Ep 2928b – A Clean House Is Very Important,Harvest Will Be Delivered To The Public For Consumption
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The hunted have now become the hunters, the house is now in the control of the Rep, they are beginning the investigations, soon the harvest will be delivered to the public for consumption. This has been made possible by cleaning the house, it is very important to have a clean house. The [DS] is now on the defensive and the will do everything and anything to cover up their crimes. We have been fighting a 5th Generation War, most of the people don’t even realize this.
- ← Ep 2928a – It Has Begun, The Standard Of Living Is Falling, The Economic Precipice
- Ep 2929a – FTX Scandal Is An Introduction To The [CB] Scandal →
Kevin McCarthy is just another RINO
I wasn’t expecting anything from President Trump, besides what he said, on the 15th.
A lot is happening, and it’s starting to happen fast.
This is a big puzzle. It takes time.
David… 5th generation war with an unknow enemy? Seriously? I will be 4 weeks into a day/night firefight with that enemy n calling for an ammo drop while you are trying to learn Chinese. Buy ammo, not Collagen;) It’s not an info war, its full on war so gear up or lay down.
PROBABLY TRUE that “most of the people don’t even realize this.” NEVERTHELESS, IT IS, in my view, TIME and PAST time to GET GOING on SHOWING specifics of the FRAUD & CORRUPTION of ELECTION / SELECTIONS, SENDING BILLIONS of hot-off-the-press U.S. MONEY to Foreigners (with kickbacks, of course), MANDATES for the “jab” killing TENS of THOUSANDS, Globally and many other issues. NOT ONLY “SHOWING”, but RIPPING the ‘Power’ away and TERMINATING the lives of an UNBELIEVABLE number of MALEVOLENT, CRIMINAL, ANTI-CONSTITUTIONAL BEINGS. THE COLONISTS IN 1770’S DID NOT WAIT for “EVERYONE” to be “on board”, or there would NOT have been a REVOLUTION or a USA.
@27:40 WHO is the well-dressed, smiling Black man being applauded by the MASKERS? IS HE the OUTGOING school Superintendant? Is he the White Hat replacement? (The Masks seem to say NO.)
yeah folks, Trump is not a candidate, so you won’t hear him talking about any of this stuff. you know optics. it’s up to US, according to dave.
use your super citizen power to fight and round up all these evil doers!
what a load of garbage. trump conceded the 2020 election when he announced his 2024 run.
EVEN IF HE DIDN”T SAY IT, you can’t be candidate for president AND president at the same time.
I T ‘ S N O T P O S S I B L E
but he did a nice thing, he undid AAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLL this Q bologna and made it false by conceding. If you’re still think this is all going to happen, AT THIS POINT, you’re an idiot! and brainwashed!
worse than the liberal media!
Thanks to you and your info, we now understand what Nan means when she says we will “leverage” against the scant majority in the house…leverage = extortion , blackmail , or worse to anyone who is compromised in any way…and you say there may be many…i am praying for the few who are trying to put us back in the right direction
Dave, by wife and I are retired and only have social security for income. We don’t have any money to help you with your efforts. Its a long story that doesn’t matter because God has total control and we trust in Him. Anyway, this comment is about you and not us. You are amazing with the way you put together the news and weave in your valid opinions. The first time someone shared X22 Report with me was amazing. At the time, I did not know that you were issuing reports nearly every day. I saved the video from YouTube and listened often because there was so much in the report, I needed multiple listens to take it all in. You nailed so many things correctly. I had never heard of Q. Later, I discovered that you publish reports daily. I have shared with multiple other people, who report that they never miss an episode either. I heard your back story in an interview published on Rumble. You and your family are incredible. I know it takes a lot of work to put together the video’s, let alone research like you do. I encourage you to keep up the most excellent work. I wish we could help financially but maybe a few words of encouragement will be enough to lift you up. We pray for you and “TrumpAndThePatriots” often. That’s all we have and we freely give it to you. Be well. Stay safe. Tim
Soon there will be no one associated with the Biden family who is not under indictment for every one of them. In an organization as large as this there will be no stone unturned. Even if they had not directly done the crimes they are accomplices and prosecution is coming.
This is MindWar, read this manual! First of a trilogy, followed by MindStar and then FindFar. By Col. Michael Aquino. We’re in it. Keep faith, it’s the one thing these psychopaths didn’t take into account about humanity – we Are Love. Blessings & gratitude Dave 🙏
You keep saying the deep state wants a civil war. Could you do a report on how this will benefit them and not the patriots?
Shapiro waited until after the election because he was running for Governor as a Democrat. And somehow he won!