS…